The rebirth of God's boss

Chapter 495 The Lotus Jade Pendant That Can Suppress Qi Luck

Chapter 495 The Lotus Jade Pendant That Can Suppress Qi Luck

Speaking of the small spells of the Chu family, they are really powerful.After the clansmen sent by the Guo family to learn the little magic of the Chu family went back, they thoroughly carried forward the little magic of rooting and sprouting.At least the high-level spiritual plants planted by the Guo family no longer have to worry about the emergence of seedlings.

All can germinate.

As for whether he can continue to survive in the end, it can only be said to be unknown.

But at any rate, if the seedlings can emerge, they will pass the first difficult hurdle.

As for the number of Lingzhi in the Guo family has increased several times.

The other one is the small cloud and rain technique.

The little cloud and rain technique can really make up for the lack of spiritual energy in the spiritual field.And in addition to watering the family with spiritual rain, you can also open a small field in your own yard and plant low-level spiritual plants yourself. There is no problem without spiritual veins or spiritual land.As long as you can use the little cloud and rain technique every day, the spiritual plants will still grow.

Just work harder.

Seeing that the small spells learned this time are so good, as long as the Guo family has Mizuki spiritual roots, they will learn the small spells from the Chu family, and the result is very happy.

A bunch of people study, but few can learn.

Only those with outstanding talent and great perseverance can learn it.

The problem is that you are just some small spells learned by low-level Ling Zhifu. What do you think you have set such a high threshold?
So people kept complaining about Guo Peng's illness. What's the point of bringing home such a small spell that the whole family can't learn.

Guo Pengxin said, I also want to complain that you all have high-mindedness and low-handedness, and you are stupid with strong mouth.

It was the ancestor of the Guo family, the old Guo who had been in seclusion for many years, came out of the seclusion, and told the truth for Guo Peng. "From these rumored small spells, it can be seen that this is a set of extremely profound and complete inheritance, and he is not a simple Lingzhi husband.

This set of small spells should have follow-up advanced spells, right? "

The grandfather of this branch of Guo Peng's family, the one who helped Guo Peng bring back the small spell, hurried out to report to his old ancestor. "There should be, but they don't plan to release it. I heard that there is an advanced version of this little cloud and rain technique called Hanging Clouds and Rain.

It is very powerful, and it can rain for a quarter of an hour at a time, covering an area of ​​hundreds of acres. "

"It's amazing." The old ancestor opened his eyes wide in astonishment. "According to the power of this advanced change, after a few more advances, this rain spell will evolve into a supernatural power."

Cough cough cough...

The elders in power of the Guo family coughed in horror, and all of them looked at their ancestors with incredible expressions.


"It's just a small spell. Where can it be so clever?"

"It's absolutely impossible."

"Old Ancestor, you praise them too much."

Seeing the excitement of the crowd, Guo Patriarch couldn't help being overjoyed. "That world was originally a part of my divine court. It's not surprising that there are some ancient inheritances. Our family is lucky. Only a few people have gone down, and there are such gains. It's not bad.

Our Guo family itself started by risking our lives to explore the new world. It can be passed down to this day because our Guo family has never been proud and complacent. chance.

Now it's just a set of wonderful spiritual planting spells sent back by the juniors, how did it arouse your enthusiasm? "

All the elders of the Guo family fell silent.

Yes, it's just a small spell, and it's not like I haven't obtained more precious opportunities before.

"I guess it's probably because you have also faintly felt the difference of this small spell. Let the juniors of the Guo family continue to follow up. If there is a chance, let them strive for a complete inheritance. Song Bian put my Send down a lotus jade pendant that suppresses luck."



The elders all exclaimed in disapproval.

"There are more and more opportunities down there. There are places where you can't get in if you are not a child of luck, and some things you can't get if you are not a child of luck." Old Ancestor Guo said lovingly, "It is useless for me to hold this jade pendant. It is the right way to give it to the juniors to compete for opportunities."

In addition to visiting Taoyang City with her parents, Taohua also took her parents to White Crab Island to see her elder brother Chu Shiluo and her cousin Minglou.Ming Lou's new wife is called Yang Siniang.

She speaks brightly and is quick to do things. When she sees her, she looks like a female warrior who has been in the arena for many years.

This type is someone else's daughter-in-law, even a mother-in-law is happy.To be one's own daughter-in-law, even the Chu Qi family has to weigh it.When she turned around, she arrested Chu Shiluo, and interrogated her fiercely if there was any woman she admired. She must show your parents first before making an engagement, and explained it carefully several times.

He looked as if he was afraid that his son would also marry a female soldier for him.

But Chu Shiluo couldn't laugh or cry.

His aesthetics are really different from his cousin's, and he doesn't appreciate female warriors either.

In fact, there is nothing wrong with being a younger brother and sister Yang Siniang, but her similar sincerity is not his style.

Chu Qi's family is also very good to Yang Siniang. When they meet, they can talk all kinds of good things, and give them all the gifts that should be given.They didn't make any fuss just because the two juniors got married by themselves.

Anyway, it's someone else's wedding, so you can tie it as you like.

With Chu Qi's comparison, Yang Siniang was even more speechless towards her mother-in-law.

But she won't say it out, so why bother everyone when she says it?She is not the kind of unsophisticated person, she knows that she was born as an orphan, and she let Ming Lou decide on her own, and arranged the marriage without informing her parents.

It's normal for her husband's family to have some opinion of her.It will be fine when the baby is born in my womb.

Although Yang Siniang is still early in the month, she is already planning to set up a home on White Crab Island.

Although there are battles every day on White Crab Island, there is also a safe area where you can stay, do business and so on.There is also a stall market that I have established myself.But the big shops here are all on board.Most of them are all kinds of building boats, even the accommodation is on the building boats, and all kinds of services are available.

The markets on White Crab Island are all built in a simple camp, and most of them are stone houses.Or go directly to the stall.

Although the conditions are simple, there are a lot of people selling war power.

Many peddlers are not even monks, but young and strong mortals with some force.

Taohua is free and takes her mother to visit Fangshi, a camp on the shore next to her accommodation boat.Not long after shopping, a jade-colored transparent ointment about the size of a human head caught her attention.

"What is this?" Taohua pulled Chu Qishi over and asked.

The owner of the stall displaying the jade-colored transparent ointment was a thin old man.As soon as he saw his wife's clothes, he immediately became energetic.

(End of this chapter)

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