The rebirth of God's boss

Chapter 553 Angry Chu Shinian

Chapter 553 Angry Chu Shinian
Chu Shinian had been thinking of getting things done so that he could go see Taohua.Unexpectedly, a super relic was suddenly discovered in the central hinterland of Yun'an Continent.

It is said that the area of ​​the ruins is very large. The area excavated so far is already the size of a capital in the middle of the mainland.Moreover, a large number of items of ancient monks appeared in the ruins.

The news revealed by this relic was the first to shock those sect monks and family monks, and they almost led the team away without hesitation.A lake of fire, even if it is the fire eye of the earth vein, it will take a lot of manpower, material and financial resources to transform it.

What's more, there are groups of monsters gathering around here to compete.

Especially since this is still the territory of the Chu family, even if it occupies part of the lake of fire, it would not be worthwhile to fight the Chu family for a long time in the future.

It's not like there are no other opportunities.

Immediately afterwards there were some organized small groups of casual cultivators, although they wanted to occupy a place on the side of the lake of fire to make a bargain.But Chu Shinian was obviously not easy to mess with.With this time, it is better to go to White Crab Island, maybe to the center of the mainland.

The problem is that it is not easy to go to the central part of the mainland, and the competition there is probably more terrifying than here.

But although they didn't know where to go, they decided to leave.Because relying on the hundreds of people in their small group alone, Chu Shinian could send them to heaven at any time with a ruthless hand.

As long as those sect forces and family forces leave, they will be in danger.

So the casual cultivators also left together one after another, and the only one who refused to leave was the group of monsters.

But seeing that the human monks had all retreated, they were also afraid that Chu Shinian would continue to kill them. The battle formation was too powerful.

So they quietly retreated five hundred miles away and continued to guard.

I don't believe I won't have a chance to kill you two-legged people in the future! !

Hula Hula It only took one day and night, and there were only a few solitary casual cultivators who were still unwilling to run in the entire lake of fire, and they could still run.After all, the person is small, the goal is small, and running is more advantageous.

There are also several big teams from the main line of the Chu family and from the branch.

Chu Shinian looked at the empty land around him speechlessly. There were originally many camps stationed there.Those guys who clamored to fight him to the death all ran away.

He really wanted to say: Come here, I'm waiting for you, I've already thought about finding someone to come back to deal with you, but you actually ran away, how embarrassing is this for me? !
Looking around, no matter how he looked, all that was left was rubbish except for some camp wreckage.Human beings have none.

"These grandsons are really vicious. They have cut down all the wood in the surrounding hills. We will have to plant a lot of saplings in the future when we build this place." A sturdy middle-aged man from the branch family complained as he walked. Arrived at Chu Shinian's side.

Chu Dashan followed behind him, and he also frowned and stared at the surrounding hills that had been chopped down, which was a pity.

"It would be nice if we could leave a mountain for us. Hey, I heard that even the most important capital was demolished in the country where the super ruins were discovered. The emperor can only go and live with the capital in a grievance." Behind Chu Dashan was a young man.He also represents a branch of the Chu family.

Chu Dashan couldn't help laughing when he heard this, "What the emperor did is too embarrassing."

"What face does he need when he is only four years old? I heard that the emperor died suddenly, and several older sons wanted to compete for the throne of the emperor, but the younger son took advantage of it. It turned out that the younger son's mother and concubine became the queen mother, and the younger son Your uncle has become the regent." The young man heard Chu Dashan respond to his words.Immediately began to gossip enthusiastically.

"The emperor's power has been left behind, and his life will be worrying in the future." Chu Dashan followed up.

"That's not it." The young man also nodded.

"Shinian, shall we start cleaning up the debris around us now?" asked the sturdy middle-aged man who was the first to climb the mountain to Chu Shinian's side.

Nowadays, people outside the family all call Chu Shinian Chu Shuai or Chu City Lord.Only people within the family still called him Commander Chu, or Chu Shinian.

"Let's clean it up, get this place done quickly, and the geographer asked them to continue the survey and survey. When the Patriarch comes over, she will naturally arrange other things." Chu Shinian said.

The middle-aged man nodded in satisfaction.

The large-scale construction in the family is done by the head of the family, and for the sake of Longshanfang City, they will not have any opinions.

The owner of the house has deep experience in all kinds of large-scale construction, and can make remarkable achievements in whatever he does.

"Now that Chengyang and Fengyang New City have been completed, the Patriarch should invite her to visit if she is free. If she doesn't go, everyone will have no confidence." The separation of middle-aged people is the last line of artisan inheritance. Well established family.

The current owner, the Chu family, is a large group of top craftsmen.

Chu Shinian nodded directly. "I'll talk to the owner later."

"Shi Nian, tell the Patriarch that you have nothing to do and walk around, lest outsiders think you are in control and turn the Patriarch into a puppet." The middle-aged man frowned and said again.

Chu Shinian's eyes immediately narrowed dangerously, the sharp gaze made people dare not look directly at him.

"Who said that?"

Those three short words brought out a suffocating sense of oppression.

Chu Dashan and the others were secretly startled, thinking that Chu Shinian was really majestic and growing day by day, and his days of astonishing power had cultivated his arrogance after all.

"Many people in the family and outside the family say so." The middle-aged man said under pressure.

"I have nothing to do to find fault, right? The Patriarch is busy, so there is no time to listen to them barking. I will let the hidden guards deal with this matter later. You don't have to worry about it."

If the dark guard comes forward, it will inevitably set off a bloodbath.

The face of the middle-aged man changed slightly.

"Only need the Patriarch..."

"The owner is busy."

"What is the master doing?"

"What is the Patriarch up to, and do I need to tell you?" Chu Shinian looked at him coldly.

"I think you artisans need to change to a more sensible patriarch."

When the middle-aged man heard this, his face finally changed drastically.


"Stop testing me, I don't have the leisure to tear you apart, I have a lot of things on me, come and suppress him. Turn back and let the craftsman change a patriarch."

"You can't do this, you can't. Chu Shinian, you are just a humble and poor son, why do you control the whole family, Patriarch, Patriarch, just look at how domineering and arrogant Chu Shinian is, Chu Family How could it be handed over to such a person..."

The middle-aged man lost his composure and yelled, while being dragged away by the ruthless monk army.

Later, the cultivator who dragged him also disliked his barking, so he directly clicked his acupoints, sealing his ability to speak.

Seeing someone being dragged away, many other branch clan heads trembled.

(End of this chapter)

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