The rebirth of God's boss

Chapter 535 Eavesdropping

Chapter 535 Eavesdropping
"Brother, it turns out that I am also a dragon with brothers!" Xiaopang yelled, widening his bean-sized eyes.

"What's your name?" Tao Hua rubbed his head angrily.

"Excited!" Xiaopang stretched his neck and yelled, but of course he didn't yell too loudly.

Awow, as soon as it barks, Xiaochunlong also barks, and the two little dragons are quite harmonious with the vocal part.

Peach Blossom: "..."

Two little faucets, you bump me, I bump you, ouch~
"I said you two are about the same."

"Taohua, did any small animals break into your room?" Chu Qi shouted as she walked downstairs.

"No, nothing." Taohua covered the mouths of the two little dragons.It's so bad, I even called her mother.The two little dragons squinted their eyes, and they seemed to be laughing.

After finally coaxing the two little dragons, she had to go to sea the next morning.

There is really no space left.

Peach Blossom was teleported to Longshanfang City first, planning to look around there before teleporting to Yanbo Island.

As a result, as soon as she arrived in Longshanfang City, she found some humans with slightly darkened and rough skin.These are all humans on the North Underworld Continent.

Unexpectedly, not long after the construction of the three islands was completed, the caravan from Beiming Continent also appeared in Longshanfang City.

What Taohua didn't know was that not long after Zhuang Zihan came back, the caravan from Beiming Continent arrived at Xianyu Island, and then went all the way to Yunchi Island, Yanbo Island, and then to Longshanfang City.For the caravans in the North Ming Continent, the Yunzhou Continent is simply a world with extremely prosperous cultivation resources.

There are all kinds of spiritual herbs, spiritual fruits, elixirs, magical instruments, talismans, etc.Compared with the barrenness of their own continent, they all wished that they could fall into Yun'an Continent.It is a pity that most of these caravans are spies belonging to certain forces, or explorers of certain organizations.

They brought a large amount of materials from this continent and wanted to trade them for various desired resources.

Unfortunately, what do they want to do?I like everything.

The earliest caravans hurried back after finding out how rich the resources are here, and the market here lacks any resources unique to their mainland.Then wave after wave of caravans risked their lives to come.

Some came and some followed them back to the Northern Underworld Continent.

This is not the Yunzhou Continent, but the Beiming Continent, which is farther than the Yunzhou Continent.

There are few other things in Beiming Continent, but it is particularly rich in mineral resources.When their caravans first came, they brought large quantities of ore.The cheap and large quantities of various ores directly swept away the mineral market in Yun'an Continent.

As a result, the price of raw ore in Yun'an Continent continued to fall, and finally fell by about one-third of the original price before resisting it.

The most terrible thing is that Yun'an Continent does not produce ore in the first place, so these ores are actually transported in from the outside world.The cost is already high, but the price here is also high, so it is still a huge profit.But when the minerals from Beiming Continent arrived, the price of the ore plummeted by two-thirds.

It simply killed those merchants who sent a large amount of ore from the upper realm.

This incident hit the Baicao Pavilion in the Great Song Kingdom the hardest.

Because they have been transporting ore before, they have been making money before, but this time they got a lot of ore at one time, and the price of the ore has dropped.

The upper and lower faces of the Baicao Pavilion of the Great Song Dynasty are all green.

Fu Luyi hated the Chu family even more.

It was all because of the development of the Chu family that they found the fleet of Beiming Continent.Otherwise, it would be impossible for the Baicao Pavilion of the Great Song Dynasty to lose such a large sum of spirit stones this time.

That was a loss of nearly 100 million Lingshi!

His master frowned so much that he could pinch mosquitoes to death.

But Taohua in Longshanfang City can't know these things, but she has the leisure to secretly follow a pair of young men and women from the North Ming Continent to eavesdrop on what they say.

The man and woman who were shopping happened to be a young couple.

"Qimei, do you think we can really convince Master to stay here?" the young man asked.

"What's so good about going back? There's nothing you want in the North Dark Continent, there's not even a storage ring, only a rough storage bag, and at most there can be a cubic foot or two of space. That's a lot A little space.

And here, any big shop has storage rings, storage bracelets, and storage jade pendants for sale. "

The girl said with a sigh. "It's really not my vanity, but if we stay here, we can buy pills by saving more spirit coins, and then we can buy talismans, magic tools, flying boats and so on. Even if we don't know how to plant spirit fields, we can still pick them up Let the mission hunt sea beasts. We haven’t hunted sea beasts in the North Underworld.”

"But the master promised to go back and tell those people the real situation here." The man said a little depressed.

"Father can write a letter back, and then the people in the caravan will send it back." The girl said.

"I wonder if the master will agree?"

"Let me try." A sad look appeared on the girl's face. The key is that her father has an upright personality, and he will definitely accomplish what he promised.

"If we had known that the cultivation environment in Yun'an Continent was so good, we would have come here long ago."

"It's useless to know earlier, we don't have a ship, and more importantly, there is no safe waterway map. I heard that the super overlord Chu on the Yun'an Continent led a fleet to find the Beiming Continent, so I put the sea safe waterway map It has spread to our Beiming Continent. If there is no picture, how can everyone come here?" The girl said.

"This Chu family is really powerful!"

"That's natural, and my father also saved a member of the Chu family. That person also left a sign for my father, so that he can use the sign to go to any store or contact point of the Chu family for help in case of emergency."

"Huh? Master actually saved me from the Chu family?" The young man was extremely surprised.

"The people of the Chu family are also human beings. They are human beings and they are in the deserted sea. It is normal to encounter some dangers. If I am not accompanied by my father, I will not leave the island where we live easily. Alas, with the fairy Compared with Yudao, Yunchi Island and Yanbo Island, our small island is ruined." The girl couldn't help but said.

She looks good, youthful and wild, with a pair of big eyes that are charming and affectionate.Look at the young people a few more times, and the young people feel that their souls are flying away.

"Qi Mei, you are right." The young man said stupidly.

The girl rolled her eyes at him angrily.She snorted coquettishly.

Taohua still wanted to continue to eavesdrop on the conversation between the two of them, when she saw a middle-aged monk at the altar level not far away approach her, Taohua smiled at him, and then walked into a fork in the road.

"You two, you have been followed all the way and you didn't notice..." Taohua heard a middle-aged man's voice counting down the man and woman.

Hee hee hee……

I just eavesdropped and eavesdropped. I really didn't have any bad intentions.

 Coming back late, but trying to update...

(End of this chapter)

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