The rebirth of God's boss

Chapter 606 Beware of the machine man!

Chapter 606 Beware of the machine man!

"When I go to the Great Northwest Wilderness in the future, I will practice hard." Qingmei also seemed to promise herself to Taohua.

"I think you'd better discuss it with Lin Changge before you make a decision. Sister, think about it, he is willing to accompany you to the Northwest Wilderness to endure hardships, why can't you trust him a little more?"

Qingmei was a little embarrassed by what her sister said.

"Then I'll go find him now."

"Then you go, if he wants to keep you there overnight, you must blow his head off."

Qingmei blushed all of a sudden.

"Chu Peach Blossom!!"

"I'm afraid that if you make a mistake for a while, you will be sad and hurt yourself." Tao Hua said.

"Chu Taohua, I found that the older you are, the more shameless you become." Qing Mei hurriedly fled with her sleeves flung.

Taohua: What have I said?Isn't what I said true?

Then Taohua turned her head and saw Chu Shinian standing abruptly behind the Simei screen.

"Are you eavesdropping on my conversation with my sister?"

"It's nothing, I just came here." Chu Shinian walked out from behind the screen in embarrassment.

Taohua: I believe you are evil!

"Peach Blossom, we should try our best not to get involved in the couple's affairs, otherwise Lin Changge might blame us." Chu Shinian said awkwardly.

"Aren't they married yet? I just want to remind my sister." Tao Hua rolled her eyes.

In fact, peach blossoms have never stayed much, which is also what Chu Shinian meant. Before marriage, there are fewer people. If someone is killed, it will be embarrassing for both families! !
Accidents don't count, how stupid it is to know that something will happen, but not knowing how to avoid it!
Chu Shinian actually knew where Taohua's bottom line was, so he never stepped on it easily, otherwise, he might really be beaten.

With the tacit understanding between the two of them for many years, Chu Shinian knew where he should stand without even probing.

"Taohua, I drew a picture of the renovation of our house, come and see, what don't you like?"

After Chu Shinian finished speaking, he took out a large sheet of drawings, and slowly unfolded them on Taohua's desk.

Taohua didn't perfunctory him either, that was disrespect to Chu Shinian.Anyway, he is her future husband.Chu Shinian asked her to take a look, and Tao Hua walked over, and then really looked at the blueprint in front of her.

Not to mention that Chu Shinian was really interested in it, the modified drawing of the design is very distinctive.

Just looking at the picture is very warm and interesting.


Chu Shinian simply stood behind Tao Hua, stretched out his arms, and pressed down on the drawing.He also gave her pointers to some places that he thought were well designed.

It's just that, even though it's not completely close to the body, this guy, does he look like he's holding her vainly?

Watch out for the machine man! !
Tao Hua gave the other party an angry look.

Seeing Chu Shinian almost hugged him.But no, it's not that he didn't dare, but that he didn't want to provoke the other party's resentment.

"Here, here, here... No, it will cause trouble for the guards." Taohua clicked several places one after another.It's not that the line of sight is obstructed, or it's not suitable for the dark guard to save quickly.

"Why do we need secret guards in our yard? If you are worried about safety, there is still me." Chu Shinian said displeased.

"Can you be by my side all the time?" Tao Hua asked back.

"I can." Chu Shinian said immediately.

Peach Blossom was speechless, "Then what if you have children? Can you also watch over them all the time?"

"Okay...well, I'll change..." The child's mother can be protected by himself, but it will definitely not work if you add a cub.He, Chu Shinian, also had to compromise.

Taohua herself thinks that she is in good health, good-looking, and her child's father looks good, so it's good to have more cubs when her cultivation base is low, but when her cultivation base is high, it will be difficult to conceive.

After hearing this, Taohua turned around and faced Chu Shinian face to face.The other party's breath seemed to be able to easily brush her cheek.

She also seemed to be surrounded by the other party's arms.

"Chu Shinian, there is no next time. This time I will save face."

Chu Shinian immediately knew that he had crossed the line a little bit this time.

"I will try to restrain myself in the future."

"I'm not being unreasonable, but we're not married yet. Don't keep jumping around and trying to step on my bottom line."

Chu Shinian smiled when he heard that.

"Then after you get married, will you avoid me?"

"What do you think?" Taohua asked back.

"I don't know." Chu Shinian's expression was a little inexplicable.

Taohua immediately reacted, it seems that Chu Shinian has a strong heart, and he also has pre-marital depression.

Taohua laughed directly, she tiptoed lightly, and then kissed Chu Shinian's cheek lightly and quickly. "do not worry."

From astonishment to surprise, Chu Shinian's expression changed rapidly, and he couldn't help but hugged the person in front of him directly.

"Peach Blossom."

"Let go." Taohua angrily knocked off the opponent's hand.It's almost done, and if she takes advantage of the opportunity, she will really make a move.

Chu Shinian happily let go of the opponent's waist, but we can hold hands, right?

To be honest, if Taohua always delays in responding to him, leaving him alone to play single-player and one-man shows, he will always be a little sad and regretful.

Hehe, fortunately he looks good, Taohua doesn't hate him either.

In the future, he will work harder to make Taohua fall in love with him more and more.

"I've also ordered the wedding dress, and they'll be able to deliver it in a few days." Chu Shinian said happily.

"Why don't you just say that you have finished the wedding quilt and wedding tent?" Tao Hua was speechless.

"How do you know?" Chu Shinian looked at her in surprise.

"Is it on purpose?" Tao Hua hit him angrily.

Chu Shinian laughed muffled.

"I'm really ready."

"I see, that's all right, get out of here quickly. Otherwise, I really can't help but do it."

Chu Shinian continued to smirk and dodge away.

Well, he can't push too hard, he has gained a lot today, very big.

When Chu Shinian left, Taohua found that a certain blueprint was still on her desk.

Not to mention this blueprint, it was much better than she expected.

Put away the drawings and insert them into the painting jar beside the desk, Taohua continued to work on the secret books sent from all over the place.

If you can't get married, you don't have to work.

"Patriarch, Li Xinyan, please see me." Outside the door, Li Xinyan came with a dirty face.

Tao Hua rolled her eyes after hearing this, alas, I still can't see her.

So she could only ask Li Xinyan to come in.

"I'm sorry about Chu Fengli."

"You're just getting started, so I won't blame you for this." Tao Hua said calmly.

Li Xinyan felt a little relieved. "The members of the existing escorts are somewhat complicated, and I want to rectify them."

"Do you have any plans?" Taohua asked.

"This is my plan." Li Xinyan submitted her proposal.

(End of this chapter)

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