The rebirth of God's boss

Chapter 578 The Chu Clan: The No. 1 Cultivation Family in the Northwest in Prestige

Chapter 578 The Chu Family: The Largest Cultivation Family in the Northwest in terms of Prestige

The big ship they rented out is an extremely thick super big ship on the sea.They are all made of old materials that have been drying for many years.

I think the Chu family took away the original white crab island's shipbuilders and large ships, as well as the shipyard and various shipbuilding materials.

In addition to refining the various Dafa boats that the Chu family needs, the craftsmen will also take the newly accepted apprentices to build some old-fashioned sea boats as if they were practicing.After all, White Crab Island had hoarded too many shipbuilding materials back then, and the wood alone was enough for the Chu family to use for decades.

The royal family of the Song Dynasty lost White Crab Island, which can be said to have lost one-third of the shipbuilding family.However, there are too many internal and external troubles in the royal family of Song Dynasty, and their declining control power can't take care of everything on White Crab Island.

So the Chu family took advantage of it for nothing.

With such a foundation, the Chu family's shipbuilding industry soared like chicken blood.

All kinds of French boats and seagoing boats are being manufactured continuously, but the French boats are still the main ones, and there are very few seagoing boats being repaired.Basically, it is for new apprentices to practice their hands.Anyway, many shipbuilding timbers that looked good in the past are not enough in the era of spiritual recovery.Even if a large ship is built with such wood, it is still difficult to resist the attacks of the huge sea beasts, such as slapping, hitting, whipping, leaping and pressing into the water.

But it is still very suitable for hunting some smaller sea beasts. The most important thing is that they are cheap, even if they are damaged, they can't lose a lot of money.So many casual cultivators like Chu's big boat very much.

Chu Shiluo led his team to choose a newly launched large ship. Because of the large number of reserved shipwrights and newly recruited apprentices, whether it is a French ship or a sea ship, Chu's new ship is almost every month. There is a lot of water.

On the new ship, all kinds of facilities are new.After everyone divided their residences, Chu Shiluo also hired some sailors to help them drive the big ship.

This part of the money was paid by Chu Shiluo himself. In fact, all of his classmates were very embarrassed.After all, with sailors operating the boat, everyone can practice at ordinary times, and then go out to hunt or fight monsters when they continue hunting.

Really can save a lot of things.

However, Chu Shiluo also said that if he got something, he would take more to compensate for the sailor's fees he paid.

Everyone agrees with this point.

The sailors on the boat were fishermen from the vicinity of the capital. Some of them had started to practice martial arts and became monks. Some of them had taken a lot of pills to increase their strength and physique, and became warriors with strong muscles and bones.

Yes, but all sailors must learn some life-saving skills.For example, how to avoid the pursuit of monsters in the sea, how to ask for help from the surrounding ships, and so on.Every time the Chu family recruits a sailor, they will clearly explain the relationship with them, and there is a clear statement on what level of casualty compensation they will get if they die.

If you really don't understand, you can also refer to the pension situation of other dead sailors, and you can roughly know how much pension you will get.

When the Chu family recruits all kinds of hired workers, it never only recruits casual cultivators, ordinary people can also recruit.

As long as you have a good character, you can bear hardships and stand hard work, and you don't steal or play tricks, you are basically accepted.

This time Chu Shiluo actually saw several women among the sailors.Some of them are women, some are young ladies.Chu Shiluo thought for a while and called the bow directly.

Every time a sailor is hired, only one boat can be hired. This is to protect the interests of the sailors, so the Chu family never accepts loose orders.But if the monks have a good relationship with certain ship heads, they can also hire their sailors sporadically.

However, this kind of loose order is not within the scope of the Chu family's guarantee. In the event of an accident, the Chu family will not be responsible for the compensation for the casualties.

Of course, those who can take loose orders have either put their life and death aside a long time ago, or they are crazy because they are short of money.

This kind of thing depends entirely on oneself, and the Chu family is not responsible for the responsibilities beyond the agreement.

So strictly speaking, the Chu family sailors and the Chu family are actually more of a cooperative relationship. The Chu family is responsible for providing training and providing job opportunities. They are responsible for the work, and by the way maintain and protect Chu's big ship.

"If there is a large-scale sea beast attack, you should remember to arrange for the female sailors to retreat earlier." Chu Shiluo reminded him.

At the bow was a strong man in his forties, who was delighted to hear it. "Okay, Mr. Chu Lang, don't worry, we must pay attention to safety."

Chu Shiluo nodded, and then said, "It's not that I have any opinions on female sailors, but you should know that the outer sea is the world of sea beasts. Sea beasts have rough skin and thick flesh. Even we monks can only use them when fighting them." Hunting can only be successful in the way of many to few, setting traps and hunting.

We are all like this, not to mention you who are more vulnerable. "

The bow of the boat nodded happily after hearing this, "Yes, yes, Mr. Chu Lang, don't worry, we must be 120 points careful, keep vigilant at all times, and retreat early if we find something is wrong."

After hearing this, Chu Shiluo was finally relieved, and then let go of the bow and left.

In the bridge of the big ship, the helm came over to ask for a while. "What does Mr. Chu Lang want you to do? Do you dislike us for bringing a woman on board?"

"Then how is it possible, who is the young gentleman of the Chu family that kind of person without character?" The bow shook his head and smiled.

Since Chu Xi plotted against the elders of his family, some of the young and old bloodily killed many direct descendants of the same line, he also drove out his group of dandy grandpas, uncles and brothers of the same family.There has never been a dandy in the entire Chu family.

What a joke, even if my little gentleman is really out of tune, he doesn't dare to let him out of the house.

Aren't you afraid of being wiped out by the whole family? ? ?
As for Patriarch Chu Xi's ruthless nature, anyone who stands in the way of her leading the family forward, even blood relatives, will be eliminated.What do they matter, they are not even direct descendants? Well, they are not from the same main line as Chu Xi. As long as she is still in power, as long as she has not changed her ruling style, the Chu family will not appear halfway. A dude.What if something goes wrong?

Needless to say, I dealt with it directly at home.Otherwise, the branch chiefs will take care of it for you.

Therefore, all the gentlemen who dare to go out are of good quality on average.

This made those big and small forces outside secretly respect and be wary of the Chu family, and also made ordinary people and casual cultivators especially like the little man and lady of the Chu family.

Look at the young master of the Chu family, the little ladies are the real demeanor of the rich.

Such rumors continue to spread in the northwest, and there is a faint tendency to spread towards all the six prefectures in the northwest.

Therefore, invisibly, the Chu family has surpassed other rising cultivation families around them, the hermit family, and faintly became the largest cultivation family in Northwest China in terms of prestige.

(End of this chapter)

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