The rebirth of God's boss

Chapter 525 Landslide

Chapter 525 Landslide
After Chu Shinian received the information about Bodiless Pill and that small force, he went straight to Ling Yanshu.

"Have you personally come into contact with this small force?" He asked.

Ling Yanshu shook his head, "For a good deal, I didn't show up in person. They don't even know that the spiritual plant in their hands is the main material for refining the bodiless pill."

Chu Shinian nodded in satisfaction, and then said, "This time you will come forward in person, use our reputation and power, and try to get them to take that deep-sea secret place to join us."

Ling Yanshu was taken aback for a moment. "They have already traded Lingzhi to us, and we even got the seeds. Besides...that deep-sea secret realm doesn't seem to be very good? Will it affect our family's reputation?"

"Are you stupid? Just relying on their three or five hundred people to keep a deep-sea secret realm? Did they beat those powerful human races, or the sea beasts and monster races in the deep sea?

Only in the hands of big forces can something like a secret realm be developed and utilized reasonably and safely.Holding it in the hands of small forces is the way to death.You can send someone to tell them that if they are willing to give up the deep sea secret realm and dedicate it to our Chu family, I will return [-]% of the secret realm's production each year to them, and they can distribute it as they like. "

When Ling Yanshu heard this, his eyes widened immediately, "That's a secret there too much?"

"That depends on how big the deep-sea secret realm is. If it's just a small place, then [-]% is fine. If it's a big place, those people will be in chaos themselves. When their internal chaos is over, they probably won't dare to hold on to it anymore." There are secret benefits.

At that time, we can just give them a large sum of spirit stones to finish this matter. "

After hearing this, Ling Yanshu took it for granted.I hurried away.

As a result, every so often, he would run up to Chu Shinian again.

Ling Yanshu said, "That small faction offered to give us the Chu family the deep sea secret realm first, but there is a large manatee beast tribe near that small secret realm, which is very powerful. Recently, the patrolling of that area has become more and more stringent, I'm afraid It won't be long before they discover that little secret realm. At that time, they will no longer be able to sneak into that little secret realm to pick spiritual plants.

Moreover, the small deep-sea secret realm is not very big, it only covers an area of ​​about a hundred miles, half of it is land, half is ocean, and there are many seabed spiritual plants planted there.

There are more than 3000 manatees in the manatee tribe, which is really a big sea animal community.

We also need a lot of hands and feet to get rid of them.There are no islands or other places where you can garrison on the sea nearby.It's more troublesome, it's best to ask the geologists to survey the nearby sea area to see if they can create an island.

If there is an island as a place to garrison the fleet's supplies, we can better guard the secrets under the sea. "

Chu Shinian frowned, "It's only a hundred miles wide, so it's no more than ten miles wide? That's really a small secret place. All right, you guys get rid of that manatee herd first. Then occupy that small secret place, When you complete the occupation of the small secret realm, I will immediately send a geologist to investigate. Recently they have done a few big projects to raise the island, and now except for the ones on Samsung Island, everyone else wants to try and do it themselves A big project to lift the island."

After Chu Shinian finished speaking, he couldn't hold back a faint smile on his lips.

It is said that the home is the most outstanding force used by the geologists. Regardless of whether Longshanfang City is a large island, this makes the mainland geographers who did not pay much attention to it seem to be rejuvenated, stirring up the situation in the era of spiritual recovery. , became the guest of honor of countless powerful forces, and he had a good heart.

Nowadays, there are endless sects of geologists. Although good and bad are mixed, the number of geologists has almost climbed to the highest level in 500 years.

There are a total of 130 million earth masters walking on the entire Yun'an Continent.

Some geologists simply went to the Yunzhou mainland!I heard that it is also highly respected there.

However, as the first appointees of geologists, their Chu family also took advantage of the unprecedented prosperity of the geology circle to recruit many well-known and powerful geographers, and even closely connected with several geology sects. Many of their own geologists.

Thinking of this, Chu Shinian once again sighed in his heart, the young Patriarch of his family really has vision.The master's use of this hand is wonderful.

Just when Ling Yanshu and Chu Shinian were planning the secret seabed, Chu Taohua had quietly returned to his family's Xiantao Manor.

She is now making the final calculations.

Speaking of which, she was about to do it before, but she was interrupted by the two immortal roots, and the immortal root of crossing the robbery was the last thing to wait.So she was also forced to send them to cross the tribulation first, and then sink the small secret realm into the underground veins of Yanbo Island.

After she finished the final finishing touch, she rushed back to Xiantao Village.

Xiaopang's side has changed again, Chunlong is alive.Although it is still a corpse dragon, it has now become Xiaopang's brother.One transparent, one light green.

They are all little dragons, and they are inseparable.

The most terrible thing is that that place lost two immortal roots first, and then lost Chunlong.Now that the Xuanhuang gas well is no longer suppressed, it expanded overnight into a large pit with a diameter of 15 meters at lightning speed.

If Xiaopang hadn't reacted and quickly suppressed the expansion of the Xuanhuang gas well, this big pit might have swallowed the entire hill.

In that case, the Xuexiantao on the hill would be completely wiped out.

This caused a problem with Taohua's original design and had to be recalculated.

It has been delayed for many days, but Taohua can't help it. Xiaopang and Xiaochun have to come and squat every night, sitting on the windowsill of her house every day, waiting all night.

Taohua got bored every day, so she raised her head and chatted with the two little dragons for a while, and then continued to work.

It was not until tonight that the final calculation was completed.

"Okay, you can start work tomorrow, and you two should go back to rest early."

The two little dragons were very satisfied with Taohua's hard work and nodded their heads in agreement.

As a result, in the early hours of the morning, when everyone was soundly asleep, boom boom boom boom boom boom boom... violent landslides and earthquakes came from the inside of Xiongshan Mountain one after another.

A large amount of strong spiritual energy fluctuations rushed in all directions in an instant, and something good must have been born.

Countless monks rushed into the interior of Xiongshan Mountain one after another.For a while, all directions of Xiongshan Mountain were filled with monks heading towards the interior of Xiongshan Mountain!
When Chu Dashan completed the organization, under the pressure of his eldest daughter and Lin Changge, all the monks of the Chu family gathered together and went into the mountain to check!As a result, they were still walking on the outskirts of Xiongshan Mountain, and they saw the corpses of many monks.

Some died from the sneak attack of the human race, and some died from the sneak attack and frontal interception of monsters.

(End of this chapter)

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