Chapter 555
Chu Dashan didn't say anything, but he still blamed himself in his heart. More than 300 people from the clan died in battle and more than [-] were injured.

So he made up his mind in his heart that he would not lead the team to fight in the future, and let the young people go to lead the fight.

For example, Lin Changge, this kid really shines in this kind of battle.Lin Changge far surpassed him in judging the battle, the judgment of offense and defense, and the choice of fighters.

Some people even told him in private that Lin Changge was a natural commander, so conspicuous that even the Chu family would not be able to keep him.

Lin Changge went through a series of battles with the Chu family, but there were many sects and aristocratic families who found him.

In fact, Chu Dashan was also a little worried about whether Lin Changge would continue to stay. Although he also hoped that Lin Changge would not leave, if he really wanted to leave, he couldn't stop him.


Anyway, if Lin Changge didn't leave, he would seriously consider the possibility of marrying Qingmei to him.

Lin Changge and Chu Qingmei came out of Chu Dashan's study side by side. He asked Chu Qingmei who was beside him very puzzled, "Do you find anything strange? Why do I feel that the way Uncle Dashan looks at me these days is not right?" ?
It seems that there are always some complicated and difficult colors?

Could it be that Uncle Dashan has really taken a fancy to me? "

After saying this, Lin Changge touched his handsome face subconsciously, alas, being too handsome is really not a good thing.It's so eye-catching.

As soon as Qingmei heard this, she immediately stretched out her paw and patted him on the back several times.

"What are you talking about? How could my father have taken a fancy to you? He just... began to think that you are so important. "

"Ah? What do you mean it's so important? Could it be that I've always been dispensable?" Lin Changge deliberately misinterpreted.

"I said you will listen to good words, right?" Qingmei suddenly twisted his ear angrily.

"Let... let go, quickly... let go" Lin Changge hurriedly begged for mercy in order to keep his ears. "The ear is about to fall off, you are a tigress, you are so fierce to me?"

"Who, who are you calling a tigress?" Qingmei was so angry that she unconsciously pinched Lin Changge's waist with her other hand.

Ow! !

Lin Changge was almost pinched and jumped up, Emma, ​​do you have to pinch off a piece of his waist?
"I say myself, I say I am a tiger." Otherwise, what else can Chu Qingmei continue to pinch him?

Hmph, Qingmei peeked outside and didn't see her mother, so she quickly stopped, if she was found out, she would be reprimanded again.

Pulling Lin Changge out of the father's study room, he found a place leeward from the corner and said, "Let me tell you, you were too eye-catching in the battle this time, and you were picked up by someone with a heart. My father is worried They came here to lure you away. That's why there's something wrong with the way they look at you."

"How could I leave?" Lin Changge said.

"Then who's right?" Qingmei complained.

"I'm so reluctant... Uncle Dashan, I will definitely not leave." Lin Changge smiled and teased Chu Qingmei.

"You really covet my father, hmph, let me tell you, you have no chance, don't go to my father's side in the future, otherwise, see if I won't beat you." Chu Qingmei raised her fist in protest.

"Qing Mei, what are you doing?" Not far away, Chu Qi looked at the two of them with a strange expression.

what does this mean?
Private meeting?

Hearing the voice, Qingmei turned around cleverly, and said to her mother awkwardly and guiltyly, "No, I didn't do anything. I just..." Qingmei turned around again, wanting to say that she just wanted to talk to Lin Changge about something.

It turned out that Lin Changge was gone.

The wicked Lin Changge actually ran away?
"What are you talking about?" Chu Qi's face was unkind, and he walked towards his eldest daughter step by step, full of oppression.

"It's nothing." Chu Qingmei said with wandering eyes.

"Qingmei, tell me the truth, what is your relationship with that kid Lin Changge?" Chu Qi asked.

"It's the superiors and subordinates. I'm the captain and he's the vice-team." Chu Qingmei said perfunctorily.

"Ha, you think I'll believe it?" Chu Qi scolded angrily.

Qing Mei immediately rolled her eyes, "Tell me, mother, what relationship can I have with him?"

"You... well, mother doesn't care what kind of relationship you have, mother will just ask you, have you ever done anything that crossed the line?"

When Qing Mei heard this, she immediately blushed in embarrassment. "Mom, what do you think, is your daughter that kind of person?"

Chu Qi immediately saw that the daughter understood the meaning of his words, and said awkwardly, "I know you are steady, but mother always reminds you not to cross the line. If you really get married, It's natural to let you guys do whatever you want. If not, Mother is worried that you will be hurt and suffer in the future."

"Mother, don't worry, I know what's good or bad." Qingmei ran over coquettishly and grabbed Chu Qi's sleeve and said angrily.She and Lin Changge are not what his mother thought.

Besides, she will have to guard against Lin Changge's liking for her father in the future!
After Lin Changge ran away, he also felt extremely guilty.In fact, he didn't know why he lost his mind at that time?

Why is he so afraid of being discovered by Chu Qi?

Is there anything really going on between him and Chu Qingmei?
Whoops, the old face is hot, it must be red.

This is the first time in two lifetimes that they are embarrassed like this!

Lin Changge thought for a while, but don't go home, since he will be alone when he goes back.But go to Chu Moyan's place for a quick meal, and chat with him by the way.

But he saw that Chu Moyan actually followed them back to Zhuangzi.

Chu Moyan often went out. Although he also went to Xiongshan this time, he was not with them. When he was in Xiongshan, he always lived in Chu Shinian's camp.Later he left again, and then returned to Zhuangzi with them.

When Lin Changge entered Chu Moyan's house, he found that the boys had prepared a table of delicious food and were eating.

Lin Changge simply sat across from him, and then asked the boy to give him a set of chopsticks, and a big bowl of rice by the way.

"I said you are really familiar when you come to my house?"

The corner of Chu Moyan's mouth twitched. He watched the man in front of him leap over the wall of his house, and then patted the dust off his body. Without washing his hands, he ran to his dining table and sat down to eat.

The problem is that he prepared all the meals for himself.

"Which one of us is with whom? Don't you think you said you wanted to be with me forever?" Lin Changge said with a smile.

"Ah bah bah, that was when I was drunk and recognized the wrong person." Chu Moyan directly retorted angrily.

"Then who do you recognize me as?" Lin Changge asked angrily.

"What do you have to say to an old bachelor like you, you don't even have a sweetheart?" Chu Moyan sneered at him.

(End of this chapter)

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