The rebirth of God's boss

Chapter 608 New forces from the upper realm

Chapter 608 New forces from the upper realm

Not long after Qiao Zhengwu walked out of Chu's territory with Zhao Hu's body, he realized that he would not survive.Not only myself, but also the members of the Chu family who followed me and others could not live.

After all, they are so many living people that they didn't protect Zhao Hu's life!
Zhao Hu's life is much more precious than theirs.

"You are very smart. If Hu'er hadn't disappeared, I might have trained you well." Now you can continue to follow Hu'er.

As for the military division, Qiao Zhengwu would treat it as a fart. If he is not cultivated, should he also be cultivated as cannon fodder?A life-and-death brother who can personally kill himself for decades, will a ghost believe his words? !
"Well, in fact, you should also understand that the Black Wolf Guard is the Black Wolf Guard of the Song Dynasty, and must not fall into the hands of a certain person, or a certain father and son." The military adviser said in a compassionate tone. "Family and country loyalty, since ancient times it is difficult to have both."

Qiao Zhengwu sneered in his heart when he heard this, ah bah, as far as their old leader is concerned, if you ask him to hand over his military power, he will really not hand it over to you.

You just think that he is so powerful that he is not suitable to continue living.

"The Chu family doesn't know what it means. They think that a small newly-rising local family can wrestle with our Zhao family, and compete with us? If it weren't for my Zhao family being dragged down by those bastard noble families, and those bastards. The thieves from Li Shan and Zhao Guo hold back, my Zhao family has sent troops to destroy these ignorant little shrimps long ago.

Lin Changge was afraid of the Chu family and killed my son directly?
hum. "

The military master laughed grimly. "Do you really think I can't deal with you?"

"Is there really a way for the royal family to deal with the Chu family?" Qiao Zhengwu asked in astonishment.

"Do you think that our Chu family has millions of monks, and our Zhao family has nothing to do with them?" the military adviser asked with a cold expression.

Qiao Zhengwu didn't speak, but his expression did not betray him "..."

"Even if we fight against the Chu family, you won't be able to see it. Hurry up and write a suicide note against Lin Changge, and then you can kill yourself. Remember that you wrote it for your family, wife and children. If your I'm not satisfied with the suicide note, I don't mind sending your family, your wife and children underground to reunite with you.

The hero of the Song Dynasty or the traitor is in your mind. "

The military division said fiercely and viciously.

Qiao Zhengwu didn't know why he suddenly felt sore in his heart.

Death doesn't make him afraid, but the man in front of him shamelessly makes him angry.

"Are you the old leader who threatened like this back then? You said the same thing again, so you said it very skillfully?"

"Presumptuous." The military division slapped half of Qiao Zhengwu's face swollen, and even knocked out one of his teeth.

Qiao Zhengwu laughed strangely. "The old leader and I will wait for you down here."

He simply killed himself.

What kind of suicide note, he doesn't believe that the military division can't write it, he knows that the military division is very good at imitating other people's handwriting.

Let him write his own suicide note, but let him be disgusted before he dies.

This wicked thing.

As for the family, his wife and children, before he came back, he let someone bring an urgent letter back. He deliberately delayed for some time, and even came back to die on his own initiative in order to paralyze the army.I hope his family, his wife and children can escape smoothly.

As for saying that the military division would let them go, Qiao Zhengwu didn't really believe it anyway.

Long after his identity and conspiracy were exposed by Lin Changge, the strategist found it completely difficult for Qiao Zhengwu to trust him any longer.

Qiao Zhengwu died, and the military adviser also asked people to kill other soldiers who came back with Qiao Zhengwu, and then sent people to hunt down Qiao Zhengwu's clansmen, wives and children.It's a pity that he was one step too late and didn't catch Qiao Zhengwu's immediate family members.

The direct line of their family had brought Qiao Zhengwu's wife and children directly into Zhao Guo's arms.

The military commander hated it so much that he turned around and massacred hundreds of Qiao's offshoots as rebels.In the end, no more than a dozen people escaped.

When Emperor Song learned about this, he called the military adviser over and scolded him severely.

"Since you killed that person, why can't you kill Lin Changge directly? Now that Lin Changge has run away, there is a possibility that he will continue to tarnish the reputation of the royal family of Song Dynasty outside. What do you think about this matter?"

"Why don't you let Chen He do it. Anyway, isn't he staying in Zhang Yu recently? Let him send someone to kill Lin Changge. At least kill his wife Chu." trick.

"Chen He?" Emperor Song thought for a while and thought it was very appropriate. "it is good."

When Chen He received the news, he didn't show it on his face, but he scolded Emperor Song and a certain black wolf guard in his heart.

These two idiots knew how to dig holes for themselves and make enemies everywhere. They were not human inside and out, and they would not die well in the end.

But these two idiots didn't even think about it. Is this the time to quarrel with the Chu family?

Why is he always hanging around Zhang Yu's place? Isn't it because...

"Commander, the other party has agreed, the other party has agreed to our visit." A flying fish guard rushed in cheerfully, and then said loudly.

Chen and the other Flying Fish Guards in the room showed joy on their faces.

"Okay, finally we can formally meet and talk." Chen He said.


When Chen He met Yang Xianzhi for the first time, he always felt that Yang Xianzhi seemed a little young.

"When I was young, I ate the treasures that my father gave me to cleanse my body, and then I grew up slowly. So you look at me as a child, but I am not really my age."

Upon hearing this, Chen He immediately restrained his prying eyes.

"Master Yang is well."

Yang Xianzhi calmly accepted Chen He's greeting, and said, "Sit down."

When Chen He was seated, Yang Xianzhi said again, "I came all the way across the border, and you must know that I'm not here to compete in the world. I'm not interested in the territory of the Song Dynasty or the emperor.

My purpose is the ruins and treasures that have appeared and will appear in the future.

Of course, in addition to some treasures in the ruins, I am also very interested in some treasures that have been handed down in the hands of folk scattered people. "

It turned out to be the case.

Chen He knew it well.

At first, when he heard that there were many people coming down from the upper realm, he was still quite nervous.After all, which of the people from Baicao Pavilion, Xiancaotang and Dancaolou is easy to mess with.

So these monks from the upper realm, or the outside world, made him very afraid.

Not knowing where they came from is the most frightening thing about the unknown.

Especially these monks have brought a lot of strange things that are really shocking and shocking.

Chen He discovered three such new forces in the Northwest, and this Yang Xianzhi can be regarded as the most upright, daring to expose his own forces.

 I have something to do during the day, and I can only update here when I come back at night, and I will continue to update tomorrow.

(End of this chapter)

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