Chapter 513

"Uncle, share a little bit, after all, the tea tree belongs to everyone." Ying Dagui hurriedly persuaded.

"Split your head." Mo Yun said angrily, "You don't even look around. The Chu family has been so rich and rich all the way. That's how deep the Chu family has accumulated. From the main vein to the branch veins, there are hundreds of thousands of people. Family population.

People can do whatever they want, and there is no shortage of manpower and talents for whatever they do.

What is our Chi family, not to mention the small and run-down clan, who are easily smashed at the slightest sign of trouble. We have to relocate the village and take shelter of the Chu family in order to survive.

We were able to relocate here because we sacrificed more than 1 tea trees to earn money. This wealth must be used to cultivate our descendants to become talents.

You must work hard to have children in the future. Only when you have more children will you be able to appear among the descendants.

I don't want our surnames to disappear completely after a few generations.

If it really becomes like that, from me to you, you will have no face to go underground to meet your ancestors, we are all sinners of the Jia family. "

Yan Dagui and others really didn't think so much. The family got a fortune, and everyone has calculated how much they can get into their pockets.In the end, he was scolded by his old village head.

It's so shameless, isn't it?

"Uncle, even if we want to train our offspring with all our strength, we must have money and resources, right?" A brother of the same generation as Jiang Dagui took the initiative to say, "Uncle, I think we can refer to some development methods of the Yuan family. "

"Yuanshi?" Mo Yun listened in astonishment.

"That's right, Yuanshi. The Yuanshi also moved in from outside. I heard that when they first arrived in Old Chuzhuang, the whole family was about to become beggars. When they joined Old Chuzhuang a few years ago, there were only more than 400 people. The whole family has only dozens of households.

Now that the Yuan family has split leaves, it has become two hundred households, and the new clan has hundreds of people, and now the clan has more than a thousand people. "

"Dayou, tell me what this Yuan family did?" Jiao Yun asked in surprise.

Qiao Yun looks to be in his sixties, with bearded hair and gray eyebrows.His appearance is actually for the sake of the village.He himself was in his early fifties.

"The patriarch of the Yuan Clan is called Yuan Feihu, and he usually keeps a low profile. But whenever he meets a member of the Ren family, he will stand up for them. Not long after Yuan Feihu settled down, he asked his clansmen to work for the Chu clan. It's another help Planting fields, helping with breeding, and forming a team of hunters, led the Chu family into Xiongshan to hunt. They earned a lot of money, and they used the large amount of money in their hands to continuously buy land on the Chu family's territory, learning from the Chu family Plant all kinds of herbs and elixir, and then sell these medicinal materials to the Chu family in exchange for a large amount of cultivation resources.

He also led the members of the Yuan clan to set up various small workshops to process all kinds of monster meat raised by the Yuan clan members into various kinds of dried meat, meat sauce, bacon, stewed meat and other exquisite meat.Even the main branch of the Chu family ordered a large number of various delicacies from their Yuan family.

Uncle, like the Yuan family, we are both hunters. Why can they do this and we can't?Don't we just lack a little start-up money? "

After hearing his words, Qi Yun was a little silent.

After all, the wealth in his hands is limited. If he doesn't want to take every step well, this amount of wealth is not enough to make two splashes.

You must know that the Chu family's success this year is inseparable from their 1000 years of accumulated sacrifices.

No one in their Yuan family has ever done such a large-scale plan that lasted for 1000 years. It is wishful thinking for them to catch up with the rich life of the Chu family in a short period of time, so their goal is actually to live a better life with the back of the Chu family. Better life before.

It would be best if there were more monks in the clan. After all, with monks, the future continuation of the family would be guaranteed.

"Go and find out how the Yuan family got rich in the next few days. In addition, the Yuan family is good at raising animals, and we are also good at raising tea trees. After you have inquired, Dagui and I will go to Chu Dashan's family to buy some. Come back to plant trees on slopes."

Everyone was very happy when they heard that Yunyun had changed his mind on his own initiative.

After all, when Dayou spoke just now, even Dagui was moved.If the family also buys real estate, the income from these properties will be enough to support their children and grandchildren.At that time, when food and drink are guaranteed, we can go all out to support the children and become monks, okay?

If you can't even eat, where can you go to help the children become monks!

As soon as the people from the Ji clan asked for news from the Yuan clan, Yuan Feihu received it.Although others are in Xiantaozhuang, Xintang is not without Yuan clan members.

But he himself was not doing well, and his second son came back with his daughter-in-law feeling displeased.

"Father, it's just a little Jia family who wants nothing, yet dares to compare with us. It's simply incomprehensible. Such guys should teach them a lesson." Yuan Feihu's second son who has always lived in Xintangzhuang Said.

When there was a flood in Xintang, the second son brought his wife and son back to live. Yuan Feihu didn't want to drive out his second son and his family at that time, after all, wouldn't that force his son to death?He wasn't that fussy after all.

Later, Xintangzhuang moved, and Yuan Feihu also bought a house for the second child in Ziyang.

After the two Xintang reopened, the second son simply rented out the house there, and then cheated his mother to lend him money to repair the current Xintangzhuang courtyard.Then the family moved back to Xintangzhuang.The house they built after Xintangzhuang was more spacious and more comfortable to live in.

In addition to building a new house, they also leased [-] mu of land to grow food.Because the food on the ground of the Chu family is purchased at the price of low-level spiritual food, they can make a lot of money every year.

Of course, the villagers' preferential treatment they enjoyed back then, the rent per mu was less than [-]% of the spiritual food.

Now renting and planting the spiritual fields of the Chu family, the rent is [-]% per mu, which is the same price.

That is also in short supply, as long as the Chu family releases the lot, someone will rent it.

It's a pity that the Chu family usually only releases plots of land internally for the young people in the clan and the villagers to rent.It is a family benefit.

Because Yuan Erlang's family took advantage of the Chu family's initial wealth, they lived fairly well.

Although life is good, compared with Dalang and Saburo who have father to take care of him, Yuan Erlang is not convinced.Not to mention Dalang, he is the future head of the family, taking care of his parents and taking care of his younger siblings, so it's fine for his father to buy property for him.But what is Saburo?
Why did his father give him a yard plus two hundred taels of silver when he came out, but Saburo could have a meat sauce workshop without getting married?Those meat sauces cost fifty spirit coins for a ten-jin jar, and there was simply nothing more profitable than this.

Usually some chicken, duck, geese, fish and rabbit meat can be sold at this price, which is like picking up money for nothing.

This time Sanlang is even more vicious, he would rather you join hands with some boys from the Qi family to open a meat sauce workshop than pull him, the second brother! !
(End of this chapter)

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