The rebirth of God's boss

Chapter 526 Chapter Yufu Cheng Fan Zeng's Clan

Chapter 526

Fighting in Xiongshan is raging now, there are many Chu family members, and they walk slowly, so they took care of a lot of nosy along the way, rescued some friendly human monks, and rescued many casual cultivators who almost died from the mouths of monsters. Zongmen monk.

Along the way, Chu Dashan was still feeling emotional in his heart. Fortunately, he listened to his eldest daughter and prepared a lot of things before entering Xiongshan.

He was walking in the core of the big team, and at the same time, he also attracted the little peach blossom friends who were small and weak, and seemed to have little fighting power.

Taohua: I am small in real life but not weak in real strength.

But there is a perception in this world that Dad thinks you are weak, so you must be weak!

It was Qingmei who followed Lin Changge all the way, walking at the front of the team, and while responsible for scouting the way forward, she couldn't help but complain to the people around her, "It's fine if you say that monsters beat humans, why do human monks want to fight?" People who killed themselves?"

"I'll be full if I'm full." Lin Changge said perfunctorily while holding a grass leaf in his less careful mouth.

Qingmei hit him on the arm angrily, "It's serious, why are you perfunctory?"

"I said that you have become more and more hands-on recently. This is not right. Ladies, please be gentle."

"I'm already the captain of the guards, why should I be gentle?" Qingmei patted him angrily.

Lin Changge: Depressed...

"The captain of the guard didn't say that he must be a violent madman?"

"Who are you calling violent?" Qingmei immediately looked at him unkindly.

Lin Changge immediately blocked his mouth, it's over, what should I do if I say the wrong thing?

"I'm talking about myself."

Hmph, Qingmei gave him an annoyed look.

If you talk about Lin Changge, if you get in touch with him for a long time, you will find that he has many advantages.Qingmei admires him more, and has a bit of trust in her heart.

So this guy doesn't have a lot of brains when he talks occasionally, so Qingmei decided to put up with him.

After all, no one is perfect. Compared with those guys in the village and Ziyang who think highly of themselves and always think that women must depend on men to live, this Lin Changge is not bad.

Even the young guards behind the two of them couldn't help winking at each other, wanting to laugh but not daring to make a sound.Everyone knows that the relationship between Lin Changge, the boss of Lin Changge, and Chu Qingmei, the captain of his own guard, is a bit unusual. The two often meet secretly together. Even Chu Dashan, the current head of the Chu family, did not stop him from inviting Lin Changge to him from time to time. go home for dinner.

If you say it's not about the son-in-law, who would believe it?
Ding, a first-order monster snake landed on a branch behind a team member for some reason, and it was about to bite the opponent's back.Fortunately, the teammates around him directly threw out a defensive magic weapon, the tortoise shell shield, which sent the demon snake flying.

The team members who were not bitten also immediately shot a wave of arrow rain talismans.A set of three Arrow Rain Talismans directly pierced the demon snake not far away into a sieve.

"Emma, ​​it's too bad, this is the first level of the demon snake, the demon pill is so small, it is worth 600 yuan of spiritual coins at most, and my three arrow rain talismans cost me 700 yuan of spiritual coins." Kuaishou A team member who picked up the wreckage of the monster snake said depressingly.

The teammate beside him who rescued him said speechlessly, "The demon snake is poisonous. At least you were not bitten. Otherwise, you would have died, or you would have to take the antidote pill. Do you think the antidote pill doesn't cost money?"

The team member who got the demon snake had a cold sweat on his face: "..."

"Okay, everyone, be careful, don't think that the monsters won't dare to attack us when they see too many people." Qingmei immediately turned her head and said seriously to the team members. "Don't go to the depths of Xiongshan Mountain. If you see what happened inside, you have to ask for help and be taken home."

Qingmei's words cheered up the guards and made them more serious.If you let the flying dharma boat take you home after you have only walked halfway, it would be really embarrassing.The Flying Fa Ship has flown in three times, all to send out those who were seriously injured and rescued.

If they were also sent out lying down, ouch, they would definitely be laughed at.

Xiongshan was much larger than before, and they were all monks, and they walked for five or six days before resisting the incident.

In fact, they can also come in by flying French boats.

But at this time, dozens of flying magic ships have been shot down in Xiongshan, and the flying monsters in Xiongshan are too fierce.

Even the flying Dharma boat of the Chu family did not dare to enter the mountain easily to support them.

This makes everyone feel a little bit heavy.

Lin Changge looked at the six casual cultivators who had been rescued, and said to Qingmei beside him, "Leave them and let them find a place to hide by themselves. We will take them with us when we return."

"That's the only way to go, our French boat can't get in." Qing Mei was also very helpless.

Unless the family also wants to crash one.

"Find someone to teach them how to hide." Lin Changge said.

Qingmei nodded and went to do it.

But not long after, there was a commotion over there.

Lin Changge walked over speechlessly, and heard the five men and one woman yelling for the Chu family to send them back.He also said that he was a member of Zhang Yufu Cheng's clan.

"Who is Zhang Yu's Prime Minister?" Lin Changge asked with his head turned sideways.

"I heard that it is an old man named Fan Zeng. It is said that Fan Zeng was once a troublemaker in the imperial capital, and he was in power for two years." Qingmei Lin Changge explained.

In fact, the state affairs of the Song Dynasty have always been in the hands of the six prime ministers of the imperial court, that is, the academicians of the Consul Yuan.

The other officials all called the six big brothers Ge Lao.

The system of prime ministers governing the Song Dynasty is actually modeled after the regimes of several superpowers on the Yun'an Continent, and it can be regarded as a relatively popular state governance system today.

The old man Fan Zeng has been in power in the Song Dynasty for two years.

"This Zhangyu is so far away from us, why did they run into the Xiongshan Mountain so quickly?" Lin Changge continued to ask puzzled.

"Naturally, because we are already nearby, we have been traveling around Yuyang City, otherwise we couldn't have received the news so quickly that there was a big change in Xiongshan, so we came here in a hurry." The only one among the six people As soon as a female monk saw Lin Changge coming, she took the initiative to walk to him and said.

It was this person just now who saved himself in a critical situation.

This man was so handsome that she fell in love with him immediately.

She looked at Lin Changge with dazed eyes, she couldn't take her eyes off it.It aroused Lin Changge's displeasure.

Another young monk who followed her immediately uttered a voice to relieve her, "We are not really embarrassing you, it is because the pills, talismans and magic tools we brought with us have been exhausted. Among us Two others were seriously injured and would die if they were not treated.

That's why I urgently ask you all to find a way to send us out of Xiongshan.Ladies and gentlemen, as long as we are sent out of Xiongshan Mountain, our Fan family will definitely be grateful. "

(End of this chapter)

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