The rebirth of God's boss

Chapter 506 points

Chapter 506 points

Qingmei was almost speechless about her father's slowness.

"Father, did you really not see it, or pretended not to see it?"

"My daughter, what do you mean?" Chu Dashan looked at his daughter suspiciously.

"You can see that Yu Guanghai's family has settled in this village, but this village is obviously not as powerful as the Yu family. It won't take long for the Yu family to completely annex the entire village and integrate themselves into the village.

But at this critical moment, you came and moved the entire village to Xintang.Whose territory is Xintang, it's yours.Didn't you make it clear that you intend to take food from the tiger's mouth and eat up other people's villages?

What do you think people from the Yu family think of you? "

"I didn't mean that, they thought too much." Chu Dashan said immediately.

"Father, do you think people will believe you?" Qingmei asked.

Cough, cough, Chu Dashan looked at his daughter innocently with big eyes blinking.

"But Dad, since you said it, then they will naturally make a choice. Although the Yu family looks like a well-established family, it is incomparable with our family after all. Now the members of the Yu family are appointed to think that our family I fell in love with the ability of the villagers in this village to grow tea trees.

So we're going to annex this village.

As for the Yu family, it is designated that they will not be willing to merge into our family's territory.The Yu family still wants to develop into a big force, a big family.So they may be willing to become a subsidiary force of our family, but they will definitely not be willing to merge into our family's direct jurisdiction and become those casual cultivators who have no autonomy under our family's jurisdiction. "

"Wait, why don't the rogue cultivators on our land have no autonomy? They can stay and leave at will, they can also rent land, buy land, open shops and do business, and open workshops."

"Then can they accept the chief officer of the village?"

Cough cough, Chu Dashan stopped talking.

Now Ziyang, Xiantaozhuang, and Xintang are the chief officials.Even if he never participates in specific management affairs.

"Can they adjust the taxes in these places at will?" Qingmei asked again.

"I can't adjust it at will, I still have to listen to Mi Yang." Chu Dashan said confidently.

"Besides, we can freely occupy the spiritual veins and spiritual lands that appear in these sites, but can those casual cultivators? They must obtain the consent of our family and pay a certain amount of taxes to our family before they can own it. The right to use those spiritual lands."

When Qingmei said this, Chu Dashan already understood a little bit.

The Yu family wanted the same rights and territory as the Chu family.

"But now Miryang, Changyang, Fengyang, and Chengyang are all in the hands of the main line of our family. Would they be happy to have a Yu family below? I think the main line supports various branches recently." Chu Dashan thought for a while before saying.

"But father, the territory of the four cities is also very large. It is not impossible to raise a few small families. As long as the other party is sincerely relying on the main line to do things and is obedient enough, or if the sincerity of the offering is sufficient." Qingmei said with her own understanding.

"No." Taohua said. "The northwest of the Great Song Kingdom looks barren, but with the recovery of spiritual energy, it has become a fertile land. Chu Shinian, who is the main line, is not a fool, how could he give the fertile land here to other small families develop?"

Qing Mei was shocked when she heard this.

"If you want to raise a small family, the mountains in the southwest are more suitable for their small family to develop." Taohua said.

"Is there something wrong with the southwest side?" Qingmei immediately responded and asked.

"If the aura isn't good there, there will be very few spiritual veins that exceed the second level in the future. The area is too big, and no matter how many people can fit it," Tao Hua said indifferently.

Pfft, Qingmei burst out laughing. "I see. But Chu Shinian, who is the main line, will listen to your arrangement?"

"He still has to listen to my arrangements. I got all this information from the main line. There are a lot of geologists over there." Taohua said hastily.

Her sister is smart, but she has too little experience.

The idea is a little naive, always ignoring some things that are inherently evil in human nature.

But his sister is still young, so she will naturally understand after more exercise in the future.

How can you allow others to snore on the side of the couch?This is the basic board of the Chu family, how could another cultivation family be allowed to appear.No matter how small it is, it is impossible!
But Chu Qingmei is really smart after all, after thinking about it carefully, she realized it.

"Actually, the main line doesn't intend to let any monk family appear around it, does it?"

"The population of the Chu family is enough to control the land of these four cities. If two families are forced to squeeze in such a small place, there will be a lot of conflicts in the future. The troubles are endless. So as long as Chu Shinian is If you are not stupid, you will try your best to suppress the appearance of other families." Tao Hua said.

"It's just that other families will inevitably appear, because the Chu family will have in-laws, old relatives and friends... With the development of the various ethnic groups in the main line and branches, it is only a matter of time before they appear. Just like our uncle family and uncle and grandpa's family. Don't they count as a small family of monks now?" Qingmei said bluntly.

"If they intend to occupy a village, it is absolutely impossible." Taohua said. "Unless they move out as a whole."

Chu Dashan was stunned. "can you?"

"Father, if the Qi family and the Ming family really intend to stand on their own, then the southwest area is very suitable for a new small family." Tao Hua said.

"Well, let's wait for them to decide." When their family has developed to a certain level, they will definitely feel the restraint from Miryang's main vein.If they want to be self-reliant, it is best to take advantage of him while Chu Dashan is still alive. At this time, he can still play his role and help his relatives go out independently without loss.If he died and the relationship between relatives weakened, neither the Qi family nor the Ming family might be able to escape completely.

We must know that the Chu family is not a vegetarian. A small family that was originally dependent on itself to survive now wants to stand on its own. Could it be that we are all philanthropists?

If people want to leave without leaving most of their belongings and precious resources, it is absolutely impossible.

After discussing for another night, the chief nobleman and Yu Guanghai came back again.

"Patriarch Chu, this is what we discussed. We will bring the original villagers to move to Xintangzhuang with you. Yu Guanghai and the others will leave with the mother tree of an ancient tea tree, and we will take them a thousand grains of tea tree. seed."

"Yes, I will arrange for someone to come and help you move, and I will also clean up and transplant the other tea trees. Qingmei, you and your younger sister will also help."

"Okay." Qing Mei readily agreed.

(End of this chapter)

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