The rebirth of God's boss

Chapter 496 5-color coral coral jade pendant

Chapter 496 Five-Color Coral Jade Pendant

"This is a rare treasure of the deep sea. It was dug out of the deep sea by my son." The old man boasted without changing his face.

Taohua was happy when she heard it.

"What kind of treasure, it looks like the saliva secreted by some kind of animal. If you go to find those alchemists, you may be able to give you a good price. But the deep sea treasure, I don't think you can buy the deep sea treasure. treasure price."

Tao Hua's words only embarrassed the old man for a moment, and he immediately replied with a smile, "What price can you offer, little lady?"

"What price do you plan to sell?" Taohua asked.

"400 yuan spirit coins."

"Okay." Taohua pretended to leave without saying anything, but was stopped by the old man. "Hey, let me think about it, these four hundred spirit coins are a bit small, I still have six hundred spirit coins."

Taohua looked at him speechlessly.

The old man laughed.

"Okay then, just six hundred."

"Then seven hundred." Seeing that Taohua agreed again, the old man planned to change his words again.

"Why don't you keep it for yourself." Tao Hua said speechlessly.She planned to drag his mother away.

"Hey, little lady, don't go, don't go. Six hundred spirit coins are sold to you." The old man saw with his own eyes that a buyer who had finally appeared was about to leave, so he hurriedly took the jade-colored ointment The bag was given to Peach Blossom.

Taohua paid six hundred spirit coins, and then took the piece of jade-colored paste.

"What is this ointment-like thing?" Chu Qi asked after pulling her daughter away.

"Go back and tell you." Taohua grinned.

When they got home, Chu Qi forgot about the whole thing.

Two days later, Taohua made several palm-sized jade pendants and came back, each with a pattern in the shape of a five-colored bug.

"What is this?" Chu Qi's Guo Taohua handed her a chubby worm jade pendant.

"This is a blessing jade pendant made from five-color coral polyp secretions and some chalcedony. Five-color coral polyps are also rare treasures on the bottom of the sea. It's done.

Cough cough, this bragging is a bit mysterious.

But luck is real.

Not only the five-color coral polyps, but even the secretions of the five-color coral polyps and the jade pendant made from chalcedony can bring some good luck.

Of course, in addition to good luck, it will also warn the owner if a fatal danger is imminent.

It's a nice gadget. "Peach Blossom said.

There are thousands of spiritual creatures in the deep sea, but the ones with luck and luck are extremely rare.Five-color coral polyps should be regarded as the most likely luck treasure insects to appear.

"Then can our family raise this kind of coral polyp?" Chu Qi suddenly asked on a whim.

"It can't be raised. The five-color coral polyp is a mutation of the deep-sea coral polyp. Only one or two two-color and three-color coral polyps can mutate out of several trillion coral polyps. It takes many, many years to mutate five-color coral polyps.

It is okay to refine this kind of five-color coral polyp jade pendant, but it is difficult to obtain one or more five-color coral polyp.Of course, dead ones are hard to come by. " Taohua explained to her own mother.

"Then you refined more five-color coral polyp jade pendants this time?" Chu Qi asked.

"I took a fist-sized piece, mixed it with a large piece of chalcedony in my hand, and refined a dozen pieces of this five-color coral jade pendant. I saved the rest of the five-color coral secretions." Taohua said .

"You missed it so much." Chu Qi said with a smile.

"Haha, that's me. Even if others take it, they don't know what use it is for." Taohua said triumphantly.

"Sure enough, Longshanfang City has reserved a shop for you to collect all kinds of antiquities. It is right. At least you have learned a lot of knowledge about cultivation." Chu Dashan walked in with his hands behind his back. Before he came in, he heard his wife and Daughter talk.

Five-color coral polyp jade pendant! ! !
This name has an imposing manner as soon as it is heard! !
"Girl, look at this. This is a treasure I just traded with someone. Look at what it is." Then Chu Dashan changed his face again, from a majestic parent to a wretched middle-aged man. Uncle Nian.

Then he handed a black stone ball to Taohua very obsequiously.

Taohua put the stone ball in her hand and examined it carefully.

"The seller told me that this stone ball is really unusual. Look at the weird black patterns on this stone ball..." Then Chu Dashan saw his daughter put her hands together, rubbing them together.Then the pattern on the stone ball fell off in a rustle.It became a black powder all over the place.

Then Peach Blossom continued rubbing, and before rubbing for a long time, the black ball turned into a dark blue turbid spar.

"What is this?" Chu Dashan asked back with a darkened face.He clearly realized he might have been duped.

"It should be a kind of seabed spirit stone. But the color is not very good, and there are many impurities. We don't have a refining furnace, otherwise, we can refine it, wash out the impurities, and get a few spirit coins." Peach Blossom thought about it.

"I bought this for five spirit stones." Chu Dashan gritted his teeth.

With a puff, Chu Qi laughed out loud.It makes you think about picking up leaks every day. Our daughter's picking up leaks is based on real skills. You are a fool who picks up leaks and has a lot of money, so you are directly treated as a big fat sheep.

Chu Dashan was so angry after hearing this.

That's what his wife said, if someone else said it, he would have to smash his dog's head.

"Father, you should ask the person who sold you the sea spirit stone. If it is easy to mine, the area is large, and it is also near the white crab island, then we will combine the main vein to mine it. At least we can refine a lot of spirit coins Woolen cloth.

Spirit coins are also money. "

The spirit stone veins on the bottom of the sea, if you see them popping up, dig them out.Otherwise, it's all for nothing in the end, Yaozu!
Besides, where there are spirit stone veins, there are spirit veins.

Spiritual stone veins are generally formed when the spiritual energy in the spiritual veins overflows and infects the surrounding stone veins.

"Father, you can also report to the main channel and ask them to collect it carefully. If they find any underwater spiritual veins, our family will be considered a meritorious service. At that time, the main channel will be embarrassed to take it all by itself." , it will do us some good." Chu Taohua's words completely entered Chu Dashan's heart.

Besides, he didn't have the ability to find the liar who cheated him on White Crab Island, so it's better to let the guys in the main line find it.

So Chu Dashan rushed out like burning his ass.

It took more than two hours before he walked back with a happy face.

"The main line is the main line. Sure enough, the liar and his accomplices were caught. They are asking where the group found the ore. If there is a spiritual line, the main line said that we will share it every year. Five-thousandth of the profit." Chu Dashan said with satisfaction and arrogance.

"That's not bad, I picked it up for nothing." Chu Qi said happily after hearing this.

"That's right, don't worry about anything, just collect the money when the time comes. The main line is doing well." Chu Dashan laughed loudly.

If they can form a spirit stone mine, then it is specified that there is, or there was a spirit vein in the past.Just like her family's five-element spirit vein, because the birth time is too short, no spirit stone mine has been born yet, but as long as a hundred years pass, the spirit stone mine will definitely be born.

(End of this chapter)

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