The rebirth of God's boss

Chapter 557 Night Party

Chapter 557 Night Party
Chu Moyan was so angry that he wanted to hit someone.

Where is this going?
"Aren't we talking about serious things? Don't you know that there are no small things around the Patriarch?" Chu Mo said firmly, "How can he, Chu Shinian, like the Patriarch?"

"Why can't Chu Shinian like the Patriarch?" Lin Changge asked speechlessly.

"Then how do we do it? He is the commander of the hidden guards, even if he steps up to the front, he is not suitable for the Patriarch." Chu Mo said. "Besides, if he really married the head of the family, wouldn't the Chu family be controlled by him alone?"

"Brother, are you really stupid? Why didn't you take the medicine? Is the Patriarch someone who will be manipulated by others? She is almost as good as others." Lin Changge said.In Lin Changge's impression, the Patriarch is very wise and close to a monster, smart and rational, with a big heart, and strong endurance. He is simply the most powerful Patriarch he has ever seen!
It's a pity that the Chu family in the previous life was too slow, making her unable to perform.

Let's see how she directly replaced the Chu family in this life and pushed Chu Shinian up, then what happened?The problem in Longshanfang City was solved, and a large number of spirit stones were fed back to the family, which brought an incomparably rapid development momentum to the family.

From Changyang to Miyang, then to Fengyang and Chengyang, this is [-]% of the land.

From the four islands on the sea to today's Xiongshan Huohu, the family is progressing and rising with almost unstoppable momentum under the leadership of the two of them! !
"But once a person becomes aware of his feelings, he may lose ground and lose his reason."

"But it's impossible for the Patriarch not to get married, not to marry, and not to have descendants?" Lin Changge said speechlessly, "Instead of choosing others to gamble on that ethereal future, it's better for the Patriarch to marry Chu Shinian, at least we will watch. If there is any accident, we can help the Patriarch get through it."

Marrying Chu Shinian is so close!
What if the Patriarch marries someone from far away? !
So what to do with the mess on their side?To move away, or to choose another owner?
It's not that Lin Changge underestimated the other members of the Chu family. It's that there are too few capable patriarchs like Chu Xi. At least the Chu family can't choose a successor now.

"I always feel bad." Chu Mo said.

"Brother, let me tell you, are you jealous? My sister who was so nice to you in the past is actually going to marry and have children, and she is someone I didn't think much of before, that Chu Shinian, so you're jealous? "Lin Changge said in a strange voice.

"Lin Changge..." Chu Moyan really became angry this time.He rushed directly to fight Lin Changge.

Lin Changge was no longer a fan, so he started fighting with Chu Moyan in his house laughing and laughing.While the two were fighting, they also noticed that the house was smashed.That really means that the moves are all swaying between skills and techniques.

When the fight was at its hottest, neither of them tore a single screen.

Panting heavily, the pair panted heavily and said, "Stop beating, if you beat me again, my house will really collapse."

"Lend me your bathroom. Oh, I'm sweating all over because of fighting with you." Panting heavily, he borrowed the bathroom domineeringly while panting.

"I said Lin Changge, I'm not your father, why should I let you eat and drink, and let you rub the bathroom?" Chu Moyan was furious.

"You are my brother. Come on brother, hurry up, I'm going to be suffocated to death by stinky sweat. By the way, if you ask someone to prepare a table of wine and food, I'm not full just now, and this activity lasted for another half an hour. I'm even hungrier."

"Rolling, rolling!" Chu Moyan called the boy to take Lin Changge away.

After Lin Changge took a bath, Chu Moyan had just finished taking a bath, and asked the boy to fill the table with dishes, waiting for Lin Changge.

"Brother, you have become more and more virtuous recently. Whoever marries you in the future will die happily."

"Stop talking nonsense over there, thank you for coming to eat, didn't you say you were going to starve to death?"

"I'm coming."


Taohua didn't expect to see a big living person squatting in her bedroom before she was about to fall asleep.

"I said you can't do it all the time. Is there anything you can't talk about elsewhere?" Taohua complained helplessly.

"It's easy to be seen in other places. Are you willing to let others discover our affairs?" Chu Shinian asked with a smile, while holding the teapot to make a cup of sleeping scented tea for Tao Hua again.Then he sat down on the round stool beside her.

The corner of his mouth was full of smiles, which was completely different from his usual calm and cold look.It seems that even just sitting next to Taohua can be very happy, very happy.

Taohua wailed in her heart, didn't it make it clear that she felt that he couldn't speak.

"You don't have to think about how to reject me. If you reject me, I won't care. I will continue to work hard until you accept me."

Peach Blossom: "..."

"Actually, I think I'm okay, what do you think?" Chu Shinian asked in a low voice.

"I have no plans to get married at the moment." Tao Hua said weakly.

"There will always be in the future, and Dashan will not keep Sister Qingmei and you forever."

"What's the name, my sister is not as old as you!" Tao Hua complained.

"Call me after you. I'm going to become Uncle Dashan's second son-in-law. Isn't your sister my Qingmei sister?" Chu Shinian said happily.

Tao Hua stared straight away: "You really know how to think."

"Of course, everything has to be prepared in advance. I know you are willing to leave home too far, so let's make our home in Miryang. After I go back, I will repair the city lord. What kind of courtyard do you like?" , I'll find someone to design it..."

"Wait, you're thinking too far." Tao Hua hurriedly interrupted him.

If it was someone else, Taohua might have thrown him out long ago.

But this person is Chu Shinian, so she can't perfunctory him, nor can she fool him.

"My father has already engaged me to marry you, you know that?" Taohua was at a loss, and took out this baby kiss to top the vat.

Chu Shinian nodded, "I know, don't worry, I will solve it."

"It is said that the son of my best friend is also my father, it is not so easy to solve." Taohua said with all her strength.

"If I can get rid of him, can you give me a formal chance?" Chu Shinian's eyes were shining brightly at this moment, and his longing and vision were overflowing in his words.

Tao Hua: "..." Looking at him, I don't know what to say.

Even if Taohua didn't respond to him directly, she remained silent.Chu Shinian also felt that this person had won his heart at this time, no matter how he looked at it, he was so beautiful.Whether it is Chu Xi in front or Chu Taohua now, they are all people who have been in their hearts for many years.

"Then I'll settle your engagement first, and then I'll continue to work hard." Chu Shinian said with determination.

(End of this chapter)

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