The rebirth of God's boss

Chapter 548 Light Film

Chapter 548 Light Film
The altar realm of the Chu family finally dug to the edge of the battleship, unearthed pieces of battleship plates of different sizes, and unearthed some odd and small objects, and finally dug up the front of the battleship where the battleship was still in operation.

Squeak, squeak, the abnormal sound made by the ban clearly told everyone that there was something wrong with it.

Through the almost transparent prohibition shield, everyone can clearly see the leaky corner of the huge battleship inside.

This is a big scar, it should be cut by some kind of sword, axe or something.The exact size of the crack is invisible to everyone.However, through the cracks, the bones of monks of high and low ranks in the battleship can be clearly seen.

Some bones still fluoresce in gold, silver and white colors even after countless years.All kinds of visions showed that these monks were either monks who practiced a special body refining technique, or they were the bones of real high-level monks.

"It looks like you can't enter for the time being." Tao Hua frowned.

"Patriarch, what does this mean?" Before Ling Yanshu could get out of the surprise, the Patriarch said that he could not enter here for the time being.

"Look, there are too many bones of high-level monks here. What does this mean? It means that there are likely to be high-level monks here who have turned to cultivating corpses and ghosts. Why do you go in and give them meat and vegetables?" Taohua was speechless. the way.

"Then... what if there are no high-ranking monks who have switched to cultivating corpses and ghosts?" Ling Yanshu asked.

The other altar-level cultivators also looked at Peach Blossom expectantly.

"That's even more frightening. It means that there are some more terrifying creatures here that devour the souls of monks. It has devoured the souls of so many high-ranking monks. It must be our souls that attack us.

As far as we are at the same level of food, we are only at the stage of the gods, and there is no protection above the soul.If you want to compete with others for food, you can only send food in. "Peach Blossom said.

"Then we dug for nothing?" Chu Liyao said depressedly.

"How could it be that the digging was for nothing? I will connect the formation I set up earlier with the restriction here. People can't get in for the time being, but things can go in." Tao Hua said.

"Something goes in, what is it?" Chu Liyao asked puzzled.

"Fishing rods and hooks can go in." Taohua said.

Chu Liyao immediately reacted, and immediately recommended himself happily, "Patriarch, I can do it. I usually use a fishing rod to fish the best. I can catch things, really."

"I can do it too, I can do it too." The other altar-level cultivators happily recommended themselves.

People don't need to enter, so there is no danger. Everyone can catch things with a fishing rod.

Isn't it just throwing fishing rods and hooks?Although it may not be possible to catch it, but in front of other gods, how can we admit cowardice?

"I'll ask someone to prepare some fishing rods and hooks later. If you have fishing experience, come and try it. If you don't have experience in using fishing rods and hooks, you can go outside and find someone to learn." Taohua said.

"Okay, okay, Patriarch, I have experience."

"Patriarch, I have to learn first, but I have a strong learning ability, and I can learn it after a while."

The enthusiasm of the altar-level people was mobilized at once. When Taohua and the formation masters connected to the formation, other altar-level people began to get fishing rods and hooks, and practiced by themselves or asked someone for advice. .

This thing seems simple, but it is not so easy to control.

Especially for those beginners, they are full of blood when they hit the wall.

But everyone is still studying hard! !
It took more than two hours for the formation to be completely connected little by little, and finally docked with the opposing battleship prohibition formation.It's like two big blisters, butts attract each other at first, and then they are connected together.

The peach blossoms are coming, Chu Liyao is holding the forbidden ball, and then throws the forbidden ball to the fusion of the two formations.

Humming, after two soft sounds, the forbidden magic ball stood out of nowhere, was merged into it by the two formations, and directly became the core of the connection between the two formations.

After the banning ball stood firm, the original battleship was not very stable, and the banning ban and the silently flowing various attack runes on the ban were hidden one after another.

A calm colorless transparent light film appeared.

"This light film can only enter but not exit. I mean this is true for living creatures and soul objects. This light film exists to protect us. Don't run in foolishly."

The altar and formation masters burst into laughter, no one is stupid, how could they rush in knowing the danger?
"What are you laughing at? Whether it's high-level ghouls or creatures that can devour souls, it's not easy to mess with. They should be able to manipulate monks' souls at will. Be careful, if you find that the people around you are innocent and stupid Rush into the light film, remember to knock him out. Otherwise, if you go in, you will be finished."

Taohua reminded them with a deep meaning.

In case of death, don't say she didn't remind her.

Even though these people are the elite of the family, and all of them have reached the altar level, Taohua is not sure that they will not be confused by the danger inside when they catch the opportunity.

If you really rush in, you will never come back.

Peach Blossom's words cheered up everyone in the Divine Stage Realm.Increased vigilance.

"Opportunities definitely exist, but whether you can get them depends on your ability." After Taohua said this, she casually tossed the fishing rod in her hand, and then the hook hooked up something like a lightning bolt, and then And quickly ejected back.

A small and exquisite black metal ring fell into her hand.

Immediately there was an angry roar from inside.

The roar transmitted the light film out of thin air and caused a slight chill in the group of gods.

"The roar inside should be from that thing, but I don't know what it is. Be careful, that roar is actually a kind of spiritual attack, and this light film can block [-]% of its attack power."

Tao Hua's words instantly horrified a group of people in the altar realm.

"Ninety-ninety percent of it is shielded, and our eardrums are still shaking, and there is a new chill?" Chu Liyao said in shock. "How high is that thing's cultivation?"

"In short, it's higher than you think. You have to know that we are just little altar-level cultivators. We are too weak. So you must be careful when collecting resources, and keep your own first. No matter what good things are If there are no people, they will be gone." Tao Hua warned again.

But even though she warned repeatedly, when she went down to the ground the next day, she was shocked to hear that two altar-level people had run into the light film.

Now the monks of the two families have become corpses. The corpses are intact, as if they are asleep, but in fact, their souls have been swallowed up by something.

(End of this chapter)

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