The rebirth of God's boss

Chapter 502 Burning the Mountain

Chapter 502 Burning the Mountain
"Ancient tea tree? I'm interested, but you have an ancient tea tree in your hand, why are you selling it to me? If you master the ancient tea tree, won't your village have a steady stream of good tea in the future?" Chu Dashan was puzzled ask.

Tea trees, especially ancient tea trees, are precious trees that can produce the best tea leaves. With the best tea leaves, you still worry about not being able to sell them for money and living a good life?
"It's not that we don't want to keep this batch of ancient tea trees, it's that we can't keep them." The man in the mountain said with a sad face, his face darkened.

"What's going on, tell me the reason?" Chu Dashan asked curiously.

"There are several wild tea forests near our village. Some of them are very old tea trees. The oldest ones are probably hundreds of years old and produce the best premium tea in our village." The other party proudly puffed out his chest. "Before the spiritual energy recovered, the premium tea in our village was sold at taels, 80 taels for one tael.

Every year our village can produce more than ten catties of premium tea.

But after the spiritual energy revived, those tea trees mutated.What the mutation looks like, you will know when I send it.In short, these ancient tea trees have been targeted by people, and they have repeatedly entered the mountains to dig up our ancient tea trees. "

"If it's just a strong tree, we won't grab it if we can't keep it. But those people want to kill everyone in our village in order to keep the secret of the ancient tea tree. We can't accept it." The man in the mountain said that the place was already full of anger. blushing.

"What? It's too much to kill you for a batch of tea trees." Chu Dashan said that I couldn't understand what this was thinking.

The man looked at him with pity, and almost cried bitterly without keeping Chu Dashan's head.Terrified, Chu Dashan subconsciously took a few steps away from the man. What are you doing? Why are you staring at me and acting like you want to protect me?

I am a loyal fan of my wife, and I will never fall in love with a man.

"Brother, we can't figure out what they are doing so viciously." The other party said. "So I thought, if there is no way, we will move the village. We will move away from the original place and take away the small tea saplings. We will be able to pick tea in a few years. When we can pick tea again Well, it would be nice to have a new merchant who buys tea."

"You plan to relocate the village, is it quite far away? That's why you plan to sell all the tea trees to me?" Chu Dashan looked at the other party in surprise and asked.

"Yes, that's what we plan to do. Our ancient tea trees have all mutated, and I think you specify what you want. As for the other tea trees, although they are a bit old, we took good care of them together and sold them in batches. If we give it to you, we can lower the price for you." The other party said.

Chu Dashan thought for a while and asked, "Are those tea trees easy to move?"

"I don't know either, you can ask someone to follow me to have a look." The man said.

Chu Dashan thought for a while, then asked someone to call Taohua and Qingmei and said that he wanted the two daughters to accompany him into the mountain.

The two girls didn't pack anything, and followed their father into the mountain with a small bag.

The terrain of Xiongshan has changed a lot, and the number of mountains has increased a lot.

But the village of the man in the mountain is not far from Xiantao Village.There are only six hills separated.After walking for a long time, in the afternoon, a group of people rushed to a small village in the mountains to have dinner at someone's house.

This small mountain village is hidden on a flat stone beam under the cliff.It is easy to defend and difficult to attack here, even if a group of monsters want to attack the village, it is not so easy.

Moreover, many watchtowers and arrow towers have been set up around the village.

There are also many burly patrols responsible for guarding the inside and outside of the village, and they really strictly observe the law.

Sister Taohua took a closer look, and it turned out that the people in this village were actually Liangbo.Yibo is relatively thin and weak, but he is very dexterous in walking on the slopes of mountains and forests, and he is also relatively vigilant.These should be the hunters in the original village.The other group of people looked like burly and sturdy fighters.

The shape of the face is also a mold-like square face, thick lips, and some fishy eyes.Not ugly, but definitely not handsome either.Especially looking around, with a square face.

It's just hot eyes!
Qingmei looked at her sister's depressed little expression, wanting to burst out laughing.

From her point of view, these big guys with square faces are actually not bad, they are also very simple, and their combat power looks good.

Of course, it is based on the selection criteria of the guards, and she will not comment on the others.

The big man who led Chu Dashan here is actually the head of this village.He simply led Chu Dashan to live in his yard.They also invited a few well-spoken and prestigious villagers from the village to come to accompany them, and invited Chu Dashan's family to dinner.

Although it was a simple meal, Chu Dashan's family did not dislike it.After all, their family is also from a farming family, and the food they used to eat was not as good as others.

When Taohua was young, the family conditions were pretty good. When Qingmei was young, the family had indeed endured hardships for several years, and it was not uncommon for them to eat whole grains every day.At that time, he wanted to save more money every day and start a few more family businesses.

His daughter-in-law and children have suffered a lot with him. Later, when he thought about it, the conditions at home began to improve.

"Brother Dashan, I'm sorry, I don't have anything good to entertain you." The big man said.

"Brother Dagui, you are already very good. These are monster meat. It is too polite to entertain our father and daughter." Chu Dashan also expressed his sincere thanks.

"Why don't you come here, how can I not treat you to something good?" The big man smiled. "Come on, let me introduce you to some good guys in our village. I'll take you up the mountain tomorrow to see those ancient tea trees. If you think it's okay, then we'll start digging in the afternoon."

"No, no, if I think those batches of ancient tea trees are okay, I'll ask someone to come and dig them." Chu Dashan hastily rejected it. What a joke, if these people were to dig, they would probably have finished digging all the trees.

When he came back home, a group of Lingzhi husbands came to drive the ancient tea trees to jump out of the soil, and then sealed them in a jade box to take them away, wouldn't it be good?

He is no longer the ordinary person he was back then. Back then, when he dug a batch of green mountain peaches, he almost destroyed a batch of trees.He won't do those stupid things anymore.Now he has a better way to transplant.The key is that this batch of tea trees must make him fancy.

He, Chu Dashan, is not willing to accept any tree.Especially a batch of trees that might cause him trouble.

"It's so troublesome for you to send someone over here. I have a lot of people here. When the time comes, if you like that tree, I'll send someone to dig it. If you don't want the rest, I can't take it away. I'll just burn the mountain." It's over."

(End of this chapter)

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