Chapter 542

These altar-level cultivators held blueprints in their hands and dug according to them.

At the beginning, the digging was meticulous, and even the small pits on the drawing were repaired neatly, but after a guy casually shoveled down and dug out large pieces of spirit stones the size of a human head, there was a sudden sensation .

Fuck, just this big piece of spirit stone can cut hundreds of pieces of spirit stone.This is all earned by myself.There is no need to hand it over to the family, this is task income.

dig, dig, dig...

Everyone was enthusiastic and passionate.

The speed of digging cracks has increased significantly, but no matter how fast they dig, they have to go along with the owner's blueprint.Otherwise, they won't be approached again in the future to open up wasteland relics.

"Brother Yao, look?" A young altar-level cultivator secretly held a dark blue spirit stone in his palm and raised it in front of a handsome and extraordinary male cultivator.

"This is a water attribute spirit stone, big enough for a fist, and can cut ten standard units of spirit stone in one month. Not bad." Chu Liyao praised to his cousin beside him. "Put it away, this is your trophy."

"Brother Yao, I saw several people digging up something." The young man said with a low voice.

"As long as it's not items on the battleship, such as spirit stones, we can put them away at will, but if it's an item on the battleship, remember to hand it over to the Patriarch." Chu Liyao also whispered to him.

Chu Liyao has practiced for five or six years, and he is no longer the village boy he was back then.

The Chu family is in full swing, even though he used to be an unknown village boy, he is now a charming son of the Chu family that countless monks can befriend.With a lot of experience, he naturally understood the importance of an ancient ruin to the Chu family.

When this ancient relic is successfully reclaimed, the Chu family will become a big family with rich heritage.

Now he only hopes that this ancient ruin will not end up with nothing.

Just as he was digging with his head down and thinking about something, he knocked out a round object in the soil.Chu Liyao looked at the big dark copper-colored metal ball the size of a human head in his hand, and couldn't tell what it was at all.

He thought for a while, and immediately went to find his Patriarch with the ball in his arms.

"Patriarch, I dug out a strange thing from here, take a look at what it is?"

As soon as Taohua saw the metal ball, she immediately said joyfully, "This is the forbidden ball. It is the core of the formation in a certain area. It seems that the formation here has really been destroyed, and even the forbidden ball fell out."

The result is a metal ball, peach blossom is a ball.

If she had seen another Starship Battleship that crashed on Yun'an Continent, she really wouldn't know how to mess with this thing.

Click, click, click, in the process of Taohua's vigorous licking of the ball, the ball failed to resist her ravages, and was dismantled into layers of metal fragments.There are a large number of traces of prohibition on the metal fragments.

The more it is removed to the core, the more various rune restrictions will be inscribed.

Chu Liyao beside him was dazzled for a while, she was so beautiful.

Taohua's little hands flew up and down, and after thoroughly dismantling the metal ball, she put it back together again.After the metal ball was reassembled, there was a faint sound of "cracking" for a while, and then a faint aura immediately lit up.

Chu Liyao gasped.

This f*ck re-energizes the excitement.

He looked at his little Patriarch in disbelief. Are you sure this little evildoer didn't come from some force from the upper realm?

Taohua immediately saw through his thoughts from behind his eyes, and glared at him several times angrily.

While Chu Liyao lowered his head to hide the smirk on his lips, he praised his Patriarch's power in his heart.Such an ancient thing can be tossed again in her hands, and the experience makes them, the old guys who are older than her, feel aching.

The forbidden ball in Taohua's hands has been trying to float back home since it was restarted.

It's a pity that Taohua grabs it and doesn't let it float away.

Buzzing buzzing, the forbidden ball kept trembling unhappily.Peach Blossom pretended not to see it.The passage has not been fully excavated, and my new formation has not been arranged yet, how could I let you wander back?

If you stroll back, it will be even more difficult for me to get in.

"Here, you hold it, don't let it run away." Taohua simply threw the forbidden ball in her hand to Chu Liyao. "Hold it well, when we dig through the passage, whether we can enter the battleship depends entirely on it.

With it, we have the key to enter the battleship. This time, I don't need to use violence to break the formation on the outer layer of the battleship.

By the way, what's your name? You're lucky. I'll let you take the lead when it's time to open up the ruins. It's up to you what you can get. "

"Report to Patriarch, my name is Chu Liyao, and I come from the branch of Xifeng Town." Chu Liyao said immediately.

"It turns out that you are from the direct line of the third ancestor, that's enough, I will remember you." Tao Hua said to him.

It is fortunate to discover such things as law and ball bans, and the elder brother of this family is probably also a deeply blessed one.This guy must remember that it must be used when competing for treasures and resources in the ruins and secret realms in the future.

Taohua is very happy that there is another humanoid treasure hunter in the family.

Chu Liyao didn't know that Taohua regarded him as a human-shaped treasure detector, and thought that the patriarch valued him as a direct descendant of the third ancestor.

At the beginning, the ancestor of the Chu family, who was said to be Yuxian, left a total of five heirs.These five heirs were the source of countless branches of the Chu family.Changyang Dichu is the eldest son of the eldest son, the eldest son. At the beginning, the first ancestor almost left all his family property and foundation to the eldest son, so the eldest son can last for thousands of years.

If there were people like Chu Da and Chu Taohua who dared to plot against the eldest family, Changyang Chu Chu wouldn't have declined like this now.

"Then thank you Patriarch." Chu Liyao couldn't help laughing.

"You're welcome, you earned it yourself." Tao Huaxin said, if anyone is as lucky as you, I will support him.Now the treasure detectors of human nature are not very obvious. In the future, when it comes to competing for various relics, ancient cities, caves and other places, nothing is as good as human treasure detectors.

Why Chuxi herself can obtain more relic resources than those monks from the upper realm is not because she is the biggest humanoid treasure detector.

The words of the true son of luck are not covered!

The world's attention to her sometimes makes her feel quite embarrassed. She has worked hard for a long time, and finally the things are in her hands, cough cough cough.

Chu Liyao firmly grasped the forbidden ball, which had obviously shown rebellious emotions as soon as it was in his hands, feeling all kinds of bitterness in his heart.Why were you so obedient when you were in the hands of the Patriarch?
(End of this chapter)

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