The rebirth of God's boss

Chapter 556 Lin Changge and Chu Moyan

Chapter 556 Lin Changge and Chu Moyan
"Do you have a sweetheart? Who? Bai Rui?" Lin Changge asked suddenly.

"Ah puff!~" Chu Moyan spurted out the sip of wine he just took, " did you know?"

"Sure enough, it's her. I just said why do you pay so much attention to her affairs?" Lin Changge said thoughtfully.

" did you know?" Chu Moyan's tongue was curled up, this man was not drunk yet.The embarrassment that the biggest secret in his heart was revealed made Chu Moyan blush.

"You forgot that I was your nephew for so many years in my previous life, big brother. You danced and called Bai Rui's name when you were drunk. Later, I inquired and found out that it was Chu Xi's sister-in-law."

"Shut up, shut up quickly." Chu Moyan jumped out, grabbed Lin Changge's neck, and covered his mouth with both hands.

Lin Changge forced Chu Moyan's little hand off his mouth. "Brother, what are you talking about? This is not the previous life. Bai Rui has become Qing Ji, and she has been split up with Chu Jun early. If you really like her, why don't you show it to her?
With your ability, can't you let the family's post office deliver your letter to her? "

"If I want to tell her that it's okay to go by myself, why use any letters." Chu Moyan said angrily.

"Then why? Do you like her and don't want to be with her?" Lin Changge looked at Chu Moyan strangely, and wondered if there was something unspeakable about this guy?

"What are you looking at?" Chu Moyan gave him an angry look. "I can't tell myself whether I like her or not."

"Why do you say that?" Lin Changge was puzzled.

"I used to think that I liked Bai Rui, but the one I liked was the woman who was strong in the face of adversity, and could burst into vitality in the face of a life I hated. But that was the way Bai Rui showed, I didn't I don't know if her nature is like that.

In case I find that she is not what she looks like, she is not what I imagined, I don't know if I will still like her at that time? "

Chu Moyan said a little confused.

"I think you really are a bit of that!" Lin Changge said.


"It's a bit silly." Lin Changge said with a roll of his eyes.

"Lin Changge..." Chu Moyan became angry from embarrassment.

"Your temperament is a bit too cowardly. Whether you like it or not, you have to get in touch with it. You have re-contacted, learned about it, and found it disappointing, then you can put this person, this paragraph always makes you hang up Let go of the feelings in my heart.

If you think she is still the one you like, you can confess to her directly.

You like her, but you don't tell her, if she likes someone else, wouldn't you be waxing? "

Watching the person you like live and fly with others, isn't that the same torment as burning oil with a lamp?
"Besides, if you don't say what you like, how can people like you? What if they also have someone in their heart? What should you do?" Lin Changge asked speechlessly.Although Qing Ji was married before, she is also a top-notch beauty now, and she is the kind of beauty with special temperament that makes people unforgettable.

How can such Qing Ji not be liked by anyone, or maybe she already has someone she likes in her heart.

By then, Chu Moyan will be finished!

"I said, did you come here to see my jokes?" Chu Moyan asked shamefully and angrily.

"Where is it... I just... forget it, don't talk about it, drink and drink..." Seeing that Chu Moyan couldn't understand what he was saying, Lin Changge still felt that he didn't want to talk to him.

Chu Moyan angrily confronted Lin Changge for several rounds of drinking before he said badly, "What do you think Chu Shinian is thinking? He actually secretly gave the owner a pair of pearl hairpins?"

Ah poof...

This time it was Lin Changge's turn to spray all the wine in his mouth onto the ground by the table.This is why he subconsciously avoided the delicious dishes that filled the table.

"You... what did you say it again..."

"I said that I secretly saw Chu Shinian put a pair of pearl hairpins into a small box, and asked the secret guard who delivered the secret letter to bring it to the Patriarch." Chu Mo said.

"How do you know it's a pair of pearl hairpins?" Lin Changge asked in surprise.

"Because the pearl hairpins that Chu Shinian bought came from my shop, to prevent counterfeiting, I specially put finishing touches on the packaging box and jewelry. I knew what was inside the box just by looking at it." Chu Moyan said proudly.

After hearing this, Lin Changge's expression became a little serious, "Did you know that Chu Shinian was in Xiongshan, and he took care of Chu Dashan secretly. In the series of battles, the lineage of Xiantaozhuang died the fewest, but won The line with the richest loot.

Chu Shinian also had a very kind attitude when dealing with Chu Dashan face to face. "

"What?" Chu Moyan frightened away the slightly drunken state brought about by drinking just now. "You mean, you mean..."

Lin Changge nodded solemnly. "At first, I thought that Chu Shinian was so kind because he knew that Chu Dashan was the patriarch's father, and he took care of him secretly. Now that I think about it, maybe he planned Chu Dashan's favor for him early because he had some thoughts about the patriarch. .”

"Chu Dashan came from a peasant family, so he doesn't know about the theory of origin and blood lineage of the family. He doesn't pay attention to the right family. As long as he wins his favor and the approval of the head of the family, he can almost marry the head of the family. .

Sigh, why didn't I see that this kid was so insidious and cunning in my previous life? "Chu Moyan thumped the table in annoyance, and almost knocked out the dishes full of good dishes on the table.

"Actually, I'm not surprised that he likes the Patriarch. In his previous life, he always secretly followed the Patriarch's whereabouts, and always secretly participated in the Patriarch's affairs. When he learned that the Patriarch was forced to marry, he almost killed that guy. .If it wasn’t destroyed by me later, the Patriarch would have been a widow.” Lin Changge said.

In the confrontation between the former leader and the current leader, he won that time.

But it's a fluke to win!He might not be able to beat Chu Shinian again, and Chu Shinian should be in a state of disarray at that time.So he missed.

At the beginning, I couldn't figure out how I won, and I thought I had become better. Looking back now, I can guess why.If Chu Shinian liked the Patriarch, then everything would be clear, and he was confused.

"You, did you tell me such an important matter?" Chu Moyan asked speechlessly.

"Tell you what to do? If Chu Shinian had told the Patriarch earlier that he liked her, she wouldn't have been consumed by her by her own parents and sisters. So secret love has no future, let's stay in love." Lin Lin Long song.

(End of this chapter)

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