The rebirth of God's boss

Chapter 575: A Dilapidated Small Village Mixed with Civil Engineering

Chapter 575: A Dilapidated Small Village Mixed with Civil Engineering
"Then you still need what you should have. Besides, your father's status is not as good as before. There are many people appointed to pay attention to your Jiji ceremony. If they insist on coming, we can still block the door and prevent them from entering, can't we?" Chu Qi sighed helplessly.

Her family's peach blossoms hadn't passed the ceremony yet, and all kinds of letters recommending herself were delivered to her from various branches of the Chu family.

Don't let me come, so what's the point?
They are all relatives.

And some outsiders.Even Dalang's master wrote a letter saying he wanted to come over.The main reason is that they are now stationed on White Crab Island, and their family keeps sending things there. If Yang Xiao doesn't come, it's a bit unreasonable, as if he has a problem with his family and his own boss.

But Yang Xiao and a group of apprentices actually had a lot of fun on White Crab Island.He is also full of gratitude to his family, and also full of love for Da Lang.

So he wants to.

There are many other people with various reasons. How can they not invite the daughter of the head of the Chu clan to do the ceremony?

So when Barra comes and Barra goes, there are already many preliminaries.

Chu Qi sighed secretly in her heart, forget it, just treat it as a practice for her daughter and son before the wedding.

The last time my Dalang wrote in a letter, he also said that Qingxu Jianzong's position on White Crab Island has been changing all the time. In the past, he always wanted to occupy White Crab Island.But there are too many monster races on White Crab Island.

Although the deep sea monster clan hasn't come out yet, they still drive the sea monsters who control many miscellaneous populations to go to White Crab Island and the humans there.

At that time, the population of monsters was numerous and mixed, and they couldn't cooperate well. They just rushed up like a pack of wind, either killing humans or being killed by humans.

Of course, they are still killed by humans more often, and then provide a lot of resources to humans.

That's why White Crab Island is becoming more and more popular and famous.

But the situation over there has also changed recently.

Now the deep sea monsters have sent six very large and powerful tribes of deep sea monsters to attack the humans on White Crab Island.

With these six big tribes, the Monster Beast side has almost completed a complete war escalation, from the original cannon fodder army to the deep sea regular army.

They cooperated with each other to organize all the monster groups that were driven over, to make use of their strengths and avoid their weaknesses, and they also designed traps, ambushes, sneak attacks, and flash attacks, almost impossible to attack opponents.

The human monks were disgraced by them at the beginning and suffered heavy losses.Later, they gradually adapted to the changes of the monsters, and both sides fought well, with vibrancy.

But the intensity of the war on White Crab Island has really escalated.

In the past, any monk could participate in the war between monsters, but now he had to be above the third level of the Meridian Realm to get involved.

Otherwise, it would be a death as soon as he played.

A few days ago, the White Crab Island War was the worst battle, and the human monks were taken away from the White Crab Island.If it weren't for the fact that the fleet behind them was so powerful, they would immediately list a hundred warships to form a terrifying battleship artillery array, various magic weapons, long and short cannons, and fired a series of salvos like they were covering the sky and covering the sun. Withdrew the last desperate charge of the monster group.

Terran monks might be about to leave work completely.

This time, both humans and monsters suffered heavy losses.

Many human forces have already made up their minds to withdraw from here.Too bad, too many fellow students died.There are countless opportunities in Yun'an Continent, why stay here and wait to die?Is it necessary for us to occupy a small medium spirit vein?

Only sects that love fighting will choose to stay here, such as the Qingxu Sword Sect.However, they have also begun to change, and they are no longer aiming to occupy White Crab Island.They now want to establish a branch on White Crab Island, not only to recruit talented seedlings nearby, but also to provide a place for the disciples who come to hone their training.

Of course, Yang Xiao himself didn't quite agree with Zongmen's opinion.

Why go to the White Crab Island to repair the branch and use it as a target for the Yaozu?

Wouldn't it be better to just get a Dafa boat and set up the sect's branch directly on the boat?Everyone is getting used to being stationed on the boat.And when the tide of monsters comes, they can still run away.

Of course, this battle also made the warships of the Chu clan fully show their sharpness.

Hundreds of huge magical warships, urging the array of artillery fire, can directly hit the gaps in the deadly charge of monsters, clearing a large area of ​​monsters in front.

This is too scary.

No wonder those monsters retreated and ran away before shelling a few rounds.

With such a powerful neighbor who lives in Samsung Island next to White Crab Island, it is difficult to make people feel comfortable.Therefore, many sects no longer aim to occupy White Crab Island.

The problem is that some forces do not want to occupy it, but some forces want to occupy White Crab Island more.

The White Crab Island battle has reached here, and it has entered a critical period. There is not much time left for the spiritual pulse of White Crab Island to fully awaken.At that time, what is the price of an ancient, medium-sized spirit vein? The more profound the sect, the more interested it is.

Recently, there are sect forces leading the disciples to leave every day, but every day, more sects and forces rush here with the elite of the sect and family.

Don't talk about other families, just talk about the many disciples sent by Qingxu Sword Sect.

There are new disciples who come to practice, and there are veteran disciples who come to help.

The idea is to sort out and establish branches, because it saves the most money.As for the Dafa boat, there is no money to buy it, nor money to operate and maintain it.

Anyway, Zongmen is just one word, poor!

Yang Xiao was so angry that he almost pulled out his beard.

The poor ghost thought he didn't know that the sect had succeeded in several relics recently and obtained a lot of good things.Didn't you see that those veteran disciples have made great progress in cultivation?
Don't you just want to invest more resources in White Crab Island if you are poor?

You don’t want to invest, but you still want me to build a branch, so let’s build it. I can build a branch with broken wood.

Yang Xiao turned around and summoned his disciples to dig rocks and trees.Then, in a valley on White Crab Island, a dilapidated small village with mixed civil engineering was built.

The small fishing villages on the seaside of the Terran are all like this, and Yang Xiao imitated them very well.

In the end, he also hung a signboard of the White Crab Island Branch of Qingxu Jianzong on the big logs outside the small village.

"Is this the end?" Yang Xiao's eldest disciple Yang Qi asked speechlessly.

"It's over, I have a house, a land, a sign, let's work together." Yang Xiao said.

"Master Ancestor might want to kill you if he sees it." Yang Qi said honestly.

"If you don't have money, you have to do it without money. You go and inform the disciples that the branch school is completed, and we should continue to do what we should do."

(End of this chapter)

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