The rebirth of God's boss

Chapter 543 Calm and Calm

Chapter 543 Calm and Calm
Fa Banqiu also complained: People can dismantle me casually, do I dare to resist?
These days, the persimmons don't pick soft ones, but should they still be pinched as hard as stones?
In short, Fa ban the ball trying to run away, Chu Liyao squeezed it fiercely, what are you running for, how can we get in if you run away?

Buzz buzz, one ball and one person are caught in a rivalry.

Many altar-level cultivators looked at him gloatingly.Fight, come on and fight! ! !Then they vigorously waved shovels, hoes and other small tools, digging stones made me happy, black hey yo hey yo! !

After excavating the section, Taohua arranged various arrays on it.

Then the formation masters dispatched from the family also came, and after they thoroughly understood Taohua's formation drawings, they were given the job of arranging the formation disks.

They just followed the little tails and followed behind the altar monks. They dug a section, and the formation masters directly arranged a section.As long as the altar-level cultivator did not excavate and agree with the request, he would be scolded by the formation masters.

"This pit is dug so shallow, if it can fit into the array, I will take your surname." Well, your surname and mine are also Chu, and everyone's surname is Chu, so why rush?The altar monk who dug the hole looked helpless.

A monk with a foreign surname next door was about to burst out laughing.

Although he is a monk with a foreign surname, his mother is also from the Chu family, so he is still from his own family in essence.

This bastard was shaking forward and backward with a smile. He had been stared at dozens of times, and he didn't know how to restrain himself.

"I said hurry up and dig, we are already behind." The little formation mage who had been silently following behind him began to urge angrily.Let's see how others are much bigger than them.

The laughing and trembling guy stopped speechless and laughed at others for digging hard! ! ~
After ten people worked hard like this, the cave has already penetrated three thousand feet into the ground.This is still the altar-level cultivator responsible for excavating. If it were other low-level cultivators, would they be able to dig here in seven or eight days?Certainly not.

Everyone is disgraced because of digging holes, but the income is good, and spirit stones of various attributes and sizes are constantly being dug out by them and collected in their hands.They are all monks at the altar level, and almost none of them are too stingy. They have dug out a lot of spiritual stones, and they will also share some of the formation masters behind them.

In this way, the formation masters are too embarrassed to be too picky about the holes they dig that are not up to standard.If you really can't do it, you can carry a small shovel or a small hoe on your back, and adjust the holes to the shape required by the formation.

Anyway, the task can be completed according to the quality and quantity, and it doesn't matter who does it better.

The owner of the house visits twice a day.

During the break, everyone gathered together to talk about the news passed in by other clansmen.

"Have you heard? The fight at Xiongshan was fierce."

"I heard that Chu Shinian is overrunning the northwest?"

"I heard that he has defeated four hidden sects and eight hidden families so far. I never thought that there are so many hidden sects and hidden families in our small northwest."

"Who knows what's worth fighting for in that lake of fire?" Someone asked suspiciously.

"Because it is in Xiongshan, that is, on our Chu family's territory. Whether it is the monster race or any other human race forces, if they directly enter our territory, then our Chu family's face will be slapped." ?”

"That's right, death can't be tolerated. But I heard that the monster clan is still trying to attract powerful beasts, and they want to compete for that lake of fire."

"Then let them come. Our Chu family is not vegetarian."

Even though they were in the Chu clan, they didn't have a clear understanding of what the point of contention for the lake of fire was.Before reaching that level, they will never know what the family's interests are in fighting for the lake of fire.

Taohua occasionally heard their talk and would not answer them.

In a word, there is no need for them to know the situation of the lake of fire yet.

The furnace from Longshanfang City finally arrived. The refiners have been fighting very hard recently, especially Chu Anguo who controls the fourth-level furnace.That's Tier [-]! !It's a thick neck that makes other refiners envious.

In order to keep the stove, Chu Anguo simply called several of his proud disciples over.

All of them of this lineage are both skilled in martial arts and martial arts, and they are all big and round. When it comes to fighting, no one is really convinced.With the support of his apprentices, he held onto the furnace even more, and practiced desperately every day, let alone a first-order high-quality refining furnace.

But if this thing can't be mass-produced, there is no point in refining a few first-order boutique small stoves.

He's not one of those casual weapon refiners out there, as long as he refines a first-tier high-quality small furnace, he's ashamed to call himself a senior second-tier weapon refiner.Their family has always been popular with the outsiders who put gold leaf on their faces.

Refining a few magic weapons casually is ashamed to say that I am a first-level craftsman, and I am ashamed to say that I am a second-level senior when I successfully refine a first-level high-quality refining furnace.

The outside monks don't know how to laugh at them native aborigines.

So Chu Anguo still had to work hard.

As for his competitor, a relaxed state is quite acceptable.

Maybe that guy already has a refining method in mind, and even successfully refined a first-order high-quality refining furnace! !
Just waiting for the final mass production test.

So Chu Anguo didn't dare to be careless at all.He had suffered from that old man several times.

In the matter of refining utensils, the first one has all the benefits, and the second one has nothing.So Chu Anguo has been burying his head in painstaking training, working hard on how to mass produce.

"Master, they are already studying how to mass-produce it." An old man's apprentice said to his master anxiously.

"Don't worry, mass production is not so easy. Your master and I have been studying for so long and got stuck on the last step. What's wrong with him, Chu Anguo? In the end, he can't be like me! Everyone doesn't know who's refining level What's wrong?" An old man sat firmly on the Diaoyutai.

"Really? Master?" the little apprentice asked in astonishment.

"Of course it's true. Look, sometimes he comes to beg me." An old man said calmly.Chu Anguo alone could not complete the task, and he could not have completed the task at the beginning either.This time, if it wasn't for the head of the family who was sorting out and kept asking everyone about the progress of the research, a certain old man originally planned to study it dully.

There is no other way now, the main results are achieved, so he has no time to continue to immerse himself in research.But after all, he puts this research ahead of everyone, so that Chu Anguo will definitely come to beg him.

(End of this chapter)

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