The rebirth of God's boss

Chapter 554 Chu Shinian: Marry me anyway

Chapter 554 Chu Shinian: Marry me anyway

"I'm very angry. The head of the family has been busy working for the family. Someone actually wants to find fault with her when she is busy. The head of the family is a puppet. It's not because she wants to fight for the control of the family." Chu Shinian snorted coldly. Said. "If you want to fight for the control of the family, then come, I, Chu Shinian, are waiting for you. I, Chu Shinian, can tell you clearly here that as long as the Patriarch still cares about the Chu family for a day, I will not take the family Give up control.

You don't have to be delusional. "

Chu Shinian looked coldly at the heads of the several clans in front of him.

"We didn't mean to compete for the control of the family, and that person just now never contacted me." Someone said obediently.

"Although he has contacted me, I have already rejected him verbally. It is said that not everyone in the artisan line supports him. I heard that he really wants to be the head of the family, or the family cannot hand over a female doll .”

"Yes, yes, he often said in private that the head of the house is a woman who always has to marry, and the family cannot produce a head of the house who is married outside."

When Chu Shinian heard this, the corners of Chu Shinian's mouth curled slightly, and then fell again.

Well, this proposal is indeed very solid, it would be bad to marry outside, you should marry me.

"Whether the head of the family will marry or not is up to her to decide who to marry. You don't have to worry too much. As for that guy's matter, I will investigate and take over as soon as possible. If I find out that you have lied to me, then you will know How it turned out."

The heads of several branch families immediately said that what they didn't have was that they were all good children and they were all telling the truth.

Chu Shinian didn't fully believe them, but he didn't magnify the matter either.After all, the face of the branch families is also to be given.

"Then go back and organize your staff quickly, the family will start to clean up the surrounding area."

In fact, Chu Shinian climbed to the top to observe the surrounding camps of the escapees, but he never thought of meeting them.

This time, it was obvious that someone had gathered them together, intending to concentrate on attacking him.A faint, gloomy sneer appeared on Chu Shinian's lips.It's really courting death.

After Chu Dashan went back, he told Lin Changge what happened on the mountain this morning, and finally he summed it up, "Someone said early in the morning that it was Chu Shinian who summoned us to wait up the mountain to meet him. Otherwise, I would be full." Man goes climbing with a group of people.

As a result, I actually fell into the pit.Some people were dissatisfied with the patriarch and Chu Shinian's practice of controlling the family and wanted to sow discord.In the end, the provocation failed, so I went down first. "

"The one who was taken away may not be the mastermind." Lin Changge said pertinently.

Chu Dashan thought about it, and Lin Changge was right.

The one who comes first is the mastermind.

"However, Chu Shinian was born as a secret guard. It shouldn't be difficult to investigate who exactly is playing tricks under his nose. Speaking of which, the only one in the Chu family who can block his investigation is the head of the family."

Chu Dashan was horrified in an instant, "That Chu Shinian actually controls the family to such an extent?"

"Chu Shinian is the most outstanding leader of the hidden guards of the family in the past." Although Lin Changge didn't want to admit this, it was the fact.Back then, he had fought against Chu Shinian for control of the family.

If it wasn't for Chu Shinian who was worried about fighting with him, Chu Xi of the year found out and voluntarily pushed back.It is not so easy for him to completely control the family's hidden guard forces.

Of course, even if he controlled the family's secret guards, he didn't think that Chu Shinian would get less information than he did.

He just doesn't argue.

A former leader and a current leader, the original hidden guards are also embarrassed, right?
"No wonder, no wonder, some people may not be able to sit still." Chu Dashan said after thinking about it.It would be difficult for him if there was such a leader of the hidden guards in his living family.I probably made a little movement, and the person above will know it.

I am really worried!

Isn't this someone watching when you drink cold water every day?
"Hmm, someone should have seen the family grow stronger and did some inappropriate things. They probably felt that they would not be able to hide it in the future. In order to keep their profits, they started to attack Chu Shinian and the Patriarch.

They are forcing the owner to clean up the door. "

Lin Changge is clear about these things. He used to do this kind of dirty work of ransacking his home and being scapegoated.

Chu Dashan was deeply convinced.

"No wonder you like Chu Shinian, such a man is indeed attractive." Chu Dashan finally said with emotion, "But my green plum is also good, you should find your way back."

"Uncle Dashan, I don't like Chu Shinian, I just admire him." Lin Changge tried to defend himself.

"Appreciation can also develop into liking, isn't this all a routine." Chu Dashan laughed loudly.

"I'm not, I haven't, and I definitely can't develop to that level. I like women." Lin Changge struggled.

"Okay, okay, I believe you. Actually, I think even if you like him, he can't like you. Your liking is hopeless love."

Lin Changge's face turned green after hearing this.

If the person who made fun of him was the Patriarch's own father, he would definitely beat him so hard that his mother wouldn't recognize him.

Chu Dashan still laughed unconsciously, he had to thank him for being the patriarch's father!

Chu Shinian acted extremely quickly. Not only did he clean up the family, but he arrested those who should be arrested, killed those who should be killed, and ransacked those who should be ransacked.

They also cleaned up all the monsters near the lake of fire.

The monster group was forced to retreat another three hundred miles.

It's just too much bullying! !
It's a pity that the soldiers of the Chu clan are too powerful, otherwise, they would have snatched Huohu back when they found it.

When the monsters receded, the battle in the entire Lake of Fire was basically over, and the Chu family won another huge victory.

At this time, many people wrote to Chu Shinian, asking him to continue to lead everyone into the hinterland of the mainland, the super ruins.

Chu Shinian was a little too generous, ahem, he actually wanted to find a reason to meet Taohua, so after explaining something, he sent someone away.

Other sub-family members can also lead the team to withdraw at this time.

Chu Dashan took Lin Changge and Chu Qingmei out of the mountain and returned to Zhuangzi.This time he participated in the battle, he himself was not very strong, and he almost died several times during the big fights.If Qingmei and Lin Changge hadn't rescued him with all their strength, he would probably be doomed.

This also made Chu Dashan realize that he himself is not very suitable for military warfare.

During the battle, he had problems with running positions several times and almost died.Doesn't this mean there is a problem?
If this was an ordinary sergeant, he would have died several times already, that is to say, he himself was the head of the branch family, and countless members of the clan went forward to snatch him back.

(End of this chapter)

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