The rebirth of God's boss

Chapter 527 Magma Waterfall and Magma Lake

Chapter 527 Magma Waterfall and Magma Lake

"This place is already deep in the Xiongshan Mountain, and the flying monsters are so fierce that even flying magic ships can't get in, do you know that?" Lin Changge asked.

"I know." The other party's face was ugly.

"Since you know, how do you plan on sending you back?" Lin Changge asked speechlessly.


"You can specifically escort us back, as long as we leave Xiongshan, our Fan family..." The eager voice of a certain female monk was directly interrupted by Lin Changge.

"No one here cares about your Fan family. What we care about is what happened in Xiongshan."

Lin Changge's unusually shameless words stunned a certain female monk.

The man beside her hurriedly defended, "At any rate, Miryang and Zhang Yu also belong to the Song Dynasty's city, we are our own people, aren't we?"

"Well, for the sake of our own people, we will give you some talismans for nothing, and you can find a way to get out the pills yourself." Lin Changge's face was light.

The man's face darkened immediately.

"You, if it wasn't for the sake of saving me just now, what do you think I would be willing to let you escort? Just relying on me..." Before the woman could finish her words, the man beside her covered her mouth . "If you talk too much, I will never take you out again in the future."

"Brother!" the woman called vaguely.

"Shut up." Seeing that her elder brother was really angry, the woman didn't dare to say more, but she glared at Lin Changge fiercely.

Xin said, this man is really cruel.

"I still have about 50 yuan of spirit stones here. It's best to buy some wound medicine from you. As long as I can get the names of the two seriously injured people, I can find someone to treat them when I get out of Xiongshan."

Lin Changge nodded in satisfaction, and then asked Qingmei to get them some first-aid hemostatic powder and other medicinal powders and elixirs.

After giving the elixir and clearing the twelve spirit stones, the Chu family quickly left the six Fan family monks without looking back.

"Brother, the captain of the Chu family just now was too bullying, even if he didn't send us away, he wouldn't just throw us here like this. What if we were in danger and lost our lives?"

"This is inside the Xiongshan Mountain, not the Fan family. Who cares if you can save your life? Why do people care about whether you will die or not? They told you not to follow you into the mountain at the beginning, but they didn't listen. After entering the mountain, they didn't care." If you don't listen to persuasion, you have no idea how the two priests of our family were seriously injured."

As soon as the male monk scolded the woman harshly, the woman burst into tears.

"I didn't expect that the inside of Xiongshan Mountain would be so dangerous, and I didn't fall into that snake den on purpose!"

"Okay, put away your tears, what's the use of crying now, let's find a place to hide, and then look for the familiar team into the mountain, or a large group of people, follow them out of the mountain."

"Brother, why didn't the Chu family escort us out just now? We are members of the Fan family. They didn't seem to care much when they heard it?" the woman asked puzzled.

"Miss, that's because the Chu family has been born in the first year of Chu, and now it has occupied four cities, namely Changyang, Miyang, Fengyang and Chengyang. The power is not weaker than our Zhang Yufan family. In addition It was originally their territory, so it is normal for them not to take care of us.

Being able to save us from the monster's mouth is already for the sake of the human race. "

A middle-aged man said immediately.

The woman's eldest brother immediately said, "What Uncle Ma said is true. If we don't say that we are from Zhang Yufan's family, maybe people's attitude can be better, but if we say that we are from Zhang Yufan's family, people will immediately think that we are from Zhang Yufan's family." It's too troublesome, and you don't want to take us with you."

His words drew the approval of the middle-aged man.

"Why do they find it too troublesome when they meet people from our Fan family?" the woman asked puzzled.

"The positions are reversed. It's the same if we rescued people from their family. In short, our Fan family and their Chu family are both big forces in the northwestern part of the Song Dynasty, but they don't have a good relationship with each other. That's why we find it troublesome."

The woman seems to understand but not understand.

The man didn't say too much to the woman, so he said, "Let's go, let's hide first."

"By the way, Mr. Dalang, the young man just now should be the Lieutenant Lin Changge of Daliguan that the master mentioned."

The man looked at Uncle Ma who had just spoken in shock.

"Is he the former commander of the Black Wolf Guard? The little God of War who led the army to wipe out most of Zhao Guolan's Tingwei at the age of 15, and won the great victory of Chumayuan?"

"it's him."

"How did he end up in the Chu family?" The man suddenly turned his head to look in the direction where the Chu family's team was leaving. Oh my god, why did he miss the opportunity to be strong with that one?
"Lin Changge couldn't stay in Dali Pass any longer, so he left the army because he had no other choice." Uncle Ma explained.

Lin Changge's adoptive father offended the existence of the prince, so Lin Changge was constantly excluded.If it wasn't for his outstanding achievements in the Song Dynasty and his high prestige among the Black Wolf Guards, the Crown Prince would probably have killed him long ago.

After all, his adoptive father is also dead, right?

If he hadn't killed his father and then his son, the prince was also deeply afraid that the Black Wolf Guard would rebel, and Lin Changge probably wouldn't have survived today.

A man sighed deeply. "It's no wonder that so many people in the imperial capital think that the Song Dynasty is about to perish, and such a small general can't tolerate it. This Lin Changge is really a pity."

"Brother, if you like that Lin Changge, just recruit him."

Pfft, the man was completely amused by the female monk.

"Who do you think that is? Still recruited? Can he, Lin Changge, be anyone who can be summoned at any time?"

"I don't see how powerful he is, it's true that he is mean and indifferent." The woman said angrily.

"You, you..." The man was helpless.

After leaving those six monks, the Chu family's team really arrived at the place within half a day.

However, in just half a day, they were attacked and killed by monsters frantically.

But when we actually arrived at the place, everyone immediately felt that it was not in vain.

Here is the depths of Xiongshan Mountain, a huge mountain range has completely collapsed, and a huge magma lake spewed out of the collapsed mountain range.On one side of the magma lake, a magnificent magma waterfall continuously rushes out a large amount of magma, rushing down into the large magma lake less than a hundred feet below.

The scene was very shocking.

But the most important thing is that the fire attribute aura here is so rich that it can be liquefied anytime and anywhere.

The clothes, boots, and hair on their bodies were all covered with small drops of fire-attribute psychic liquid.

Around the vast magma lake and magma waterfall that are still growing here, there are countless monsters and human monks gathered.Everyone stood halfway, facing each other fearfully.

(End of this chapter)

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