The rebirth of God's boss

Chapter 538 Jade Shen Dan

Chapter 538 Jade Shen Dan

It's because they know good and bad too much, so everyone is watching and quietly collecting all kinds of useful things.As long as it is not for some particularly important resources, they will not choose to deliberately confront the indigenous monk forces.

What are you doing?There are very few people who come down from them, and if they can't do it, they will only be a laughing stock in the end.

After Taohua sorted out the transaction materials, she sat there pursing her lips and laughing secretly.

After the people from the upper world in the previous life went down to the lower world, they acted arrogantly, wanting someone's place, wanting someone's place.If you want someone's baby, you want someone else's baby.If you want to occupy the land of the spiritual vein, you can occupy the land of the spiritual vein.

The human race did not dare to show their sharpness, and the monster race chased after them and wagged their tails.

Really strong all kinds of eye-catching.

In the final analysis, it's not that there are so many masters coming down from others!Once suppressed by force, a lot of people fell down immediately, who else would dare to speak out?
The most important thing is that those who had a little ambition and dared to resist were killed.

What a pity!

This time everyone has force, who kills whom?

The head of the family was actually sitting there secretly having fun by himself. What's so fun about this transaction details?

Zhu Kangnian looked at his Patriarch very suspiciously, thinking what's wrong with this?
"Are there any merchants in Fangshi who have mysterious origins, but are generous in purchasing and shipping?" Taohua suddenly asked.

"Yes, there are a lot of people like this in Fangshi, and there has never been a shortage. But recently, seven or eight people have come in, and they are very generous and have a lot of things. Together, they are in Longshangfang City. About 100 million spirit stones were consumed."

Taohua nodded and said, "This should be a small number from the early trials. I saw that they want to buy the Chu family's spiritual ginseng seeds?"

"Yes, they want to buy a large number of spiritual ginseng seeds, but they don't want to trade them with spiritual stones. They want to exchange them with us for other resources." Zhu Kangnian said.

"What do they want to exchange? If they use the Bodiless Pill to exchange with us, then we can sell it cheaper." Taohua said.

Cough, cough, Zhu Kangnian looked at his Patriarch speechlessly, and said to himself, how dare you think.Still bodiless Dan?What about dreaming?

"Reborn Pill, I tried it, but it didn't work. His attitude is very firm."

Tao Hua glanced at him meaningfully, and said to herself that you really thought about it too.

Cough cough, Zhu Kangnian is not very embarrassed.Now that there is a lack of bodiless pills in the clan, can he not think about it?

"This bodiless pill, if not too few materials, I would like to help try to refine it."

"In the past, there were few materials, but recently we got a secret realm at home, and the material problem should be solved. I'm going to have a look there soon. If the material problem is solved, you can refine more here. Get all the The refining pressure is all on Chu Moyan, I guess he will quit." Taohua complained directly.

Hehehe, Zhu Kangnian laughed.

Chu Moyan is indeed that kind of person.

The guy was kind of uninhibited and a thorn in the side.If it wasn't for his ability, he would have been ordered to be cleaned up by Chu Shinian.

That guy Chu Shinian has always been ruthless and decisive in his actions.

"Then what are they planning to exchange for the spiritual ginseng seeds?" Tao Hua thought, although the spiritual ginseng seeds are difficult, they may not be so precious.There should be many similar spiritual ginseng seeds in the upper realm.

"They plan to exchange it with us for the Jade Shen Pill that assists in breaking through the Divine Altar Realm."

"Yu Shen Pill, it seems to have the same effect as our Yuzhi Pill." Tao Hua tried hard to recall.

"I think it's about the same. But taking the Bodiless Pill is only [-]% effective. Even if some people take the Bodiless Pill, they may not be able to break through to the altar realm. But if we add our family's Yuzhi Pill and Yuchen Pill, the chance of breaking through It’s at least [-] percent. If you can’t break through, you’d better stay in the family and have children and die.” Zhu Kangnian said frankly.

cough cough...

Taohua's eyes were full of smiles, "Okay, then you can trade some Jade Shen Pills. You don't need to tell me about the spiritual ginseng seeds that are less than [-] grains."

"I estimate that the transaction is about [-] grains." Zhu Kangnian said confidently.

Even if you look outside, you can find some spiritual ginseng seeds, but at most a few, dozens of them.If you really want a big deal, you have to find the Chu family.This is a family that grows millions of ginseng.

After Taohua bid farewell to Zhu Kangnian, it spread directly to Yanbo Island, and then took a sea warship from Yanbo Island to a certain sea area all the way.

Although the sea here has already calmed down.

However, the aftermath of the Great War still deeply affects the local marine life. Now, as long as they see human warships and traces of human beings, they will take the initiative to avoid them.

Small fish hide behind rocks, and big fish hide behind rocks.

The strange sea monsters also got into the mud and sand on the seabed one by one, or hid in the caves under the sea.

Tao Hua felt the gestures of these small animals very interestingly. It seems that the monks of the Chu family have caused them a lot of harm recently.

Ling Yanshu once again saw the head of the family.

Female Patriarchs are actually not uncommon in Yun'an Continent.More than [-]% of the aristocratic families in the six northwestern prefectures have had female heads.Ling Yanshu himself had dealt with one of them. Of course, although he didn't lose, he didn't win either.

That... ahem, ahem, is a beautiful and charming woman.

Ling Yanshu compared the two of them for a while, and found that there was no comparison.

A family has only a few hundred people, and a family has hundreds of thousands.Khan, how to compare?
"Have you taken down the secret place under the sea?" Tao Hua asked with concern as soon as she saw him.

"It has already been taken, and with the strong support of the family, a manatee colony can't stop us at all. By the way, we also plowed all the nearby sea beast tribes. There is nothing that can threaten our colony." Although Ling Yanshu He said it lightly, but the bloody smell on his body has not dissipated for a long time, Taohua knows that the other party has been fighting a lot.

"What did the geologists who surveyed the secret realm say?" Taohua asked.

"It is said that it is not worth much, the area is too small, and there are no resources, earth veins and spiritual veins nearby. There is almost no such favorable terrain for raising the seabed to become an island." Ling Yanshu received it with some helplessness.

"Even if you say nothing. Then Chu Shinian still fooled me?" Tao Hua was speechless.

When Ling Yanshu heard this, she simply blinked at her innocently, "I didn't ask you, Patriarch, to come."

"Okay, I'll go down and have a look first." Saying that he wanted to go down, Taohua didn't go directly into the secret place under the sea, but took people to walk through the surrounding underwater world.When she came back, she was thoughtful, and then she led people into the small secret realm.

This secret realm is in a cave in a small submarine mountain range deep under the sea.

(End of this chapter)

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