The rebirth of God's boss

Chapter 507 The Ancient Tea Mother Tree on the Earth Pulse Chapter

Chapter 507 The Ancient Tea Mother Tree on the Earth Vein Node
The husband and generals of the Chu family were still on their way, and Chu Dashan was surrounded by hunters to explain the situation of Xintangzhuang.At this time, Chu Dashan had just learned about the situation of the original Orion residents in this village.

The Orion in this village is also the same as the original Chu family. It is a village with the main surname and other miscellaneous surnames.

The current village chief is called Cha Dagui, and the old village chief is Cha Yun.

They have no family history, and their ancestors were also from ordinary people.

But this uncommon surname itself can explain some problems.

"Your last name is an old one, right?"

Hearing Chu Dashan's question, Ji Dagui was stunned for a moment, and then said, "Patriarch Chu, are you asking if our family has an ancient surname?"

After hearing this, Chu Dashan nodded immediately.

"I learned surname genealogy in ethnology when I was a child. There is no surname like yours. The surname is Zhuan (zhuan)."

"According to the legend of the elders in our family, our family was born in a very old age. It is said that he has the ability to fly into the sky, escape from the earth, and pick stars. Brother Yu said that the legend may be a bit exaggerated, but our family's The ancestors should have produced great monks.

Our current surname should have been left by the great monk ancestor. "

Both Chu Dashan and Qingmei were a little embarrassed.Randomly pick up a village in the mountains, and it might even be a bloodline descendant of a great monk from an ancient era.It's just no one's luck.

Ordinary people on Yun'an Continent didn't have surnames at first, only first names.

But monks all have surnames, and even if their blood descendants become mortals, they can follow their ancestors to enjoy the surname.

The earliest ancient surnames were handed down like this.

Later, many mortals imitated the surnames of the monks and created their own surnames.This is the new surname later.After the ancient surnames and new surnames spread, gradually there was a surname tree that specifically recorded and summarized the surnames of the people on the mainland.

The surname genealogy is used by many families to enlighten their own children, and it can be called a dark enlightenment book.

There are many strokes, and they are incoherent, making it difficult to memorize and recite.Ghosts like it as a primer.

I think the first time Chu Dashan was beaten by his husband was because he didn't remember his surname.

Dozens of black histories reappeared in his mind.

"If your ancestors had great monks, then it should be easier for you to practice all kinds of monk skills?" Chu Dashan asked strangely. He came in all the way. Although he saw many Orion practicing skills, they generally still stayed in the sense of spirit. And Tongmai Yizhong.

At most, he has strengthened his body, and he is still in the line of martial arts monks.Law monks hardly saw a single person?
"No, it's probably because our blood is too thin. The monks we practice are very slow. If you want to get started and feel aura, you need to sharpen it. You must also have the assistance of medicinal baths and elixir .”

When Chu Dashan heard this, he was really astonished.

The casual practitioners at their house can produce a sense of Qi with just any exercise, and it takes only a few months for the slowest one to reach the first level of Tongmai.As for those who can't cultivate to the first level, then what else do you practice, why not marry a wife and have children early, and look forward to the next generation.

"Why don't I wait for you to settle down in Xintang, and I'll find you some magic arts that are easier to get started with." After thinking about it, Chu Dashan said.

When Xiao Dagui heard it, he was immediately happy.

I didn't expect to have such a harvest by just chatting a few words.Jiang Dagui suddenly remembered what Yu Guanghai had persuaded him alone last night. "The Chu family has a profound heritage, a large number of people, and there are outstanding talents in the family to lead the rapid development of the family.

If you don't have plans to stand on your own, why don't you take advantage of the situation and attach to them.

Attaching to a strong family, not to mention anything else, just talking about various hidden benefits is enough for you to enjoy endlessly. "

Now that they haven't moved to Xintangzhuang yet, the benefits of this practice will come.

As for the Yu family, Mo Dagui had long known that the Yu family regarded itself as a monk family, and they were unwilling to integrate into the Chu family.

Chu Dashan came out to introduce the situation of Xintang Zhuangzi, and also began to introduce the situation of Xiantao Village and Ziyang City.Hearing that the Chu family already owns a city, all the members of the Jia family couldn't help screaming.

The Yu family used to have their own mortal county, so they are much calmer.

But at this time, the Yu family didn't know that the outside world was too different from their original world.When they went out to inquire about the situation, they thought it was just a city where mortals lived together, but in fact it was a mixture of mortals and monks.In order to avoid trouble and inadvertently cause harm to too many mortals, everyone in the city restrained their true energy and mana, and disguised themselves as ordinary people.

The current Yun'an Continent is different from their original world, and there are almost few mortal counties (immortal masters).

However, there are as many low-level monks here as a cow's hair, and out of a hundred men and women who entered the city at random, at least half of them are monks.

Of course, this is also related to the extremely prosperous cultivation world due to the existence of Longshanfang City in the northwestern region of the Song Dynasty.

The monks of the Yu family were moved here only two years ago, and there are many monsters in Xiongshan Mountain, so the way out of the mountain is very dangerous.Therefore, the monks of the Yu family generally fell into the practice crazily, and rarely had access to the outside world.

So temporarily caused some errors in their cognition, and when they get in touch with more cities outside, they will naturally know the surprise.

Qingmei and her younger sister withdrew from her father's arrogant speech conference very early, and simply went to clean up the ancient tea trees under the guidance of a few girls from the Yi clan.

"Where, the three oldest ancient tea trees on the cliff over there are the mother trees of the ancient tea trees and the new tea trees we have here." A beautiful girl in a blue linen dress pointed to the Qingmei sisters.

Qingmei looked at the location of the three ancient tea trees, and thought that this location should be the innermost and most secret location of this valley.

And look at the terrain...

"Peach Blossom, is there an earth vein node?" Qingmei took a rough look and judged.

"Sister, you haven't read too many books about geophysics recently." Taohua said in surprise, "Sister, you are right, there is indeed a leyline node. No wonder they planted the mother tree in such a place. Even if there is no Reiki, without spiritual veins, as long as there are earth veins, the mother tree can survive.

It's just that the ground veins here are too deep, and the influence on the above is too weak.Although these ancient trees can't die, they haven't grown very well. They are half dead and not alive. "Peach Blossom said after careful inspection.

"Let me just say, how can it be so easy to occupy the cheap ground vein nodes?" Qingmei nodded and said.

(End of this chapter)

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