The rebirth of God's boss

Chapter 539 Small warships from ancient times

Chapter 539 Small warships from ancient times

This cave is not too deep, and after walking into it for less than a mile, I found the door of the secret realm.

The door hangs on the stone wall, using two well-carved rune pillars as fixed anchors, and the door is fixed here.

There are already people guarding here, and when they saw Ling Yanshu bringing people, they greeted them enthusiastically.Taohua continued to enter the secret realm accompanied by the resident monks here.As soon as I entered the secret realm, Taohua felt that the sky in the secret realm was too low and the space was too narrow.

Who made the secret realm look like a crooked eel hole?
The narrowest part of the secret realm is actually only a few dozen feet wide, and the widest part is no more than a hundred feet. What is rare is that there are so many caves, and the total area is about ten miles in radius.

Standing in the most spacious cave half submerged in seawater in the secret realm, Tao Hua was convinced.

"Playing this kind of cave secret realm is either a moray eel or a moray eel..."

Ling Yanshu pursed his lips and smiled behind her.Well, this deep-sea secret realm is indeed a bit different.

"It should only be six or seven feet high, right?" Tao Hua raised her head and asked.

Ling Yanshu nodded, "Only six and a half feet."

"It's because they have the strength to punch out so many holes..." Taohua complained feebly.

"Although it is a bit short, there are still many deep-sea spiritual plants scattered everywhere, and they have grown well. They are more than 1000 years old, and they are still decades old.

The aura here is also good. "

"Okay, do you have a station here?" Taohua asked, "I need to draw and calculate."

"Yes, but it's not big, there are only a few caves."

"It's already done." Taohua nodded and said, something is better than nothing.

Following Ling Yanshu to find a place around the corners, he saw the faint light of oil lamps shining through a few simple broken stone holes.

Well, the oil lamp is still the oil of the demon whale!

The monks stationed quickly gave up an empty stone cave for Taohua, and then Taohua was not polite, and released a super large spiritual wood table in the cave, and then began to stand by the table and draw pictures.

She spends a lot of pictures.

Drawing, drawing various pictures have to go through re-comparison.

Questionable pictures will be picked out by her soon and placed on the other side.

After drawing all the drawings, Taohua divided all the drawings into two sides, then sat on the edge of the table and began to think.

This place is a bit weird, and the shape of the hole is also a bit weird.

However, there should be no leylines or spiritual veins nearby that can support large secret realms or small worlds.

So what the hell is this thing that can form a secret realm and was discovered by the moray eels?
Taohua redraws the sketch of the entire secret realm again...

Huh... I looked at the sketch in surprise.

Then he showed a dazed look.

"It's really lucky, it turned out to be this thing." Tao Hua said lightly. "If you want to determine whether it is that thing, you have to re-examine these places."

In the early morning of the second day, when Ling Yanshu was thinking about whether he should go back to deal with other official duties first, and then came to ask the Patriarch if he saw anything weird, Taohua took the initiative to find him.

"You bring someone, come with me."

Ling Yanshu looked at his Patriarch in surprise, "Patriarch, have you already discovered something?"

"Well, this thing is just my guess. Let's go and verify it, and we will know. If it is really that thing, there is indeed some value for transformation here."

"What the hell is it?" Ling Yanshu asked curiously.

"Let's go, I'll take you there for an inspection, and you'll know what it is."

Taohua ran to a place with a group of monks, and began to let the monks dig the stone cave wall.

Everyone looked at each other in blank dismay, why dig stones?

However, the Patriarch ordered that everyone had to do it, so everyone started digging, but after digging a few feet deep, the spiritual energy inside suddenly became stronger.

"What's going on?" Everyone was surprised.

"Keep digging, don't wait." Taohua beckoned everyone to continue digging.

Soon a thin blue metal plate about one foot high and two feet long appeared.

This thin plate is only about one finger wide, but it exudes a rich aura. The aura in the original secret realm is much richer.

"What kind of board is this? Could it be that the aura of this secret realm is overflowing from these boards?" Ling Yanshu frowned and said.

"Okay, let's move this board out first, there's no need to stay here." Tao Hua said.

"Patriarch, do you know what kind of board this is?" Ling Yanshu asked.

"It's a bit of a guess, but we can't be sure. Let's continue. After the verification, we will know what these boards are." Taohua said.

Then it took five or six days to dig out more than 50 boards of various sizes from the underground tunnels.All of them are dark blue.

The aura is strong, and the craftsmen called over expressed their strong interest in these materials, but these plates are difficult to divide and smelt.No matter what method is used, it is still the same.

What's more, these faint blue boards can't be seen as new or old, which makes it impossible for the family craftsmen who came here one after another to make a move.

So they directly blocked the peach blossoms.

"Patriarch, you have dug up so many plates, can you tell us what these plates are?"

"This is the outer panel of a big thing." Taohua felt helpless when they blocked her.

"The outer panel of something big? A battleship?" A craftsman had an idea and immediately asked.

"You really mean what you said. This is the outer panel of a fallen battleship." Taohua said, "There are no large-scale land veins and spiritual veins passing by here. It is strange that a small secret realm suddenly appears. Moreover, the structure of this small secret realm is also quite weird. Not to mention that it is very narrow, the deep sea spiritual plants that can be cultivated are relatively rare, and the level is generally not high.

So I'm guessing that there is something specified here that provides the energy needed for the growth of those deep-sea spiritual plants.

However, the range of aura it can provide is limited, which is why the entire secret realm is low and narrow.They are all long and thin holes.

So what exactly is this thing?I have guessed that it is an ancient relic cave or something, but when I finally verified it, I found something wrong.

Later, I carefully compared the growth of various spiritual plants in the small secret realm with the map inside the secret realm. The whole map is a bit like a picture of a fallen warship that hit the ground and scattered some debris outside, so I took Ling Yanshu and others to dig a hole to verify my guess. As you can see, we found more than 50 outer panels in only five or six days.This should be a small battleship from ancient times. "

(End of this chapter)

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