Chapter 536
In fact, she just wanted to know about the situation of these people in Beiming Continent, how they came here, and what purpose they came here for.Do you want to stay, or are you just here for business...

If you talk to someone alone about this and that, they will be on guard and not happy.It's better to find some simple guys to follow and eavesdrop.

But obviously she was discovered by the middle-aged man, so the eavesdropping cannot continue.

After leaving the young couple, Taohua simply went to find Zhu Kangnian.

She walked all the way to the hall where Zhu Kangnian worked, when she heard an elderly woman's voice was unusually shrill.

"Kang Nian, how long are you going to delay? I don't care, anyway, I must see the Patriarch. I want to ask her why my good son died for no reason. Send him back Our village has been buried. My son is a geographer. He made great contributions to the family. How can he enter the family cemetery?
What is wrong with my son? "

"Mother, didn't I tell you that it was my brother who said that if an accident happened to him, he must bury the body beside you. He said that he wanted to be with his parents forever." Zhu Kangnian said disheartened.

"You don't come here, it's so good to be buried home, why do those old guys in the clan run on me and your father every day?" The old woman asked angrily.

"But isn't there something wrong with Feng Shui in the family cemetery, has it been stopped long ago?" Tao Hua walked in.Looking at the elderly woman, she smiled without saying a word.It's pink and cute.

The old woman fell in love with it as soon as she saw it.

"Little girl, what are you talking about? There is a Feng Shui problem in the family cemetery?"

"That's right, it was disabled seven years ago. Now each family is burying each other." Taohua nodded to the other party to confirm.

This made the expression on the old woman's face a little helpless for a moment. "But they all told me..."

"Auntie, if you don't believe me, they are all from the Chu family anyway, so you can stop and ask anyone. The family cemetery has long been out of use. No one has buried it in the past seven years." Tao Hua patted Little Chest said.

"Ah?" The aggressive woman suddenly lost her arrogance. "It's a mess, so didn't I scold my youngest son several times for nothing?"

"Anyway, you are a son, so if you blame him, you'll be punished. How could he turn against you? Can't he criticize you instead?" Xiao Taohua followed her with a smile.

The old woman was amused when she heard it. "That's right, my own son. You can complain about anything you want. Well, that's fine. If someone comes to you, I won't delay your business. If you have nothing to do, come back and see us, me and your father Just you two kids, your father and I are panicking if you don't come back."

Zhu Kangnian's face became even more embarrassed, and he wished he could find a crack in the ground and sneak in.

Peach Blossom snickered.

"Auntie, I actually think you are too kind to your youngest son. You can force him to get married. When the time comes, you will have a bunch of grandsons and granddaughters. What do you want him to do? You two Can't be too busy."

Pfft, the old woman who was originally full of anger and resentment now had a relaxed smile on her face. "You're right, I was too kind to my youngest son in the past. Kang Nian boy, you wait for my old lady. I will find you more daughters-in-law when I go back this time.

This grandson I hold in my arms. "

"Ma'am, come on!!" Tao Hua encouraged her.

The old lady was encouraged to be full of energy. Since there was a problem with Feng Shui and not her eldest son's fault, she would go home to clean up those old people.Oh oh oh, that's right, what the little girl said is also right, her son has to hurry up when he wants to marry his wife.

It's not good for her to delay Kang Nian's work, but Kang Nian shouldn't delay taking care of her grandson, right?

"Then Kang Nian, I'll go back and find a suitable wife for you first, and I'll arrange for you to go home for a blind date later."

Zhu Kangnian's face turned pale: Please forgive me, I don't want to get married yet, why are you cheating on me so much, Patriarch and Mother?
After seeing off his mother-in-law, Zhu Kangnian hurriedly asked, "Did something happen to our family cemetery?"

"It's the one on Xifeng Mountain. Something really happened. It seems that something from the upper realm has been eyeing it, and they ordered no one to continue selling our clansmen in." Although Taohua didn't like Zhu Yongnian, it was the first time Seeing Zhu Yongnian's own mother feels good.

An old lady with a lot of eyesight is not suitable for any kind of sadness, pain and resentment.

"Please take a few days off, go back and see if there is any guy in your family who is always making trouble for the aunt and uncle. We have worked so hard to develop the family, and some ignorant people are squatting at home and bullying our family."

"Understood." Zhu Kangnian said with a serious expression. "I was worried that if I made a move, others would say that I was a bully."

"What do you want with that face? If you are ignorant, you should teach them to be human. We have worked so hard and made so many sacrifices, but it is not for those ignorant to enjoy all day long." Tao Hua said indifferently.

Zhu Kangnian suddenly burst out laughing after hearing these words.

Yes, why do you want that face?

"It's my fault. I'll go back today."

"You go back and deal with your family's affairs, and then tell Chu Shinian to send someone to knock on the various branches. The life they enjoy now is the result of the hard work of other clansmen. Don't know if everyone is sensible. Enjoy. Still think about how to make some contributions to the family.”


"Every day I just think about making money for the Xiao family, so what are they doing in the family? Isn't it good to go out and make money by themselves?"

Taohua's words were cool, with a hint of indifference and cruelty inside and out.

The more those tribesmen have without the protection of the family, the more they can't keep anything, even their own lives.

"I see."

"By the way, what's the recent income and expenditure of Longshanfang City?" Taohua asked again.

"The annual expenditure of Longshanfang City is less than 5 yuan in spirit stones. But the annual income of spirit stones is around 800 million spirit stones. This figure is pure profit." Zhu Kangnian was very happy when he said this.It's so lucrative.

The income of a Longshanfang city in his hands is several times more than the annual income of a country in the Song Dynasty.

"It's been less than ten years since the spiritual energy recovered, so this figure is not bad." Tao Hua said calmly, but she was actually very happy inside.In the previous life, Chu Xi was able to share 30 to [-] spirit stones.Enough for what?
Send the beggar.

If Zhu Yongnian hadn't gone, she would still not be able to solve this knot.

"Patriarch, I heard that Chu Chengqian seems to have started to tarnish your reputation in Zhangyufu City again. He even went looking for your father and said everywhere that you are not of the Chu family's blood."

"Go ahead, it's not that the blood of the Chu family is better, so let's not pay attention to them in the future."

Zhu Kangnian was speechless, and thought to himself, isn't this out of anger?

(End of this chapter)

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