The rebirth of God's boss

Chapter 574: Tie Hanhan's Chu Dashan

Chapter 574: Tie Hanhan's Chu Dashan

"Ah?" Qingmei was speechless, thinking why should I drag him into the water.

"Ah?" Tao Hua was also extremely speechless, it turned out that her mother was following Lin Changge's idea.From the perspective of peach blossoms, Lin Changge is indeed more suitable for her sister than Chen Gong.Chen Gong looks gentle on the outside, but inside he is a very machismo man.

Otherwise, he wouldn't have ended up like that in his previous life.These two brothers, whether it is Chen Gong or Chen He, are a bit different.

On the contrary, although Zhu Chen was born as a horse thief, he also has a lot of problems, but this person has been watched silently by her side for decades, and she has long seen through that Zhu Chen is a responsible, principled, and bottom-line man man.

Otherwise, she wouldn't let him succeed as the commander of the dark guard.

"But mother, you told me before that Lin Changge's personality seems to be cheerful, but in fact he is rather dark. He looks funny and lively, but in fact he is cunning and cautious. You also said that he is not a good man. The most important thing is not to choose him. Choose him." Qingmei asked back speechlessly.

Ahem... Taohua coughed hurriedly at the side, but she didn't expect her mother to be quite sensitive, and she was quite accurate in seeing Zhu Chen.

"I've seen through things like finding a man. In fact, it's what kind of pot matches what kind of lid, what kind of person matches what kind of thing. At the beginning, your mother and I...didn't you find your father, who is so stupid."

Ah poof, poof, ah yo.

Qingmei and Taohua snickered together.

"Didn't I find the scholar boy back then? Couldn't I find the silver-armored young general? Yes. Then why did I still find your father? Speaking of which, I only met your own father once before we got married. It wasn't because it was suitable. .”

Chu Qi's words made the two daughters look at him together.

But Chu Qi said with a serious face, "Uncle Ming told me very bluntly at the beginning, if you want romance, love and harmony, don't look for Chu Dashan, because he can't give it to you. Of course, if you want Fulang Tema is the Marquis, and he is the king, and he can't give it to you.

But if you want an ordinary life, live an ordinary life with your husband and children, rich and wealthy, without any three wives and four concubines, no political disputes, no ups and downs and relegation.Then Chu Dashan is suitable for you.He is an honest farmer. "

Qingmei and Taohua listened to Qiqi thoughtfully.

"Later, I found out that your father was not honest or pedantic at all. He just had a lot of problems. Although it was difficult at the beginning, but after half of my life, he really didn't make me cry or make me cry. I was bullied for nothing.

This makes me very satisfied, he did what he promised me before his new marriage. "

Chu Qi's words made Qingmei very silent.

For the first time in more than 20 years, she thought about her own affairs seriously.

Her mother is right about one thing. In today's world, it is definitely not a world where women can be single casually. Even in this world, if a woman behaves too well, she will receive exclusion and malicious slander from all sides. .

She was still at home, and they were already chattering.If she leaves home to practice, she will really have to face all kinds of malicious rumors, malicious slanders and all kinds of defamation from the outside world.

It's true that Chu Qingmei wanted to do something she liked, but now that the conditions were not supportive, she couldn't really drag the whole family into trouble.It's okay for the parents to say, the younger siblings might complain about her in the future.

"Mother, let me think about it again. Getting married or not is very important to me, and it affects my whole life."

Chu Qi also didn't have the idea of ​​chasing after the victory, "You have always been a smart child. In the past, you just didn't want to face the malice from the world and deliberately avoided them. But since you are going out, you must face them directly.

Even if there are more female monks now, the vast majority of female monks are not married and have children?
Could it be that they all practiced at home all of a sudden? "

Qingmei nodded very seriously, "Mother, don't worry, I will think it through."

After Qingmei finished speaking, she left first.

As soon as she left Chu Qi's, her partner became a peach blossom.

"Ahem, mom, why don't I be sleepy too, let's talk about it tomorrow?"

"What are you going to do with you?"

"I'm only fifteen in a few months." Tao Hua said speechlessly.

"You quit the marriage so quickly and boldly back then, did you also have the same thoughts as your sister?" Chu Qi asked.

"Why, I just don't think that Ji Feiyu is suitable for me. That Ji Feiyu is a bit cowardly. Only the kind of weak and helpless woman who relies on him wholeheartedly can win his pity and favor. I think such a man No." The disgust and contempt in Taohua's eyes were directly revealed.

Chu Qi frowned, "It's really disgusting. Besides, his little Jiaohua is not a light-saving lamp. Obviously his health is so bad, but he still wants to follow Ji Feiyu to retire. The journey has suffered a lot. Well, her health is so poor, if she can't bear it, she will die in our Chu family.

Then those who know it will know that they have privately decided to live in front of them all their lives. If they don’t know, they think that we are persecuting children, and their lives are worthless. "

Taohua nodded vigorously, "That's actually what happened. Speaking of which, our two families had a friendship when we were in our father's generation. That Ji Feiyu knew that her little Jiaohua was fighting hard and threatening our family, but He just pretended not to see it.

Xiao Jiaohua, who was still hugging him, looked affectionate and righteous. I really don't know if he really loves her, or wants her to die early?
Could it be that slapping the face and coercing our Chu family to withdraw from the marriage is so worth it, and it's worth letting his sweetheart go all out? "

Chu Qi listened speechlessly.

"I don't understand." She heard her youngest daughter say in bewilderment.

"I can't understand either." Chu Qi said with a dark face.

Then the mother and daughter looked at each other silently, and sighed together again.Sigh, the young people nowadays, the old guys like them can't figure it out at all... Ahem, there seems to be something wrong.

"Peach Blossom, what are you going to do with Ji Ji Li?" Chu Qi asked, changing the subject.

"It's enough to do it a little bit, so as not to cause trouble for my father." Tao Hua said indifferently.Besides, she had never experienced such a grand ceremony in her previous life.In the previous life, Chuxi and Yanli were held in a grand manner, and all the families in the Northwest that could be invited by the Chu family were invited.However, as the owner of the house, her life is not as happy as the maids around her.

Now that she no longer has that prominent status, and is not bound by so much attention, she is much happier and more comfortable.

So she felt even more irritable, depressed and annoyed. Why did Chu Shinian fall in love with her again?
Didn't this push her into the unlucky limelight again years earlier?

(End of this chapter)

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