The rebirth of God's boss

Chapter 514 There is no hope of inheriting his inheritance

Chapter 514 There is no hope of inheriting his inheritance
Why, why don't you even take care of your own brothers?
"What's wrong with the Jia family? Except for coming out late, how can our Yuan family compare with others?" Yuan Feihu made a conclusion.

"Father?" Erlang called anxiously.

"I'm not wrong." Yuan Feihu ate the boiled peanuts cooked by his fat daughter-in-law, and said with a smile while enjoying himself. "Aren't you just envious of him getting a large sum of pills and spirit stones from Chu Dashan's family as soon as he came here?

It's a pity that you were born in a poor place like ours, and your father didn't grow any mutated spiritual tea, so you have no money to use. "

Hearing this, Erlang almost became angry.

"Father, what kind of poor is our family now? Our family has its own meat sauce workshop, its own butcher shop, and its own meat sauce workshop. The three workshops earn a lot of money for our family every year. Spirit coins." Erlang couldn't help shouting.

"I knew you were interested in those small workshops of mine. It's a pity that you have been married and separated. These workshops will belong to Dalang and Saburo in the future, and you will not have a share." Yuan Feihu continued to mock him. .

Since Yuan Feihu's originally injured body was restored by the elixir, it was time for Yuan Feihu to cultivate the kung fu, and now he has reached the ninth level of meridians, and he almost entered the stage of the gods.He even dragged Chu Dashan to help him get two bodiless pills.

If he is promoted to the Divine Stage Realm, his lifespan will change from the original eight or ninety years old to two hundred years old.

Haha, when Erlang wants to divide his inheritance, I'm afraid it will be hopeless. His great-grandson is all grown up, and his own father will not die.

"Father, I just don't understand, why are you always targeting me?" Erlang was so angry that he shed tears.

"Second boy, tell me, why did I target you?" Yuan Feihu sneered.

In the kitchen, Xiaocui wanted to go out to argue with her father-in-law, but her aunt firmly grabbed her.


"If you rush out and say something, Xiao Er may not even be able to enter the house in the future."

"Gu, why does uncle look down on Erlang so much? Isn't Erlang his own son?"

After hearing Xiaocui's words, her aunt said with a speechless face, "If it weren't for my own son, he could help you so much? Your uncle is deadly looking down on your father and his family. He didn't want his second son to marry you before." .Now that you have entered the door, just bear with it and live your own life in the future. Don’t think about other things, your uncle never planned to help you from the beginning. "

Xiaocui turned pale when she heard this.


"Speaking of which, you dragged Xiaoer down. The child you gave birth to has two heads in three days. Your uncle said that he might not live to be an adult. At that time, you two will be even more distressed. Next time you have a child I'd better find a doctor, get some medicine for you, and take care of yourself. Sigh..."

Xiaocui was speechless for a moment.

"Look at Chu Dachuan's family. What happened to the children of his original spouse? Their bodies are weak, and they will have no future to speak of even when they grow up. I heard that the eldest of Chu Dachuan's family is ill again. The second time the illness is so severe that I'm afraid I won't be able to live.

When Chu Qiao's two sons died, then both Chu Dachuan himself and the family business belonged to his little daughter-in-law.What can Chu Qiao get in the end? "

Xiaocui's lips trembled at her aunt's words.

Her aunt sighed, looked at her niece, and felt very sympathetic to her.

But the situation at home is not what she says.

Da Lang and San Lang obviously didn't want to see their younger brother's family, and their only little lady was already engaged to the Chu family.Moreover, it is also a close branch of the Chu Dashan lineage.Now the head of their branch is Chu Dashan, although everyone said behind his back that he had changed, that he was harsh on the tribe and so on.

But in front of Chu Dashan, who would dare to say that?
Why don't you try your best to please him and get more benefits for yourself?
Haven't you seen that Chu Dachuan has already lifted his whole family to heaven by hugging his younger brother's thigh?

Now who would dare to say that Chu Dachuan was born as a peddler and has no future?
However, Chu Dachuan now has a bright future.Even Chu Dachuan's youngest sons and daughters are already missed by someone at such a young age.

It's a pity that Chu Dachuan is also a shrewd person. In the future, if his sons and daughters get married and have his uncle as the bottom, can it be broken?
Over there, Erlang hurriedly talked about what he felt was unfair and what his father cheated on him.

Yuan Feihu watched him cry and talk, as if he had turned himself into a poor little boy.

It really opened his eyes.

Sure enough, the stupid son can often provide him with jokes.


"Ah, I'm done." Erlang looked at him crying.

"Are you a man? Are you a little lady? What's the use of you crying and telling me those things? I started my business with ten coppers back then, and I earned my current family business. You, a man, can't start your own business and raise children , Then why did you give birth to them? Come here every day to collect debts like you?"

With a bang, Erlang fainted from anger.

I've been crying for so long, yet you still treat me like this and don't give me any money!

Yuan Feihu didn't care whether he was dizzy or not, he just called the young men from the two clans and sent Erlang and his wife away together.

"Old man, can't you give Erlang some money and ask him to run a workshop? He specified that he was looking at the workshop at home to make money, so he came here often." The fat daughter-in-law said helplessly.She wasn't very smart, but she wasn't stupid either.She can still see some things.

"Your second son is the only one who can run a workshop? He can't even look at it. If something happens to the workshop and he is arrested by the main line of the Chu family, a major buyer of the big business, then our family's face will be all over the place." It’s about to be thrown away. Believe it or not, the other workshops of our family will not be able to continue in the future?”

The fat daughter-in-law was afraid to speak immediately.

"Our meat sauce shop was made by Saburo himself, and the stewed meat and jerky were opened by Dalang with painstaking efforts. We didn't get involved in other people's affairs, so we paid some money, received a dividend, and let the two brothers really Believe it or not, even your own mother will hate you if you can't do it anymore."

Erlang just watched his family start workshops to make money, and he didn't think about whether these workshops really didn't open.

Dalang and Saburo have spent a lot of time on several workshops.Erlang himself has no ability, he is soft-hearted and greedy, and he doesn't know who he is following, could it be his uncle?

Is it really his uncle's biological son?

Want to go together stupidly?
Yuan Feihu couldn't help but chuckle.

"You don't care about Erlang's affairs in the future, and don't lend him your private money. Your little money will be reserved for our daughter as a dowry."

"I see." The fat daughter-in-law said with a complicated mood.

(End of this chapter)

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