Chapter 547 Wax

Lin Changge has memories of his previous life. Doesn't he know exactly what kind of guy Chu Shinian is?
On the surface, after he stepped down as the commander of the dark guards, he was the successor commander of the dark guards.

Patriarch Chu Xi is often away from home and travels outside.Back then, Chu Muyu used to make alchemy frequently, and the one who had the most contact with Chu Shinian was him, the new leader of the hidden guard who could fight.

That man Chu Shinian has never stopped making small movements, cough cough cough.

Forget about him, anyway, he is still the commander of the hidden guards, so naturally he can't jump out of the palm of the Patriarch.

"Changge, Changge, what are you thinking while squatting on the root of a tree alone? Tell me, Uncle Dashan, are you angry with Qingmei again?" Chu Dashan lowered his big face at this moment, looking down at the fugue Lin Changge outside is very gossip.

"She said I like men." Lin Changge was taken aback when he saw Chu Dashan, but he immediately changed his expression and said aggrievedly.

Chu Dashan looked at him in shock, " actually like men?"

"I don't, I won't, it's not me." Lin Changge retorted fiercely.

"Then my Qingmei never tells lies." Chu Dashan still looked at Lin Changge with some doubts.

"Uncle Dashan, do you think I am someone who likes men?" Lin Changge asked sadly and angrily.

"Cough cough, who knows that? People who know people know face but don't know heart." Chu Dashan muttered softly.

"Uncle Dashan, I love you so much, yet you are slandering me!"

"What, what are you talking about?"

"I said I love you so much." Lin Changge said angrily.

"Scare me. Don't speak so fast next time. I'll have to hear you wrong. I thought you loved me so much. Emma, ​​I'm so scared that I'm sweating out of my back."

Lin Changge glared directly, "Uncle Dashan, you are not yet old (maodie), why did you start to lose your ears?" When he was speaking just now, he never thought that he missed a word, and as a result, trouble would happen .

"Isn't this a moment of excitement and I didn't listen well? How old am I when I am an octogenarian, and Jia Dalang is not married yet." Chu Dashan said angrily.

"Yes, Uncle Dashan, you will always be strong!"

Chu Dashan became even angrier when he heard this. Isn't this still saying that I am old?

"No wonder Qingmei misunderstood you. If you keep doing this, you will definitely have no friends. Who would like to talk with you?"

After hearing Chu Dashan's complaints, Lin Changge was even more speechless.

"Uncle Dashan, Sister Qingmei definitely misunderstood me. I really don't like men. I just think that a man like Chu Shinian is really amazing, so I took a few more glances at him. As a result, Qingmei misunderstood that I like Chu Shinian up.

Chu Shinian is not as good-looking as me, how could I like him? "

After hearing this, Chu Dashan immediately went up and down, went back and forth, carefully appraised Lin Changge's appearance, and said, "You are too confident, too confident is conceited. It's not that I'm really boasting." My family, let's get rid of you. In terms of appearance alone, you really don't have Chu Shinian's beauty.

If Chu Shinian's temperament wasn't too dark, he would definitely have top-notch looks.As for you, although you are not bad, you are still a little bit worse.Fortunately, you have a cheerful personality and good popularity, which makes up for the lack of appearance. "

Lin Changge seemed to be buzzing when he heard it. Why do you say that he is not as good-looking as Chu Shinian?

Seeing Lin Changge's more and more aggrieved eyes, Chu Dashan suddenly felt bad, and immediately said, "I still have something to do, let's take a step first." Then he ran away as quickly as a rabbit chasing after him .

Lin Changge smacked his tongue directly behind him: How could you just leave me and run away like this?Why do I have no status in Uncle Da Shan's mind?

So starting from the second day, Lin Changge also simply ran to Chu Dashan to feel his presence.

Chu Dashan was brushed by him for a few days, it was really embarrassing and his head hurt.With no other choice, he called Lin Changge into his tent again.

"I said Changge, can you stop brushing me? My Qingmei's eyeballs are about to pop out."

Lin Changge laughed when he heard this.

He also discovered that Chu Qingmei recently felt that she might have some unruly intentions towards her father, so she was very wary of him.So Chu Qingmei was not so much staring at Chu Dashan as she was staring at him.


"You also found out, right?" Chu Dashan said in a tone that really took you young people to no avail. "You should stop thinking about men in the future. You should still focus on Qingmei. Otherwise, she will still stare at you."

"Uncle Dashan, I really didn't intend to hit a man." This is really unfair to him.

But Chu Dashan still looked like someone who came here and said, "Young man, who can not make a mistake, go astray or something. Back then... cough cough, in short, you should stop thinking about men in the future, that is not the right path.

It is better to find a decent woman and have a litter of you know "

Lin Changge nodded with a wry smile.It's over, Uncle Dashan doesn't believe his truth anymore.

Well, he continued to work hard and strive to see people's hearts for a long time.Let Uncle Dashan recognize his true colors as soon as possible! !
Chu Dashan didn't know that Lin Changge was still planning to work hard for him, so he happily sent Lin Changge away, but when he returned to his tent, he saw his eldest daughter sitting on his high chair angrily. Looking at him from the back chair.

"Girl, don't worry, dad has already taught him a lesson, and he also nodded and admitted his mistake. He said that he would never like men again in the future."

"I don't care if he likes men or not."

"Then why are you staring at your father every day these two days?" Chu Dashan asked puzzled.

"No one he likes can like you. You are his uncle."

Ahhh, Chu Dashan almost burst out laughing.

Xin said that when Lin Changge first joined Zhuangzi, he still called me Big Brother Dashan.Later, it was probably to eat my family’s spiritual ginseng before changing to Uncle Dashan.

"Girl, if you like him, then tell him. Dad can also decide for you two." Chu Dashan said sincerely.

"Ah bah, who likes him." Chu Qingmei said with a sneer.

That guy Lin Changge first looked at Chu Shinian straight in the eye for his beauty, and then he turned his attention to her still charming father. !
When she finds an opportunity in the future, she must deal with him well.

Chu Dashan: "..." His daughter is indeed much more difficult to deal with than his wife. Back then, his wife gave him a shy look and agreed to marry him.

Lin Changge's road to marrying a wife in the future will inevitably be extremely bumpy, so he will light a candle for him innocently! !
(End of this chapter)

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