The rebirth of God's boss

Chapter 505 Shall I move the whole village to Xintang

Chapter 505 Shall I move the whole village to Xintang

The problem is that the Chu family thinks there is no problem, but the people in the village have problems.They planned to sell a large number of ancient tea trees to the Chu family from the very beginning.One reason is that they don't want to be cheap, some guys who always want to get ancient tea trees by crooked ways.

In fact, to be honest, if the other party really paid a high price to buy the ancient tea tree, instead of threatening them to sell the ancient tea tree at the price given by those people, maybe they would have sold the ancient tea tree long ago.

After all, they didn't know how these ancient tea trees would mutate, and they didn't know that they were still small mutated branches of Dao Dao tea.Even if it is not the main Dao tea, it is still a very well-known spiritual tea.

But the price those people gave was too low, only two hundred taels of silver for an ancient tea tree.

Who is this trying to dismiss?
If it weren't for worrying about the old and young in the village, to be honest, they wouldn't even want to move.

Now, although everyone knows that the ancient tea tree is a powerful mutant spiritual tea.But everyone is still not ready to keep them, or not too many.

The main thing is that everyone knows that if you want to mutate Fanzhi into Lingzhi, you need the support of spiritual energy or spiritual veins.

They exist and have no spiritual veins...

So the village chief and the elders of the village, the village elders discussed for a whole day and night.

Village head Dagui and Yu Guanghai walked up to Chu Dashan wearily. "We have negotiated. We will keep the three oldest mother trees for the ancient tea trees. The other ancient tea trees will be sold to you, as well as more than 6000 old new tea trees that have been planted in our village for more than two hundred years. , also sold to you. They are also mutated, but the mutation is not obvious yet."

After hearing the words of village head Dagui, Chu Dashan was speechless. "I'm afraid your village has been relying on selling tea to support the villagers in the past hundred or two hundred years. Now that you have sold all these tea trees, how do you plan to live in the future?"

"Then you can't keep it if you keep it, and you can't raise it. What's the use of keeping it?" Dagui Village Chief said weakly.

He is not reconciled either.

However, the only Lingzhi husband in the Yu family said that each ancient tea tree needs at least thousands of spirit stones in order to completely mutate this kind of mutated plants.Those are spirit stones, not spirit coins.And the new tea trees planted by the people in other villages using tea tree seeds have also started to mutate one after another. These new tea trees also need a lot of spirit stones to support them to successfully mutate.

And if the mutation is unsuccessful in the end, all the mutated plants will die, and the spirit stones that everyone invested in before will be completely in vain.

This is a business that consumes spirit stones in vain, and the risk is very high. At least with so many trees, the spirit stones consumed are not something they can afford.

Even the Chu family would not dare to buy so many mutated tea trees in their village if they did not have spiritual veins.

"The only Lingzhi husband in our village said that the most suitable way for our village now is to keep the mother tree and try our best to keep the mother tree transformed into a spirit plant. I will talk about the rest later. And our villagers have saved a lot of tea tree seeds The days will be better in the future, and we can replant the tea trees, and if the tea trees still mutate, then we can give it a go and let the tea trees in our hands mutate."

After hearing the words of Dagui Village Chief, Chu Dashan pondered for a moment before looking at his little girl.

Taohua also frowned slightly.

"There are too many tea trees planted in your village."

"Actually, it would be better if we didn't plant so many tea trees, or if so many tea trees didn't mutate collectively. In that case, we wouldn't be so regretful." Village Chief Dagui smiled bitterly.That smile was particularly sad and heavy.

This is like a family with nothing but four walls, but my daughter-in-law gave birth to four sons.

Originally, if such a happy event was placed in a rich family, it would be auspicious for the family to take off from then on.But it would be as sad and tragic as cutting flesh on the poor father.

None of the four sons could support him, so all four were sent away, or three had to be sent away to support the last son.

How uncomfortable this must be for parents! !
The old village chief in their village was originally a very energetic little old man, but after hearing the truth about the mutation of the tea tree last night, his hair completely turned white overnight, and he lost his spirit all of a sudden, especially depressed.

The old man led the villagers to plant tea trees all his life, and he led the villagers to plant most of the more than 6000 tea trees.

"How many people are there in your village?" Chu Dashan asked suddenly.

"We now have more than 3000 people in the whole village," Dagui said.

"Why don't you all move to Xintang Village over there. There are mountains and water nearby, and there is plenty of sunshine, which is very suitable for planting tea trees. If you move the whole village there, these tea trees will still be yours, as long as you put them every year. Just collect the new tea and sell it to our family." Chu Dashan gave them advice.

Village head Dagui smiled obviously happily, then lowered his face in frustration.

"We can't do that. We discussed it last night. Only when these tea trees are in your family's hands and truly belong to your family, can your Chu family spend a lot of spirit stones to really make them mutate and become spirits." Zhi survived.

No one is stupid, who is willing to do things at a loss? "

Dagui Village Chief said with jealousy, "Everyone once thought about taking all the tea trees with them, and in the end they lived as long as they could, and died as soon as they died, but the original village head uncle of our village who led everyone to plant tea trees back then disagreed.

He said that we planted these tea trees, these tea trees are like our family and children these years, we cannot watch them die.We should fulfill them and give them a chance to survive. "

After hearing these words, Chu Dashan sighed deeply.

"If not, the tea trees are mine, and I'll hire you to continue to take care of them. You can move the whole village to Xintangzhuang, where you can rent spiritual fields, do business and open workshops, and you will move to Xintangzhuang. Those who have been pestering you probably don't dare to continue harassing you.

Is it better than you moving to the mountains again and living a precarious life like hunting? "

Chu Dashan's words moved Village Chief Dagui again.

Chu Dashan offered good terms, did he agree, or did he agree, or did he agree?

"Then can we discuss it again?"

"Okay, you guys continue to discuss. Come discuss it with me after you've discussed it." Chu Dashan had an expression that I don't mind at all, you guys just discuss it.

The head of Dagui took Yu Guanghai and left again. Before leaving, Yu Guanghai took a deep look at Chu Dashan.

"Why do you think he looks at me like that?" Chu Dashan asked puzzled.

(End of this chapter)

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