Chapter 577

Just think about it and be angry.

Zheng Dan still wanted to continue talking about Chu Shiluo, but at this moment Yang Xiao, who was originally silent, suddenly spoke. "I said that you are all about the same, and if you lose face to the Chu family, then what reputation does our Qingxu Sword Sect have?

There are no spirit stones, so everyone will find a way to earn some money.If Qiong is discovered by the Chu family, what will they think of us? "

Cough, cough, Zheng Dan's words were directly stuck in his mouth.He originally wanted to cry and ask Chu Shiluo to apply for assistance from the Chu family, but before he could speak, he was blocked by Yang Xiao.

"If you dare to embarrass me in private, then don't blame me as an uncle for not giving face, and just send you back to the Qingxu Sword Sect. I heard that the sect has been in several ruins recently, and there is a certain super in the middle of the mainland. There is a lack of manpower in the ruins."

Yang Xiao threatened them angrily.

In fact, there is a ghost!
To clean up the ancient ruins, there is no need for so many disciples. Even if they really need it, in order to occupy an extra quota, the various factions within the sect can use their brains.

Is that something everyone can go if they want?

If you go there, you're going to take advantage of the big bosses of the sect to obtain resources.

Everyone wants to go to such a good thing, but there is no chance.

Those who were sent to White Crab Island were the losers in the quota competition. If they couldn't stay here any longer and were sent back by Senior Yang Xiao, ahem, then it is conceivable that they will be real in the future. The future is dark.

So many disciples hurriedly promised that they would never embarrass Yang Xiao, and never embarrass the sect.

Especially those new disciples, all of them regard White Crab Island as an opportunity to show their great achievements, and they are not willing to be sent back like this, so first of all, they bowed their heads to Yang Xiao and said that they would obey the arrangement, let us follow that team, we will follow That team, just take us to work.

Then there are those veteran disciples, there are many smart people who can see the situation clearly.Here on White Crab Island is the family of Yang Xiao, the only family.Even if there are only some sea beast carcasses to earn, it's still better than the points in the sect, right?
In the end, even Zheng Dan succumbed, and he was assigned to Yang Qi's team, responsible for participating in the White Crab Island battle.

Chu Shiluo and other senior brothers were drawn out to lead the team, planning to rent a boat to hunt in the open sea.

Chu Shiluo is still an outer sect disciple. In fact, he can be regarded as an inner sect disciple after he was promoted to the altar realm, but Yang Xiao has never returned to the sect, and Chu Shiluo's disciple token has not been registered for exchange.

Anyway, his master had already given him the treatment of an inner disciple.And because of his rapid rise, all the disciples of the outer sect that his master sat down loved work as if they had been beaten with blood.The income of White Crab Island is indeed crazy.

Chu Shiluo and others rushed to the place where the boat was rented. With the token on Chu Shiluo's waist, they didn't have to queue up to wait for the boat to be rented.Chu Shiluo and his brothers did not rent much, so they rented three boats. Firstly, there were not many spirit stones in their pockets, and because the three boats were not very conspicuous. If there is no strong force, even the monster race will bully you first.

On the sea opposite the moored ship, the magnificent Samsung Island, which is nearing completion of construction, can already be seen in the distance.Samsung Island is actually an oval island chain structure.

In the center are the three pinnacle-shaped islands, each with a radius of more than [-] miles, surrounded by a circle of oval-shaped turtle-shell-shaped islands that have just emerged from the sea and are not very high.It is conceivable that without a large amount of resource investment, it would be difficult to do it just by building formations to raise the seabed, and it is even said to have formed a peak island.

There are a total of 36 such small islands, each of which is only a few miles in size.

You must not think that it is just a small island. Not only are there large-scale magic weapon giant crossbows and cannons erected on it, but also some smaller crossbow groups such as lianzhu bed crossbows.

The Chu family not only arranged a large group of crossbows on the small island, but also arranged arrow boxes. Each box was equipped with a hundred arrows and fired ten arrows at a time.If the arrows are fired in unison, a sea area can be sealed off in the blink of an eye.Everything is tied into a sieve.

In addition to the arrangements on the ground, the Chu family also has various terrifying arrangements under the sea.

It can be said that all the means that can be armed at present have been used by the Chu family.

The seawater within the Samsung Island chain is only a few feet deep, so a lot of underwater buildings have been repaired.

The most peculiar thing is that the gazebos are all built underwater. In addition to the pavilions, there is also a viewing platform, which is also built underwater. There is also a palace with no walls on all sides, but only pillars.The corridors connecting many buildings have only pillars and stone railings that do not reach the waist, and there is no roof.

Where is this place where humans live, it looks like a deep sea palace.

Cough, in fact, peach blossoms are cultivated according to the deep sea palace.It draws lessons from many of their special architectural styles and incorporates some characteristics of human architecture.

So this set of buildings is actually a copycat version of the Deep Sea Palace.

But looking down from the surface of the sea, the buildings on the bottom of the sea are simply beautifully repaired, making people want to go down for a walk or two laps as soon as they see it.

The Chu family's sea warships have sealed off the nearby sea area tightly, so so far only the Chu family's own people know how beautiful their underwater buildings on Samsung Island are, and even their warships like to idle. It's okay to stroll around the edge of the outer ring island chain of Samsung Island, just to take a look at the underwater buildings of Samsung Island.

"What's there? How many big islands are there?" The new fellow looked at the distant islands in surprise.

"That's the Three Star Island built by the Chu family. It's an island formed by completely lifting the seabed to the surface." Yang Qi explained to them after hearing this.

"Such a large island may have a radius of hundreds of miles. How did it rise from the bottom of the sea? How much resources would it cost?" Someone asked in horror.

"You can feel it, don't underestimate any family." Yang Qi reminded everyone. "If we want to build something within our sect, the elders of the various factions have to argue for a long time, but if a family wants to build something, it only needs the head of the family to make a decision.

The family will try their best to complete it.

The island you see now is just one of the four remodeled islands of the Chu family.

People just have this strength. "

Yang Qi said very objectively.The Chu family has a lot of money. Everyone knows that the Chu family occupies Longshanfang City and the sea trade route. How can it have no money?

In fact, many forces want to rush in to get a share of the pie. The question is, do you have enough magic weapon ships?
If not, no matter how beautiful you think about it, it will be useless! !
(End of this chapter)

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