The rebirth of God's boss

Chapter 609 The rise of fortune is too fast

Chapter 609 The rise of fortune is too fast
Such Yang Xianzhi, no matter what kind of purpose he is in, he also hopes to win over the other party as much as possible.

"Then we Da Song, or what help I can provide you, as long as we can do it, we will definitely do our best." Chen He said.

Yang Xianzhi thought for a while, and then said, "I heard that there is a very strange and rare treasure in this northwest land, called Fenger. Of course, I don't know exactly what shape it is, and what it has I'm not sure about its function. I just know that the wind ear seems to be particularly powerful in transmitting and collecting information.

Of course, this is just a small ability in the rumors of this treasure.

You don't need to be able to find Feng Er, you just need to provide clues.Although you Big Song Fei Yuwei have a large number of people, each owner of this level of treasure is not an idle person. "

Yang Xianzhi didn't expect Chen He to be able to get the news of the No. [-] treasure in Northwest China, and the target of his investigation was Feng Er.

In fact, he also wanted to see Chen He's ability first.

After all, many of the forces in the Upper Realm had suffered greatly in the Northwest.Both Tianming and Fenger are very powerful.

Even if Chen He couldn't get the news of Feng Er, he still hoped that Chen He's actions could muddy the water, at least let Feng Er reveal some whereabouts.This will provide convenience for him to find Feng Er by himself.

Anyway, this Chen He came to him for use on his own initiative.

The free labor picked up for nothing is not for nothing.

"Feng Er, only this one name, and this treasure is good at collecting and delivering news?" Chen He frowned.

"That's all. If it's easy to find, I won't come to sit in Zhangyu myself." There is Jiuxing Pavilion on the side of Song Anxia.

The towering tower here has not been restored, and there is no place to infiltrate if you want to infiltrate.

I always feel that Destiny seems to be able to detect their malice. In short, the search for the northwest treasure is very slow. Fortunately, he accidentally obtained a fantasy orb.

Otherwise, if there is no movement for a long time, his father and mother in the upper realm should be anxious.

When Chen He was in contact with Yang Xianzhi, Fu Luyi rarely ran to Zhang Yu and called Chu Da over.

"Have I told you to find any news about those things?"

Before, Fu Luyi gave Chu Da a brochure, and about [-] special things were returned in the brochure.It is said that Fu Luyi hoped that Chu Da could provide clues to these things, and of course it would be better to find them.

"I sent a lot of people out to investigate. There is no definite news about these things. Occasionally, I found some vague news. After tracing, tracing, and finally it was all fake news. I was so mad."

Fu Luyi was very disappointed after hearing these words.

"Then keep looking."

The brochure she gave to Chu Da was still taken from her master, and it was all the information about the important treasures of the six northwestern prefectures of the Great Song Dynasty that they collected by themselves when the Baicao Pavilion merged the world last time.Of course, the information they collected was not complete.

Only that organization has the possibility to collect the most accurate news about Chongbao.

As far as they are tinkering with these, they are all small troubles, and if they get one occasionally, it is probably a mistake.

"Master, ever since I refined the jade pendant and the jade pen, I always feel that there is something under the ancestral hall in our Xifeng Mountain that particularly attracts me. Do you think I need to take out the things under that right now?" Chu Da asked with an excited expression.

In fact, it is an inquiry, but a notification.As her own cultivation broke through the altar realm, Chu Da became less and less in awe of her master.

After all, Fu Luyi herself is still a Dzogchen in the Divine Stage Realm.

Moreover, Fu Luyi's own master is also in the Great Perfection of the Divine Stage Realm.

Everyone is in the same realm, so naturally Chu Da is not so in awe of her master and ancestor.

Fu Luyi naturally saw Chu Da's expression, but she would not teach her a lesson, nor would she correct her thoughts.

"There is indeed something under your ancestral hall, but you can't touch it yet. When you completely control the Chu family and become the head of the Chu family, you can go to the Xifengshan ancestral hall to get that thing. Otherwise, if you move it, you will fall short.

At that time, you will not only lose your cultivation, but also lose your life. "

Chu Da said in horror, "How is it possible?"

"I didn't lie to you. The ancestors of your family made an agreement with an elder of my division as early as thousands of years ago. My elder will help your Chu family gather family luck and give birth to a son of future luck. Let your Chu family borrow This one soared to the sky. Your Chu family handed over the thousands of years of luck gathered by your family to my elders to refine a treasure of luck.

The two sides can be said to be mutually beneficial.

In order to allow your Chu family to gather family fortune with peace of mind, my parents and elders have also paid a lot.He even promised that after taking away the family fortune accumulated by your family for thousands of years in the future, he is willing to accept a member of your family as his disciple.

In the future, you will also protect the Chu family. "

After hearing these words, Chu Da was overjoyed.

"Look, how lucky your Chu family is. It's just helping my elder to condense a treasure of luck, but you can get such a big reward. I really think you are taking advantage."

"Then under the ancestral temple in Xifeng Mountain?"

"It is the rough blank of the fortune treasure of the elder of my family. Putting it there is actually absorbing the family fortune gathered by your family for thousands of years. It is a pity that you need to be the head of the family to complete it. Just another sacrifice."

As soon as the Patriarch was mentioned, Chu Da became very angry. "My eldest sister, Chu Xi, is treacherous and insidious. She actually got along with me by feigning death to escape her shell. I foolishly believed it too, but in the end I became a poor person who was squeezed out of the family by her.

Speaking of which, my little uncle, Chu Chengqian, now has his own family, and he took the lead back to the ancestral hall to worship.You said that if we can gather more clansmen and twist them into one strand.Is it also the Chu family? "

"You Chu family, do you know how many people you have now? There are at least 60 to [-] people. How much can you collect from the scattered people of the Chu family? Are there [-] people?" Fu Luyi said angrily.

Chu Da suddenly lost her spirit. "No, just over 100 mouthfuls."

"Can more than 100 people represent the Chu family?" Fu Luyi asked speechlessly.

Naturally, it is impossible to represent the Chu family.

"But Chu Xi has become even more guarded against me. I don't show up now, and I hide so deep that I can't find it. What can I do? I can't beat Chu Shinian's monk army?" Chu Da said weakly.

Not to mention, when Fu Luyi thought of the millions of monk legions, she also felt terrified.

I said in my heart that this luck started strangely and quickly, it was not right at all, okay?

(End of this chapter)

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