The rebirth of God's boss

Chapter 573 Chu Qi's: Go and drag Lin Changge into the water for me

Chapter 573 Chu Qi's: Go and drag Lin Changge into the water for me

Her sister Qingmei didn't show up at home until dinner.

Taohua was also very speechless, and was about to go out to find her, come back for dinner first, and then talk about other things, but her mother came to adults to take action.As soon as Chu Qi made a move, someone naturally found Chu Qingmei and brought her back for dinner.

In fact, in the Chu family, Chu Dashan was the one who really doted on his daughter and his son. He basically never beat a child since he was a child.

But Chu Qi, ahem, she even beat her up.Clean up the small ones at home.

Usually Taohua is fine to be coquettish and cute at home, but if she really offends her, she must be well-behaved and obedient, otherwise she will be cleaned up like Xiaowu.

With Xiao Taohua's memory, the twins began to learn to read at the age of three.The enlightener is the Chu Qi family.

Xiao Wu hates writing the most, and often wants to run away.As a result, it was cleaned up by Chu Qi, and he had to hold the pen and practice calligraphy properly while crying. As long as he didn't write well, Chu Qi's feather duster would immediately hit his ass.

Writing day and night, and writing at night, for more than a month, Xiao Wu's wrists were swollen into steamed buns, and his mother let him go.

Since then, Xiao Wu has never dared not to practice calligraphy, and no matter how much he talks every day, he will obediently finish reading and literacy before playing.

Later, Taohua herself experienced it a few times, and she knew that if Chu Qi didn't get angry, someone would be unlucky if she got angry.

Qingmei felt even worse, she dared not not come when her mother called her.

The point is that her father had just told her in the morning that she had to get married before he could go out, but her mother called her over at night, obviously planning to let her mother take care of her.

Damn dad, it's really her own dad!

"Come on, since everyone is here, let's talk about the business." Chu Qi sat on her high-backed chair very domineeringly, like a real empress dowager.Those sharp eyes are terrifying.

Qingmei: "..."

"Peach Blossom: "..."

"Chu Qingmei, what on earth are you thinking, do you want to drive me and your father to death?" Chu Qi asked.

"Mother, I just want to be alone and not get married. Anyway, I am a monk, and my cultivation talent is not bad. Maybe I can live forever in the future." Chu Qingmei defended herself.

"Then you can live without your parents after looking at them for a long time?" Chu Qi asked again.

Qingmei's face was embarrassing, "How dare you."

"I think that's what you did!" Chu Qi gave her an angry look.

"Mother, isn't Auntie Chu frame from the painter's branch not married either, so she's living a pretty good life alone." Qingmei said.

"But she has spiritual eyes first, and then she is the only child in the family. Her own father doesn't care if she gets married or not. Do you have this condition?"

Chu Qi's words made Qingmei's expression even more embarrassing.

She doesn't have spiritual eyes, but if Chu Qishi and Chu Dashan really don't care about her, she feels that she can live well alone.

"Let's talk about the branch of painters. It is a place where there are a lot of strange talents, but ordinary talents are in the minority. Therefore, Chu Jia can be as chic as he wants, and people stand behind and talk about it.

What about you, do you have this condition?

Don't you know how those women in the clan talk about you behind their backs? "

"They're just talking behind their backs, what else can they really do?" Chu Qingmei said indifferently.

"People in the world say that our Patriarch Chu Xi is a vicious woman who even slaughtered her own relatives. Patriarch herself doesn't seem to care about it. But that is based on the fact that the Chu family has flourished and continued to prosper.

You are not the head of the family, and you don't have any big backers. Your parents can protect you now at home, at least to prevent you from being rumored to be too vicious and too bad.But once you go to the Great Wasteland, who will sell you Chu Dashan's face.

They will talk about being too flirtatious, changing mistresses day and night.

They will also say that you are shameless and obscene, and they don't want to see a straight-faced man appearing beside you.

They will even say that you are addicted to sex, and you cannot live without a man for a day. "

Cough cough...Qing Mei looked at her own mother in shock.

"I... I, I went to the Great Northwest Wilderness, how could I encounter such a thing, and I was asked for them again?"

"The Great Northwest Wilderness is a pool of muddy water. Whoever goes there will either get involved in it and keep fighting for a position, or be killed and pushed back. But no matter which path you choose, you won't You will not succeed in gaining a foothold or retreating home, and your reputation will be ruined.

Because you are a beautiful little lady, and you are a woman.

The Great Northwest Wilderness is a place where thugs, thugs, and murderers are rampant.They will save face for you, what room do they leave.Only by completely blackening you into one of them will they truly accept you, or ravage and enslave you. "

After hearing these words, Qingmei knew that her thoughts were simple.

Taohua also frowned.

"We can borrow five thousand soldiers from the main clan," she said.

"Then, your sister's reputation will also be lost, and people will let her continue to dress up like a white lotus?" Chu Qi sneered mercilessly.

"Then kill, until the blood flows into rivers, and they can only kneel on the ground in fear." Taohua continued.

"Then you, your sister will bear the title of a vicious and vicious queen who kills without batting an eye." Chu Qi said sharply.

"Then why not go?" Tao Hua said helplessly.

"Then your sister can be willing. Even if you don't provide her with a place in the Great Northwest Wilderness where she can practice, maybe she has already figured out the idea of ​​leaving home to go out to practice. Look at the elder brother. If you run out, you will disappear. Deal with it." Occasionally, I can still remember my parents and reply to letters, and I can’t count on him for anything.”

Cough cough cough...

Qingmei and Taohua simply bowed their heads.

"I don't expect the two of you to marry after all." What Chu Qi said was the common worldview in this world.When a woman gets married, she is mainly busy with her own affairs, and if she can turn her back on her natal family's affairs, it will be considered inappropriate by the world. "But you are all grown up, and I can't bear to stay at home and make my mother worry about you."

"Qingmei, to put it bluntly, our family is just a branch of the Chu family. It is not that strong and cannot be your strong backing. In addition, you, Chu Qingmei, are not that powerful. If you want to go out and experience yourself independently, then either Your whole family is dead, so no matter what reputation you make outside, it will not affect the family. Otherwise, you will marry me honestly.

You go to marry Lin Changge, and then drag him into the water, and your safety is guaranteed in the northwest. "

 Calvin, so the update is late.

(End of this chapter)

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