The rebirth of God's boss

Chapter 534 Dragon Brothers

Chapter 534 Dragon Brothers

"Be careful on the window sill of our house, what if it cracks and falls on the head of the person below?" Tao Hua reminded speechlessly.

"When do you say you will start work?" Xiaopang shouted.

Tao Hua angrily grabbed it by the tail and pulled it in front of her.

"I said that your temper has been growing lately?"

Xiaopang twisted his little body, and put his two little front paws on Taohua's shoulders with a whistling sound.Then he pressed his little nose against Taohua's nose, "Tell me, tell me, am I still your favorite chubby?"

Taohua was even more speechless, "Fatty, what are you messing with?"

"Little Shitou said that he should always act coquettishly with his parents, otherwise the parents will take care of him, and the little baby will be unloved after a long time." Xiaopang howled miserably while talking.

"Who is Little Shitou?" Xiao Taohua asked in surprise.

"It's the kid next door to the house next door to your house across the back street."

Tao Hua said that she was dizzy, and the whole little fat man didn't know where it was from the introduction.

"How old is that little guy?"

"Seven years old like me." Xiaopang said.

"Not bad, you actually handed it over to a little friend?" Tao Hua stroked his little head caressingly, the immature little corners still had a pink color.This product was supposed to be crystal clear and transparent, but after hanging around with his little follower for a long time, he knew how to turn himself into the same appearance as his little follower.

Even the corners are disguised exactly the same.

Although the two little dragons are exactly the same, Taohua can still easily see which of them is Xiaopang.

Taohua touched its horns and head, Xiaopang rubbed back against Taohua like a kitten.

"Is it because I'm not at home often and you feel a little lonely?"

"Who says I'm lonely, I have Xiaochun, and a group of little friends." The chubby duck was stubborn.

Taohua laughed at it, hehehe.

"It's just why you've been there for so long, you're so bored to death. And when will my five elements be able to balance, I want to smash everything I see recently." Xiaopang said sullenly.

"Don't worry, don't worry, I will definitely come in and adjust your five elements back. But you should also try to be patient, after all, you will continue to break through to the advanced level in the future. When the advanced level is advanced, the five elements are not as peaceful as they are now. Then you will More irritable, even crazy.

If you can't control your emotions, I'm afraid it will be difficult to advance in the future. "

Hearing this, Xiao Pang, Ka Ba Ka Ba looked at Peach Blossom and hurriedly acted cute. "Actually, I'm not that upset, really."

It instinctively felt that it had to be promoted, and only through promotion would there be greater benefits waiting for it.

Taohua was speechless, "Who was the one who just said that he wanted to smash everything he saw?"

Xiaopang turned his head from side to side, but he didn't look at Taohua's face anyway.

The point is that it's useless to dodge, fat?

Taohua tilted its small head to remember the face. "Tell me, besides the little stone, who else has become your little partner?"

"There are also little flowers, little sparrows, and little jujube..." As soon as he mentioned his little friends, Xiaopang immediately regained his spirits, sitting in Peach Blossom's arms and talking about all the things he and his little friends had done together It's over.

After speaking, he looked like he was waiting for Peach Blossom's compliment.

"Then did you tell them whose family you belong to?" Taohua asked.

"I told you, I said that my brother and I belong to Chu Dashan's family."

"Very good. Just say that. If anyone asks which company you belong to in the future, you can just say so." Tao Hua said.Then Taohua called Xiaopang's little follower, Xiaochunlong, to come and eat together.It is a piece of peach pulp that Taohua has prepared a long time ago.

The two small plates happened to be one dragon.

The two little dragons ate peaches, Xiao Pang said while eating, "This is Xuexian peach, it has been picked for three days, it is not fresh."

Woohoo... On the other side, Xiao Chunlong also imitated Xiaopang, whoooo.

Peach Blossom: "..."

After feeding Tao Zi, he fed water and wiped his mouth again.

Tao Hua looked at Xiao Chunlong again and asked. "Xiaochun still can't talk?"

"It's so stupid, no matter how you teach it, it can only whine, not to mention the human language, it hasn't even learned the simplest dragon language. Why is it so stupid, it's so much worse than me." Xiaopang said shaking his head.

"That's because it used all its cleverness to give birth to you. So it becomes stupid, and you must be despised by it. It's not easy." Taohua touched the back of the gentle Xiaochunlong Said.Although it is a corpse dragon, it is the Chunlong who used to control the power of Yimu after all, so its body is not cold at all.

The power of life and death circulates in its body, making this little dragon sometimes fierce and bloodthirsty, and sometimes cute and cute.

When Taohua touched it, Xiaochun turned around and gave Taohua a bite, but it called Taohua's hand, but it didn't really bite her, it was obviously playing with her.

Peach Blossom smiles, if you have a cat owner, you may be in a bad mood and bite you a few times, or scratch your hand.After raising the little corpse dragon for a long time, it just holds your hand in its mouth. It seems that Xiao Chunlong still likes her more.

"Xiaochun should have been cute and cute before." Taohua said with a smile.

"Xiaochun really became stupid because of me?" Xiaopang asked with a strange expression.

"Yes." Taohua said, "It's Xiaochun's sacrifice that created such a smart and talented chubby. So let's not despise it, let's take good care of it."

"Okay, Xiaochun will be my younger brother from now on. I'll protect him from now on." Xiaopang suddenly stretched out his paws and hugged Xiaochunlong. It was not worth hugging, and he even moved his little face to kiss him.

Peach Blossom Black Face, I thought who I learned this from?

"Taohua, can I make Xiaochun smart?" Xiaopang asked faintly.

"It's best to bring back its cleverness slowly. If you make it suddenly become a smart little spring, it may not be the old little spring." Taohua said.

"Ah?" Xiaopang looked at Taohua in shock.

"Actually, you also feel it. If you transfer your own spirituality directly to it, Xiaochun can become smarter. But if you transfer too much spirituality, Xiaochun will lose the opportunity to become smarter in the future. It will directly become your clone.

It is your other body.

So whether you want to keep it independent or not depends on your own choice. "

Either cultivate a resuscitated spring dragon, or cultivate an incarnation of a spiritual guardian dragon.

It's up to you.

Tao Huaxin thought: You are the one who makes the choice, so don't regret it.

Although the avatar of the spirit vein guardian dragon is just a tool, it allows you to walk outside freely without the spirit veins. If you want to cultivate a revived spring dragon, then even if you wake up one day, you all have the same path that fell. The revival of the real dragon, that is also two independent dragons, you are brothers.

(End of this chapter)

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