Chapter 607

"You can't directly kick people." Taohua quickly glanced at Li Xinyan's proposal, and put forward her own opinion, "You can recruit talented newcomers, but how to solve the trust problem is your business.

You can't kick people, but you can turn them into pure ceremonial guards.Just learn more life-saving skills and the skills to maintain law and order.

The royal family also has Luan Yiwei! "

Ahhh, Li Xinyan looked at Taohua in shock, "Isn't it possible to be a good sergeant? You just want to train them to be a showman?"

"Xiantaozhuang is just such a small place, with you and Chu Shinian's hidden guards. Tell me, what's wrong with cultivating some Dian Yiwei? They don't need to be too powerful, they just need to be beautiful enough. Beautiful all day long Yes, the clansmen are also happy, so shall we be happy too?"

"Dian Yiwei, who is strict with you, you will really find trouble for me." Li Xinyan said.

"Those who can do more work." Taohua still trusts her very much.

"Okay." Li Xinyan thought for a while and agreed. "Then these guards, I'll put them on the bright side, and secretly I will train some real inner guards."

"You have trained guards yourself, so you naturally know how to train people, so I won't go into details. If something goes wrong, you have to deal with it in time." Tao Hua said.

Li Xinyan frowned a little, "How does Chu Shinian deal with the spies and bribed personnel who infiltrated the army?"

"The bones are filled." Although Taohua didn't ask, he still knew how Chu Shinian governed the army. There were two ways he governed the army, that is, to be strict.Cut it off when it crosses the line, simple and rude.

Li Xinyan twitched the corners of her mouth. "It's really Chu Shinian! But I also like Chu Shinian's style, so I might as well just follow it."

"It's up to you. If it involves members of the Chu clan, remember to get all the evidence." Li Xinyan said she understood. "Okay, I still have to take some time to see my god-sister, so let's go."

Taohua waved her hand directly, saying that love can't go away.


After a few days, the Huoyan Mountain was finally completed.

The flaming mountain, which is matched with the lake of fire and the waterfall of fire, has been adjusted by the formation. After all the formations are activated and connected, it happens to embrace the area of ​​the lake of fire and the area of ​​the magma waterfall.It forms a huge ring-shaped mountain range with one side high and one side low.

There are also many small branch mountains attached to the periphery of the mountain range.

These small branch mountains can all be exploited and developed in the future.

Huge earth energy gushes out here, then is absorbed by a set of formations, and is hidden inside the Flame Mountain, where it is used to gather fire-attribute spiritual veins.This time, the fire-attribute spiritual vein will pass through the lake of fire and extend to the nearby flaming mountains.

And with the continuous eruption of the earth's gas, the lake of fire and the surrounding flame mountains will continue to grow until they grow into super giant mountains.

In addition to the newly built Flame Mountain, a large number of special buildings were also built in the mountain.

After all, the formation is not an ordinary thing, even if it is arranged underground by various formations, it cannot be completely ignored once it is in operation.

It is like a large property, there must be a dedicated team responsible for monitoring and maintenance at all times.

Otherwise, its efficacy will gradually decrease and eventually become a disabled formation.

Whether it is Longshanfang City, or Ziyang, Taoyang, Miryang, Changyang and other cities, each has a huge maintenance team with formation masters and craftsmen.

Outside of these cities, the Five Elements Underground Palace, which resembles a peach blossom, the underground Sutu Spirit Formation near Xiantao Village, and the four islands on the sea, are all managed by a large team of formation masters.

That is to say, there is Xiaopang helping to maintain the Sutu Spirit Formation, so it is easier.If something happens, you can report it to Taohua in time.

Other locations need to be checked thoroughly at regular intervals.

Chu's annual investment in various magic tools for testing arrays needs to cost 10,000+ spirit stones.

So the formation master is really a super money-burning move.

If it wasn't for the Chu family, they wouldn't be able to support such a large team.

After the completion of the Huoyan Mountain, the monk army stationed in the Huoyan Mountain began to move in.

This is really a holy place for cultivation.

It is simply too friendly for the monks of the fire attribute.

All kinds of aura benefits make their cultivation base rush like a roller coaster, and they rush up.

If it weren't for worrying that breaking through the realm too quickly would be bad for their foundation, and it would affect their promotion to high-level monks in the future, everyone might just break through and break through all the way.

Chu Shinian himself also reserved a practice room for himself at the eye of a certain Flame Mountain.

Cough cough, he is also a fire attribute monk.

With this flaming mountain, knowledge seems to be lost in the sky, it is really awesome.

However, when the entire Chu family was immersed in the joy of building another large-scale cultivation and resource synthesis place.In the camp of the Black Wolf Guards in Anxia, ​​far away.A certain military adviser saw the decapitated body of his own son, sprayed blood, and then passed out directly.

"Who did it?"

After the imperial doctor came to treat him, the military master slowly woke up. As soon as he woke up, his eyes were fierce as if he wanted to kill someone.

"Lin Changge." Qiao Zhengwu didn't hide it for the other party, and Lin Changge probably didn't want him to hide it either.

"What? Yes, what's going on here? Didn't I ask you to invite him back? If he refuses to come back, why don't you go back first? Why did Zhao Hu die?"

Qiao Zhengwu thought for a while and told what happened, "When we went to see him, he was going to get married. The date is set."

The military adviser raised his eyebrows in surprise, and wanted to get married. He obviously had the intention of getting married?

It was beyond my expectation.

"We couldn't see it. We wanted to talk about it the next day. If it didn't work, we would come back first. But Zhao Hu suddenly attacked his fiancée in the middle of the night and wanted to kill his fiancée.

His fiancée is from the Chu family.Even if people from the Chu family appeared, they not only saved the Chu family, but also arrested Zhao Hu and us. "

The corner of the military division's mouth twitched, his eyes froze.

What a foolish son who failed to accomplish anything and failed! !
"The Chu family was enraged, so Lin Changge killed Zhao Hu directly. He said that he would collect some interest first. He said that the military master plotted against his adoptive father for his son, so he accepted the life of your son from the military master, which is also considered a piece of money." Change it."

"Presumptuous, bastard." The military division was furious after hearing this.Then he said with complicated eyes, "As expected, he still knows."

Qiao Zhengwu looked at the military adviser's angry face and continued, "He said that you are also a member of the Zhao family, military adviser. In order to control the Black Wolf Guard, you designed to kill your sworn brother."

"Do you believe what he said?" The military adviser looked at Qiao Zhengwu with sharp and sinister eyes.

"Zhao Hu is dead. Believe it or not, you won't let me walk out of the barracks alive." Qiao Zhengwu said helplessly.

(End of this chapter)

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