The rebirth of God's boss

Chapter 494 Taoyang New City on Yanbo Island

Chapter 494 Taoyang New City on Yanbo Island
In fact, Chujia Town has long been a small town, and its management has also changed towards a city early.

The only thing is that the original tax rate is the tax rate of the town, which is slightly lower than the tax rate of the city. After changing to the city, the tax rate will become higher.

"What about Chujiafang City? Let's change the name too." Tao Hua said.

"Then it's called Xiao Ji Shan Fangshi." Chu Dashan said directly for convenience. "Anyway, that place was originally called Xiaoji Mountain."

"It's ok. Well, it's not good to have a big family, all kinds of duplicate names." Tao Hua said.

"Why does someone have the same name as our Chujiafang City?" Chu Dashan asked in astonishment.

"Not now, maybe in the future." Taohua thought for a while.After all, several branches of the Chu family are quite powerful.

Chu Dashan rolled his eyes directly, "Impossible, our house has been changed to Xiaojishan Fangshi."

Well, this time changing the terrain, Xiao Ji Shan has also become a little bigger.In the future, Xiaojishanfang City is estimated to be even more famous.

Taohua followed with a smile and said, "Father, Taoyang is almost completed. What do you think about our dock area? I think it is a bit far away from Taoyang, and Taoyang's location is also a bit high from the coast."

Although they are all small towns near the sea, Taoyang is located on a small plain behind a rocky mountain.

Behind the narrow and long valley cut out by the rushing stream on the side of the reef mountain is the location of the wharf that the Chu family plans to build.

As soon as he mentioned his wharf area, Chu Dashan frowned a little, "The land is too small, and the wharf can't be repaired to a large extent. I think it can be used by myself in the future. In addition, our reef mountain is too obstructive. With it There is a big wind and big waves on the sea, and we will not be able to find Taoyang. But we are unlucky when we transport something in the dock area, and we have to transport it across streams and canyons like slopes. I think it is a worry.

In the future, the transportation cost will be very high. It is estimated that merchants are not willing to come to Taoyang. It is different to go by sea, and it is too far to go by land. "

"Father, I think the stream is fast-moving, but it's not small. It's about ten feet wide. Let the fourth brother design a small French boat that can paddle across the water and even fly a little. It doesn’t need to be operated by monks, but ordinary people can use it. At that time, we can open a Dharma boat rental company in the city, and it will be fine if we rent it to the city residents.” Taohua said.

It is also a matter of carrying a flying array, Taohua thinks that her fourth brother can definitely do it.

There is no need to load more or quick formations, even the spirit wood only needs one keel, and ordinary wood can be used for the rest.

This kind of small broken boat will be very cheap when it comes out early.

"Then I'll go back and ask your fourth brother if it's okay." Chu Dashan thought for a while.

"If small wooden boats can be built, then our dock area can be made bigger."

"Look for a geographer and a formation master to design it, make a seabed bulge or something, expand the dock area, and make a small town more appropriate." Taohua said.

"Small Zhuangzi is fine, what kind of small town?" Chu Dashan said speechlessly.

"It's better to be a town. Build more houses and yards. They can also provide accommodation for fishermen, boatmen, and passing merchants. Anyway, there is only a long and narrow coast on the reef mountain. It can develop farming industry."

"Girl, you are really stupid. You don't believe in land, and there are ocean plants. The sea water here is not deep, and the transparency is good. You can grow many sea plants. For example, sea eggplant, sea fish fruit, deep sea giant coconut fruit and so on." Chu Dashan Said triumphantly.

Taohua looked at her father in surprise, "Father, how do you know so many underwater spiritual plants?" Whether it's sea eggplants, fish fruits, or deep sea giant coconuts, they are all improved low-level underwater spiritual plants from Shenting.

"I learned from Guo Peng. I asked him what kind of undersea spiritual plants are better to grow on the coast of our house, and he introduced these kinds to me." Chu Dashan laughed.

"Then did he say when he would bring the seeds of these sea spirit plants over?"

"After a while, he said he has asked someone to bring it over." Chu Dashan said.Taohua immediately understood that after the mainland-level animism, Shenting will inevitably have more forces and people.This side of the world looks tough, but if the third-order fusion wants to strengthen its own origin, it must let go of some restrictions.

Those speculators in Shenting will not let go of this great opportunity.

So Yun'an Continent will soon be a mess, Tao Hua thought with a smile.

"Then we'll wait for his seabed spiritual plant."

"So, let's build a town. This piece of coastline is long, and the bottom of the sea is not too deep from the sea surface, only a few hundred meters deep." For a monk, at this depth, anyone with a second or third level of access to the meridian is enough. You can stroll back and forth a few times. "But at this depth, if you encounter a super-large sea ship, you will not be able to get through."

"Of course ordinary boats can't pass, but legal boats can be designated." Taohua said indifferently. "Without water, people can fly over. As long as the parking space is big enough, why can't people stay?"

Well, you win.Our family can still build a town, and it will be done in one step, and it is not short of that little money.

Chu Dashan thought about it for a while, and then made up his mind.

After deciding how to repair the dock area, the three members of the Chu family went on a trip in the city again.

The Ten Rhyme Peach Blossom Formation has already begun to be planted.The Lingzhi husbands from the Chu family urged the saplings of peach blossoms.The little saplings didn't even grow to the palm of a human being, only the palm height of a baby.

But the people are quite green, and it looks good in pieces.

Other ling jujube saplings and ling chestnut saplings also began to be urged, and the things grown in Chu Dashan were always good and lacked seedlings.

The seeds that cannot be grown are directly deducted, and another one is replanted.

Even the Lingzhi husbands of the main line had seen the spiritual fruit tree fields of the Chu family, and they all ran to beg their Lingzhi husbands to help the main line's spiritual fruit tree fields, elixir fields, and spiritual grain fields. Plant it.

The germination rate of the low-level spiritual plants they collected was too low. It would be a fluke to reach [-]%, and some places didn't even have a germination rate of [-]%.

The Lingzhi husbands of the Chu family reported the matter to Chu Dashan.Chu Dashan naturally agreed, anyway, it is just replanting, how many days can the replanting be done?
But this will have to wait until all the spiritual plants in their family are planted.

Later, Chu Shinian also found out about this, so he sent someone to discuss with Chu Dashan, and he sent someone over to entrust Chu Dashan to train some Lingzhi husbands who knew the small magic of the Chu family.

Of course, one person gave 60 yuan of Lingshi entrusted training fee.

Chu Dashan was naturally happy.

Anyway, he has already trained the Zhang family and the Guo family.

At least thirty or forty good apprentices were sent away.

It's not a big deal to have another person from the main line, anyway, it's not him who trains the little magic, but his old son.

(End of this chapter)

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