The rebirth of God's boss

Chapter 508 The girls from the surname

Chapter 508 The girls from the surname
"That's not bad, at least they kept the mother tree. These three mother trees are actually thousands of years old, and the former spirit tree degenerated into a mortal tree, and then began to recover again in the recovery of the spiritual energy..." Taohua carefully looked at the three ancient tea trees growing in the valley, and then silently swallowed the words in her mouth.

These three tea trees are spirit trees that have degenerated and then transformed into spirit trees. The chances of successfully becoming a spirit tree again are very low.

Under such circumstances, the three trees want to transform themselves into spirit trees again. Even if they are transplanted to the spirit eyes of the spirit veins, the chance of success in the end is very small. If it is necessary to ensure that they can transform successfully, I am afraid Need to use some extraordinary measures.

The problem is that Huiwu Lingcha, no matter how you look at it, is not worth Taohua wasting the few cards in his hand.

The body of Spring Dragon's Bones is a good place, even if the two celestial roots are growing, it is very good.But there are already celestial roots over there, and the ancient tea trees are not as precious as celestial roots.

"Except for the three mother trees, can we start transplanting other ancient trees now?" Tao Hua looked at the surrounding ancient tea trees and found that they were growing well.Although they are all in the process of transformation, they look like ghosts, but this appearance is not what they are willing to do. It is not because of insufficient nutrition and aura that they have turned into such ghosts now.

"Yes, are you going to start now? Then we'll call someone, we girls alone can't dig out the big tree." The beautiful girl said immediately after being stunned.

"Don't be so troublesome, come on, you hold this box like this first..." Then Tao Hua cast a small spell towards an ancient tea tree beside them.Then the ancient tea tree immediately seemed to be a different tree. It pulled out the main root system and auxiliary roots from the ground, and then walked out of the pit and stood on the ground.

Peach Blossom pulled the jade box and pointed at the big tree, "Receive."

The big tree turned into a ball, and the green light shrank directly into a miniature tea tree the size of a palm, and then lay down in a sealed box full of runes with a bang.

Tao Hua closed the box with a click, then took out a sealing talisman and pasted it on the jade box.

Several mountain village girls stared wide-eyed.Such a block was moved into a small box?

Is this too fast?
"Is this kind of small box expensive?" the beautiful girl asked curiously.

"The ones that are not expensive only need four hundred spirit coins." Tao Hua said.

"It's too expensive, isn't that equivalent to 4 taels of silver?" The beautiful girl was taken aback.

Peach Blossom: "..."

Qingmei burst out laughing.

Taohua looked at her sister angrily.

"What the little girl said is correct. The secular people still mainly use silver to spend their flowers. Even some low-level monks use silver to spend their flowers. There are only a few of them who have accumulated spirit coins in their families. And the spirit coins It must also be used wisely, for example, for some pills that increase cultivation, or pills that break through the realm, right?" Qingmei asked the little girl.

The little girl nodded quickly.

"Our family has accumulated more than 30 spirit coins for several years. You actually need [-] spirit coins for a small box! I can't afford it. No wonder such a small box can seal such a big tea tree. Sure enough, a valuable treasure is powerful." The little girl looked at the small box enviously and said.

Peach Blossom: "..."

"This kind of small box is called a sealed jade box, and it can be reused many times. So although she is expensive, some spirit trees are more expensive. With them, it becomes easier for us to transplant spirit trees. At least the death rate of the spirit tree will decrease. Generally speaking, it is more cost-effective to buy more sealed jade boxes." Qingmei explained to the girl.

The girl looked stunned after hearing this.

"So that's how it is. Unfortunately, even if I knew about it, I couldn't afford this kind of sealed jade box." The girl said heartily, only your Chu family can afford this kind of box.

After Taohua sealed a tea tree, she put the tea tree into a storage bag, and then took out a sealing jade box to continue sealing the tea tree.

"What's the name of your spell that can be picked out by the tea tree? It's amazing?"

A certain girl watched Peach Blossom cast a small spell a few times, so she asked curiously.

"This is a small spell with hands and feet. When this small spell is just mastered, it can make a certain range of fruit trees and herbs come out by themselves, and then move them neatly to other places and take root again.

If you master the whole little spell skillfully, you don't need to finish casting the whole little spell, you can mobilize the fruit trees and herbs to act according to your mind. "

"It's so powerful, can I learn it?" the girl asked.

Tao Hua: "There is a special school in Xiantao Village that teaches these small spells. If you want to learn, you can go there to learn. You can also go to learn with your little sisters."

Girl: "Is there a tuition fee?"

Taohua: "No."

Girl: "Really?"

Tao Hua: "What did I lie to you for?"

Girl: "Then I will go to my sister and my sister-in-law, they will be willing to go to study with me."

Tao Hua: "Go, go, after you learn it, you can plant more spiritual fields, plant elixir, and take better care of spiritual tea trees."

The light in the girl's eyes became brighter when she heard this. "Come on, come on, I'll help you hold the sealed jade box..."

Tao Hua: "Okay, I'll hold this for you first..."

Qingmei watched it amusedly.

"Can we really go to learn spells?" Another little girl who accompanied their sisters also asked a question in their hearts.

Qingmei: "Yes. You can learn it at will, it's free, as long as you can learn it well. But all kinds of small spells are very difficult to practice, and whether you can master them in the end depends entirely on your talent and perseverance."

"I know this. My brother in my family has worked very hard to learn that monk's exercises. I think he has just felt the sense of Qi after practicing hard every day."

Qingmei: "We also teach various exercises over there. There are martial arts monks and law monks. At that time, you may have to practice metaphysics first, and only after you have completed the exercises can you learn small spells."

"Ah, we also need to learn the exercises first?" The girl wanted to back off when she heard this.After all, she sees how hard her brother's training is every day, but she really doesn't have the confidence to persevere by herself.

"Go, let's all go." An older girl with a slightly darker complexion next to the talking girl immediately said, "Go Hongguo, and I will go too. My name is Hongli. Xiaoling is going too. Xiaoling is the one who followed me. The one next to your sister is the daughter of the village chief's family."

(End of this chapter)

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