The rebirth of God's boss

Chapter 544 Fighting

Chapter 544 Fighting
Chu Anguo studied and studied, and finally got stuck.

He found that in order to mass-produce, there must be a large workbench that can engrave runes from two sides at the same time, and finally finish the writing at the same time and link them together.

Most importantly, this workbench requires at least two people to operate at the same time! !
Of course, it is better if more people operate at the same time.

The problem is that the only one who can have such a tacit understanding with him is that dead old man.

That old man! !
Chu Anguo suddenly understood that he was tricked by that dead old man.

Damn, left cautious, right cautious still let that dead old man cheat.The aggressive Chu Anguo led his apprentices to find a dead old man. "I said Chu Guxing, you are too wicked. You obviously have studied to the end, and you are only a step away from the last step. If you stop and don't study, you insist on discovering the key points bit by bit, and then you wait for me to come I'm looking for you to make a condition, isn't it?"

"It's not that you are guarding the stove. If you split the use time of the fourth-tier refining furnace with me, I would have reminded you." Chu Guxing pouted his gray beard and smiled recklessly and elegantly.

Chu Guxing is handsome and elegant, anyway, he is much better-looking than Chu Anguo, a master craftsman who practiced both martial arts and martial arts.

When I was young, I was often compared with Chu Anguo.Chu Anguo often beat him or left others because of this comparison.Chu Guxing was not angry at the beginning, how could Chu Anguo, who was like a barbarian, be able to compare with him, besides, he was above Chu Anguo in terms of reputation and refining level at that time.

At that time, they had not yet become monks, and all kinds of refining techniques were still focused on refining various tools useful to the family and inventing innovative new tools.

The high-speed loom he invented was three times as effective as other similar looms, but it didn't take long for Chu Anguo to invent another high-speed loom.Immediately, the speed of weaving was increased to nine times that of the external loom.Of course, the high-speed loom still has some small flaws, and the woven cloth has too many broken ends, so it can only be used on low-grade fine linen and burlap.Cotton and silk are no good, they look too ugly, and the quality cannot be improved at all.

So he and Chu Anguo can be regarded as evenly divided.

Later, the two improved the loom again, and this time it was completed by the front and rear feet.He raised the weaving speed of the original high-speed loom to the level of Chu Anguo, but there were very few broken ends, and he could weave flowers.

However, Chu Anguo's new loom has increased the original speed level again, and this time his broken ends have become less, at least a little worse than his own.

The only thing that can make Chu Guxing happy is that Chu Anguo's loom cannot weave flowers, and a loom that cannot weave flowers cannot be used on high-grade cotton and silk.

But at that time Chu Guxing had faintly felt the threat from Chu Anguo.

This guy was just a budding apprentice at the beginning, but his progress was unreasonable. His speed, creativity, and hands-on ability were simply staggering.

Even the master who brought Chu Anguo was full of praise for him.

What the hell, Ji Shengyu and He Shengliang?

From then on, Chu Guxing devoted himself to hooking up with Chu Anguo.

A pinch will pinch today.

"No, it's impossible to share half of your time with the stove. At most one-fifth. I'll let you use one day every five days." Chu Anguo's face hurts.However, if the task assigned by the Patriarch is not completed, it would be too embarrassing.All for the first-order high-quality refining furnace.

In fact, with a fourth-tier real-name-level refining furnace, it would be much easier to go back and refine a first-tier high-quality refining furnace.Many key technical points that Chu Anguo did not fully understand before were also deduced by him like a stone.

The problem is mass production, not just technology.

"That's one-fifth, do you know how to count?" Chu Guxing said angrily.

"That's how I count, you beat me if you have the ability?" Chu Anguo said arrogantly.

"Why do you really think I dare not do anything to you?" Chu Guxing began to show his arms and roll up his sleeves.The disciples behind him also began to prepare speechlessly, isn't it just a group fight?It's not the first time either!The brothers who didn't look at the other side also started to prepare, Emma, ​​it's enough for everyone to show their arms, why are you rolling up your trouser legs?Are you going down the river to catch fish?

"Solve it by force!?" Chu Anguo squinted at Chu Guxing.

"It's up to whoever has the biggest fist." Chu Guxing tied his robe around his waist.That barbarian Chu Anguo couldn't reason with him, so he had to do it.


"Do it for me."

The two masters shouted loudly, and hundreds of disciples on both sides immediately started fighting.

Other refiners around and their apprentices and apprentices all came out to join in the fun and watch, and even commented on which senior and which one was good at fighting.

There is no way, every once in a while, these two uncles who are one of the best refining masters in the family will lead their disciples to fight each other.Although there are no cases of disability or death, there are still blood and injuries.

You can't make a deadly move, you have to really win. This technical difficulty is not low.

So much so that when the two refiners recruited apprentices, they took whether the other party would fight and whether they were strong or not as the primary criteria for accepting apprentices.It is simply a miracle among the refiners! !

If you really can't beat them, you can use black tricks, such as aiming at the lower body, picking eyes, picking noses, or biting people.

What a mess! !

By the time Ling Yanshu brought people to fight, the two of them had already decided the winner.This time Chu Guxing has been planning for a long time, recharging his energy and recharging his energy, and the players are all backbones. On the other hand, Chu Anguo temporarily summoned disciples, lacking backbones, and the task of refining weapons is relatively heavy recently, and the disciples are also relatively tired, so the mid game lost control and lost in the end. up.

Chu Anguo jumped up and down, finally with a blue panda eye, willing to admit defeat, and promised to lend the stove to Chu Guxing every three days.

Chu Guxing was quite satisfied with this point, he was almost able to break through to the third-rank high-grade craftsman.It is difficult for Chu Anguo to catch up with him, whether it is in cultivation or in the breakthrough of the refining realm.

Damn, a group of dog disciples actually made him lose to his old enemy in public! !

It just doesn't make sense.

After returning back, Chu Anguo assigned a terrifying plan of martial arts training to his disciples.Martial arts requires learning and tempering, but the task of refining weapons cannot be delayed or the quality should not be reduced.

Emma, ​​isn't this killing people?

The apprentices wailed for a while, the new apprentices wanted to escape collectively, and the faces of the old disciples turned pale, but they had been tempered for a long time anyway, what days did they not survive?

"Brothers, it's good to get through it, come on. Brothers cheer for you and support you mentally."

Then the old disciples ran away despite the grievances of the new disciples.

(End of this chapter)

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