The rebirth of God's boss

Chapter 503 The Yu Family Cultivator from Another World

Chapter 503 The Yu Family Cultivator from Another World
"Who on earth has taken a fancy to your ancient tea tree?" Chu Dashan couldn't help asking.

"Well, this person was pretty good before. He cooperated with our village and bought a lot of top-quality tea and top-grade tea in our village. The price he gave was much higher than that offered by tea merchants outside the mountain. If we can Naturally, I am happy to cooperate with him all the time.

It's a pity that he just changed a master.His master heard that we have mutated ancient tea trees here, and he was like a madman, so he sent people over to threaten us to sell the trees, and secretly sent people to assassinate the hunting team going out of our village.

Eight or nine of us have died for that madman. "The head of Dagui became very angry when he mentioned that lunatic. "That lunatic is simply not a human being, but a beast." "

After hearing this, Chu Dashan couldn't help complaining, "Why did you meet such a person?"

"Those high-ranking cultivators have never regarded us mortals and low-ranking monks as human beings." A middle-aged man with a square face said proactively.

When the big man looked at that face, he knew that he was merged into the village later.

In this era, it is difficult to live in the original place, and it happens from time to time that villages and clans migrate long distances to other places, and then merge into the local existence.

Old Chuzhuang was also merged into the Orion Village of the Yuan Clan. It is not surprising that this mountain village took in people from other villages.These are the people who look a little too much alike.

"Brothers, are you from the same clan? You all look alike." Chu Dashan looked at the man and then at the square faces beside him.

"Haha, our surname is Yu, and my name is Yu Guanghai." Yu Guanghai laughed.To be honest, at first glance, Chu Dashan looked like a new patriarch who grew up from an ordinary mortal.He didn't have the look of those cultivators that Yu Guanghai had seen before, who completely regarded ordinary people as ordinary beasts.

This is also the representative of the new monks here.

Strictly speaking, the people led by Yu Guanghai are not from this world.It has been more than two years since they came to this world. At the beginning, everyone did not realize that they and others had come to a new world.

Later, after going out of the mountain to inquire, I learned about the situation in the nearby cultivation world.Only then did they confirm that they and others had been transported to a new world.

At least the recovery of spiritual energy or something has never happened in their world.Their world has always been the low spirit world.The monks have a hard time, and it happens from time to time that they kill each other for a piece of spiritual material or fruit.

And although this world has just recovered its aura, its products are really rich.Hundreds of years of wild medicinal materials, endless monsters, and many newly born elixir.If it wasn't for finding out that the water in the whole world is too deep, and there are monk forces outside the realm coveting.Maybe their Yu family has already invited the clansmen to occupy a large area of ​​land and grow their family.

It's a pity that there are too many powerful people in this sect, such as the hidden family, the hidden sect, the extraterritorial gods, and the monster clan, psychic monsters, etc.Their little Yu family didn't dare to take the lead at this time.

"Our Yu family also has many monks. I heard that your Chu family is also a monk family?" Yu Guanghai was very curious about this well-known Chu Dashan.

The rise of the Chu Dashan family is more miraculous than what is written in many story books.

It is unbelievable in the eyes of these people that a simple peasant family has grown into a large Lingzhi family in just a few years.In their original place, except for those big forces with rich heritage, there is no family that can control Lingzhi.

"We are a family of monks. At most, many people in the whole family have practiced exercises and become monks. But now there are too many people who have become monks. You can see monks almost everywhere. Every family on our side has monks. In some families, the whole family is monks."

What Chu Dashan said is true, whether it is the current Ziyang, or Xiantaozhuang, Xintangzhuang, and Mingyue Palace, there is no shortage of monks.

Especially in Ziyang, where the casual cultivators are almost concentrated.

After hearing this, Yu Guanghai said with envy in his eyes, "It's too easy to become a monk here." If it was changed to their previous world, it would be very difficult for you to obtain a inheritance that can be introduced.At least it takes a lot of money to pay.

If you have a sense of Qi at the beginning, it is very difficult to cultivate to the first level of Tongmai Realm. If you practice alone, the meager spiritual energy there can hold you back for at least five or six years before you can reach the first level of Tongmai.If you don't want to waste so much time, you can only look for resources like a method, and then sell them in exchange for various panacea for improving cultivation.

"There are also many kinds of pills here, and the effects are very good. My son spent a lot of money to get me a Yuzhi Dan. After I took it, I was promoted from the sixth level of Tongmai to the seventh level of Tongmai." You know Although Yu Guanghai looks young, he is actually over 60 years old. If there is no Yuzhi Pill, he feels that his cultivation will be like this.

Now he is working hard to raise his sons and grandchildren.

"Then if you are short of elixir, if the ancient tea tree is good, we can also pay with elixir. For example, that Yuzhi elixir." Chu Dashan thought for a while.

"What?" Dagui Village Chief and several village elders said in surprise.

"What?" Yu Guanghai and the others said in astonishment.

"I mean, you can use Yuzhi Pill instead of silver taels, or spiritual coins to pay the bill. Because Yuzhi Pill is small and easy to carry." Chu Dashan said.

Cough cough cough, Yu Guanghai, village chief Dagui and others all looked at him sadly.

If you want to say that you can get a large amount of Yuzhi Dan, you should tell us earlier.

"It's just Yuzhi Pill." Chu Dashan felt apprehensive, saying that you should not look at me so enthusiastically.Your burning eyes seem to set me on fire.

"Patriarch Chu, can you really get a lot of Yuzhi Pills?" Dagui Village Chief asked again.

"Yeah, our family used spirit fruit and elixir medicine. We planted a lot of elixir. The Yuzhi pill needs a lot of green wood ganoderma to be used as medicine. Our family happens to plant a lot of green wood ganoderma." The key is that the green wood ganoderma grows too fast, Too much.

Every one or two months, we have to quickly harvest a crop.Otherwise, there would be no chance for more small ganoderma to emerge from the ground.

"So that's how it is." Village head Dagui, Yu Guanghai and others all showed a look of understanding.

It turns out that they are raw material suppliers, no wonder they can get a lot of Yuzhi Dan.

"Is there any high-grade Yuzhi Dan?" Yu Guanghai asked.

"Brother Yu, are you talking about the top-grade Yuzhi Pill?" Chu Dashan asked.

"Yes. It's the first-grade top-grade Yuzhi pill. I heard that this kind of Yuzhi pill is rarely released, and every time it is released, it is sold out."

(End of this chapter)

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