The rebirth of God's boss

Chapter 493: Chujia Town Renamed Ziyang

Chapter 493: Chujia Town Renamed Ziyang
So when Qi Chunxing came again, no one could find her.

She was so angry that the sister and cousin of this family were not happy to see her even face to face.

Turning around, she complained and complained and told her man about the matter. Mingli was silent for a moment before saying to his wife, "Don't always go to Qi Zhenzhu in the future. You can get Minglou back if you find someone else? It's impossible, it's Minglou who doesn't want to come back."

"But if it wasn't for their family's Taohua insisting on supporting Minglou to go out, why couldn't Minglou come back?" Qi Chunxing said angrily.

"Why did Minglou go out and not come back? Don't you know the reason?" Mingli looked at her and said with a sigh.

"I..." How could Qi Chunxing not know the reason, "I just feel that the other children owe them a debt."

"But when you bet on Minglou to benefit other children and make up for our debts, have you ever thought about what Minglou thinks in his heart? Is he willing?"

"Whether he likes it or not, we are still his parents." Qi Chunxing said confidently.

"Yes, we are still his parents, but he can leave us all behind. He has his own little family now, and will have his own children in the future, so he won't take us seriously."

"How come, he is the eldest son and direct grandson." Qi Chunxing was a little timid.

"But he doesn't want the eldest son and grandson anymore. He asked us to find his second brother and be the eldest son and grandson."

"What?" Qi Chunxing lost her composure when she heard her husband's words. "The second child has no ability to support our family at all."

"It seems that you also know that you are so pampering and pampering to the second child, but you are strict with the boss. If you say that the boss doesn't hate and blame you in his heart, I don't believe it."

Qi Chunxing's face turned pale instantly.

"Of course, it's the same for me. As soon as the children cry and beg, I will promise them anything. If Minglou is not happy, then he is not happy. Anyway, I am happy to meet the children's various requests. Then Minglou also Then I started to hate and complain about me. I know it all, I thought, I will take you out for a tour of the Song Dynasty after a while, and leave the family affairs to Minglou, so that he can fully establish his authority and teach others a lesson. Those greedy kids.

But who would have thought that Minglou jumped out of the Ming family directly after receiving Taohua's persuasion!

He is now on White Crab Island, and he has formed a small caravan with a group of other casual cultivators who have little relationship.

In a few years, he won't be interested in our family business anymore.

Ahem, maybe he doesn't like it now. "

Mingli is like a mirror in his heart, it is impossible for Minglou to come back.Instead of taking charge of an ancestral family business with his parents and grandpa, who doesn't know how much will be left in the future, the high-spirited Minglou would rather earn every penny by himself.

Then he piled up his own career kingdom.

Among the third-generation heirs of the Ming family, Minglou is the most capable and most like the old man.

Ming Lou wanted to go out by himself a long time ago, if he and the old man hadn't suppressed him, he would have left long ago.Peach Blossom's words, but played the role of an introduction.Probably the old man also knew that if he suppressed Minglou again, that kid would be ruined, so he chose to let go.

Mingli has a bit of a headache. His remaining four sons are not very good, not to mention their talents, their personalities... they are all a bit sad.

Two daughters, after getting married, they will be facing his husband's family, which makes it difficult for him to hand over the property to his daughter.

"Why don't we have another young son while we are young, and discipline him well this time."

Qi Chunxing's frightened eyes stared round, "How old am I, what else is there to give birth to? Grandsons are older than sons?"

"Ahem, Xiao Wu of Chu's family is much younger than his nephews, and he's living a good life." Mingli said.

Several rooms away, Ming Daozong put down the pen he was holding in his study in the study, and he swore that he didn't deliberately eavesdrop on his son talking to his daughter-in-law.But these two... just made him drunk.

It's really bad.

It's no wonder that the good Minglou made them almost ruin it.Forget it, he doesn't care, wait until they install it on the south wall.

However, it seems that the family's property cannot be handed over to Mingli.

Ming Daozong secretly decided to gradually transfer part of the family's business, and let Minglou take care of it outside.

The newly built new city of Chu Dashan's family on Yanbo Island is almost completed.Moreover, part of the Chu family's workshops have been relocated here.Shiro's workshop area annexed the original medicine refining workshop area, and his family's workshop area now occupies the largest area and employs the most labor in the entire Xiantaozhuang.

But it also caused some inconvenience.

Such as noise, such as noise, such as the worst environment and sanitation...

As a result, Ome kept finding fault, and Shiro said that I was so uncomfortable.

As a result, just after the completion of the workshop area in the new city, Shiro led a large group of people to relocate many workshops that Ome had repeatedly complained about to the new city.

Without Chu Qingmei here, he was finally able to live in peace.

Of course, the vacated area of ​​the original workshop area can also open some refining projects that will not cause Ome to complain.

Since the new city is put into use, what about the name of the new city?
Chu Dashan came here with his wife and faced such a difficult problem. After thinking hard for several days, Chu Dashan gave the answer. "Should I be called Tao Yang?"

Tao Tong Tao, and pottery is also a tool.

The Taoyang workshop area was opened first, and the workshop area occupied half of the entire new city.Not to mention, the name Tao Yang is really acceptable.

So the new city of the Chu family has its own name, Tao Yang.

Tao Yang and the construction team only have a thousand people, but it is indeed a city, and it already has a name.

The Chu family town in that family has a population of more than [-].

"Why don't you go back and change Chujia Town to Ziyang?" Chu Dashan discussed with his wife and daughter.

"Father, you can change whatever you want," Tao Hua said.

"Chang it. I've asked people. There are two Chu family towns in Changyang. If our family is in Chu family town, there will be three. Maybe there will be a fourth one in the future." Due to the rise of the Chu family It is really easy for a well-developed branch of the Chu family to change from the original Zhuangzi to the Chu family town.

So Chujia Town has a bit too much name.

"Okay, then change it." Chu Dashan made a decision in one go.In this way, Chujia Town officially changed its name to Ziyang, and changed from a small town to a city.That area is a small town, but it is also a serious city.

"Changing the town to a city, do we have to report to Chu Shinian and the others?" Chu Dashan suddenly remembered that someone seemed to be in charge of changing his own town to a city.

"It should be a matter of reporting a tax rate change." Taohua thought for a while.

(End of this chapter)

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