The rebirth of God's boss

Chapter 610 Guo Peng visits the Chu family

Chapter 610 Guo Peng visits the Chu family

"There is no other way? If you bow your head and admit your mistake, can you go back to the Chu family? Or you can ask your father to bow his head and admit his mistake, and then beg her to let you go back to the Chu family. As long as you can return to the Chu family, you can go back to the Chu family." There is a chance to seize the position of Patriarch." Fu Luyi offered her some advice.

"Well,... let me think about it." Chu Da made up her mind, thinking that this might be a good idea.It's just that the relationship between my own father and my eldest sister is really bad, and I'm afraid that she won't take this trouble at all.

What about big brother, big brother should also want to go back, right?

Maybe she can think of a way with her elder brother.

As for being cheeky or something, she never asked for it.Otherwise, how could she be more favored by her father than the eldest daughter as an adulterous daughter?

Taohua never thought that Guo Peng would ask someone by name to meet the head of the Chu family at this time.

Also said something important.

This Guo Peng had never appeared in Taohua's previous life, that is to say, he is a newcomer.

So Taohua thought about it, and agreed to the other party's request to meet.

The two met in the hidden garden of Longshan.

It's never been open to the outside world before.As soon as Guo Peng came in, he felt the strong aura that was about to condense into dew.

In their home, this kind of place is sealed off, allowing the juniors to make breakthroughs.But in Longshan, this is a garden.And it doesn't do any bans, and the aura slowly diffuses out of the restrictions around the garden.

It's so fucking extravagant, no wonder the clansmen below saw that some things in Fangfang City were crazy and clamored to occupy this place.Not to mention that if they see such a place, their brains will be completely turned into iron balls, and half of their sanity will be lost.

But what are you kidding, what place is this?
This is a place where hundreds of thousands of legions are permanently stationed, and one magic arrow per person can shoot you all into a sieve.

Bunch of idiots!
No wonder Second Grandpa said that a bunch of idiots don't conspire with each other.

Seriously, in fact, there is nothing high-level in this garden.But people's original ecology, look at the longan trees and lychee trees grown by others, they are all spiritual trees.And all of them are so tall.

The most annoying thing is, what are those piled up under other people's trees?Spirit coins of the wood attribute.

Layer after layer around the fruit trees, placed in a circle.

How can you play like this, don't you know that the monks from the upper realm who just came down are going to have super pink eyes? !

In the main hall, the female head of the Chu family is wearing a mask, she is a small one, but when she sits there and looks at her, her aura is terrifying! !

This is the woman who single-handedly brought out the Chu family, and Guo Peng was extremely afraid of her.

"I have met Patriarch Chu." Guo Peng saluted without being humble or overbearing. His salute was an ordinary greeting ceremony for monks.

However, Chu Taohua didn't care about the other party's etiquette. For the monks from Shenting, they all had a sense of superiority.It is very polite to be able to meet.

Taohua also responded to a common meeting etiquette, that is, monks greet each other when they see each other.

Anyway, she will treat Guo Peng as much as Guo Peng treats her.

Guo Peng's mouth twitched.

He didn't know that Patriarch Chu didn't know some monks' etiquette issues in Shenting.Therefore, he also generously accepted Taohua's gift in return.

After the two sat down again, Taohua asked directly, "You have something important to tell me this time, and I want to know what it is?"

"Our Guo family intends to form an alliance with your Chu family," Guo Peng said.

"Why?" Taohua said in a strange tone. "According to what I know, you are developing very well in Zhao State. The monks in Zhao State trust Baicao Pavilion represented by your Guo family very much. They will trade with you if they have any good things.

It is said that if you want to form an alliance, they will be happy to form an alliance with you. Why did you come all the way to find our Chu family to form an alliance? "

Guo Peng smiled wryly after hearing this.

"The monks of the Zhao Kingdom, whether they are Zongmen monks or family monks, they are very weak. They make good friends with us, and they will also make good friends with other upper realm forces. As long as they give certain benefits and threats, we want them to betray us. The Guo family, that's really simple."

Pfft, Peach Blossom laughed.

"It seems that your Guo family has encountered a traitor."

"Our Guo family not only encountered traitors, but also because the upper realm forces that the opponent is relying on are very powerful, so it is difficult to even take revenge on those traitors. Now my second grandfather wants to give up Zhao country and go to Lishan country instead." Guo Peng Said very helplessly.After all, the Guo family is still too weak, even with Baicao Pavilion as a backer, they would at best not want their lives.

"Are there many upper realm forces coming down now?" Taohua asked.

"There are a lot, and there will be more and more. There are people robbing such poor places as Zhao State, and I'm sorry." Guo Peng said with an annoyed expression.

This actually made Peach Blossom amused.

"Zhao's territory is not small again. Coupled with the further recovery of spiritual energy, there are many places worth occupying and plundering. Why is it not worth robbing? Someone must have seen the advantages over there, so they played big I came here to snatch it with all my strength. What I didn't expect was that they didn't attack the secular dynasty first, but instead attacked the commercial forces like Baicao Pavilion. Why bother, wouldn't it be possible to earn more by cooperating with you?"

"I also think it's not good to cooperate to do business? Who knows what they think, what good is it to exclude us? Our Baicao Pavilion can't get along in Zhao Guo, so what big benefits can they get?"

Tao Hua also flipped her hand and said, "Then who knows?"

"Patriarch Chu, my second grandfather wants to move our Guo family's Baicao Pavilion to the Great Northwest Wilderness, and he wants me to ask you if that's okay." Guo Peng said.

"Your second grandpa... is really shrewd." Tao Hua laughed.So switching to Alexan was just a feint?
"Then do you agree or disagree?" Guo Peng asked in confusion.

"Your second grandfather wants to move to the Great Northwest Wilderness before the second world change, that's impossible. It's the private land of the Chu family." Tao Hua said very simply. "You can consider him after the second world change."

"Wait, what is the second great change of the world. Oh, Wo Cao. I remembered, the days are just around the corner, and the second great change of the world is coming. I have read the relevant materials at the beginning."

Taohua watched the other party jump up like a big fat monkey, jumping feet and tangling his face very amused, and said with a smile, "If you want to make some preparations in advance, I have no problem. But if you want to move in as a whole, then impossible."

"Why?" Guo Peng asked puzzled.

"Go back and ask your second grandfather, he knows." Tao Hua said.

"The alliance, do you mean to agree?"

"Let's talk about that later."

(End of this chapter)

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