Chapter 492 Avoidance
Because the eldest son had completely passed away, even his parents didn't care about him, Qi Chunxing couldn't bear it, so she came to Chu Qi's every day to cry.What he meant was that he wanted Chu Dashan to get Minglou back.I still want to live at home like before.

He also said that he would never let his brothers and sisters hold him back this time.

How could Chu Dashan have the ability to bring Minglou back, if Minglou won't come back alive, what else can he do, ask someone to tie him back?

They are all relatives, so he can't do that kind of cruelty to a junior!
Besides, his parents didn't find someone to tie up their son, so why let him be that villain.

So as long as Qi Chunxing came over, he would run away without a trace.

As soon as he ran away, Taohua and the others also ran away without a trace, leaving only the Chu Qi family who couldn't run away. Facing the cries of the clan sister, they didn't have any tricks at all, and they were simply powerless to parry.

Once Qi Chunxing left, Chu Qi quickly caught Taohua.

"It's all your ghost idea. Look, what should I do now? My aunt and I have always had a very good relationship. Although your aunt doesn't say it, she is very complaining about your troublesome things in her heart. "

"How can you blame me? Didn't they raise my son? If he doesn't obey, he will beat him up. They don't want to bear it, so they always force others to find a way for her. What's the reason for this? Could it be that cousin Minglou's life is oppressive? He is also unlucky for such a close parent."

"Shut up, Taohua." Chu Qi said angrily.Seeing the little girl pouting in disbelief, Chu Qi was also very helpless, "You, I know you love your big cousin, but this is their business.

We are not a family, and we usually complain when we get involved in this kind of thing. "

"If you complain, you can complain. We are real relatives. Why are you afraid of complaining? Mommy, look at their house. Uncle Mingli is also a smart person. Why is he doting on other children like his wife? Unwilling to oppress his eldest son in various ways?

Brother Minglou is the eldest son and direct grandson, but he can't bully others like this.My eldest brother in our family is also the eldest son, but you can see how well my eldest brother lives. "

In fact, the confusion in the Ming family stemmed from Mingli and his wife.

Because there are seven children in the family, the children all took their property and separated out after they became adults.Therefore, Mingli and his wife are dissatisfied with the eldest son who may occupy the largest property in the future.They want to divide their property into seven, and each child will get a share.

But Ming Daozong disagreed.

The bulk of the Ming family's property must be left to the eldest grandson, and it is [-]% of the total property.

It's not that Mingli and his wife don't understand their father's thoughts. They just don't like the eldest son. For the sake of other children, they try their best to hold the eldest son down. Anyway, you will have such property in the future, so why bother with your younger brothers and sisters? many.

Then a contradiction arises.

Minglou finally couldn't take it anymore and almost committed suicide.

But he was stopped by his grandfather, so Mingli and his wife didn't take it seriously.

They didn't feel numb until Minglou really flew away.

Minglou doesn't even want half of the spirit stone, and he doesn't even want to be the eldest son and grandson. Goodbye.

After Minglou left, the manager of the family's various industries fell to Mingli. Not only was he busier than before, but also because Mingli lavishly helped his children's families, resulting in a lot of losses in his family's properties.

Ming Daozong had beaten him several times, and had already warned him sternly that if he failed again, he would be replaced.

Anyway, Ming Daozong is not without anyone.

Reasonable and bitter, which one did the child ask him to refuse?

In the past, the work of offending people was done by Minglou, and he still accused Minglou of having no family affection, but now it fell into his hands. He had all the family affection, but lost a lot of property.His father is going to give him up.

The life was in dire straits, not as good as when Minglou was there.

In fact, he was not satisfied, and Ming Daozong was even more dissatisfied.

His only son, Mingli, is a very smart and stable person, very suitable to inherit his family business.He has the ability to double the family business.But if it is sensible, it is bad because he loves his children too much.

Pampering and pampering children will develop their selfish personality.Mingli has not yet discovered that his children are all one by one. He will fully understand the day when he is old and has no family property.

So Ming Lou left, except for Ming Daozong's objection at the beginning, he didn't care about it at other times.

Children take the initiative to go out for a walk, what's the matter?
Besides, his cousin was watching.

Chu Qi's family naturally knew that Minglou's going out to make troubles was the best way out for the child, but her sister Qi Chunxing couldn't see clearly.

"Then you really can't get Minglou back?"

"Why do you get it back? Continue to hold your breath and treat your younger brothers and sisters like cows and horses? If our family also has such a good brother and sister, then who is willing to be a Minglou, anyway, I don't think the eldest brother will be happy." Taohua road.

"I won't be happy either." Qing Mei also walked in and said.When she was outside the house, she heard her mother and younger sister talking about the Ming family.

"But your elder brother is the eldest son and direct grandson of our family, and will account for [-]% of the family's property in the future." Chu Qi said angrily.

"It seems that we have no hands and feet, and we can't do anything. Even if you don't give me a dowry, mother, I can live well."

Taohua also nodded.

"In the future, we will follow the elder brother to take advantage of it. That is the designated meeting. But we will never take advantage of the shameless cousins ​​of the Ming family. They are the ones who are greedy. In order to prevent my elder brother from owning the future 50 years of mining rights, selling mines to earn a lot of money, just like maggots entangled in it, sucking blood desperately. Not to mention destroying the mine, it also made Minglou earn one-seventh of the money uneasy. If I were Minglou, I would It's already blown my lungs."

After hearing what her sister said, Taohua continued to nod.

The Chu Qi family didn't know that the matter of the Ming family was indeed the same.But her elder sister didn't listen to her, so she pretended not to understand her, what could she do?
"Then tell me, how to solve this matter, I can't stand your aunt always coming to the house."

"Mom, you should avoid going out, let daddy take you to Yanbo Island, which our family has almost repaired, to play for a while. When my aunt comes a few times and finds that you are not there, she will understand what you mean." Taohua As soon as he said that, Chu Qi patted her on the back a few times angrily.

"Then your uncle hates me to death?"

"She's a strong man. If she's capable, she'll bring her eldest son back." Tao Hua said indifferently.

In the matter of Minglou, Taohua intervened with good intentions at the beginning, but it has evolved into the current situation, and the parents who have good intentions or bad intentions don't necessarily think much about it.

Chu Qi finally sighed and decided to leave.

(End of this chapter)

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