The rebirth of God's boss

Chapter 611 The Patriarch is the Last Sacrifice

Chapter 611 The Patriarch is the Last Sacrifice
"Why do we need to talk again?" Guo Peng asked puzzledly, "Although our Guo family is not big, it is precisely because of our small size that we can provide you with more convenience, right? The great powers from the upper world are coming down to threaten you, what can you do but continue to compromise?"

"To be honest, you also said that your Guo family is not a big force in the upper realm. So besides providing us with some information and resources from the upper realm, what else can you provide? Don't say anything that will benefit both of you. At present, the family already owns five cities in the northwest of the Song Dynasty, and the infrastructure construction of each city is good, all of which can be used directly. In case, I mean in case, in the future, this place will be compared with Shenting Great World Merge into one.

Then whoever owns these cities is equivalent to being able to gain a foothold in the Great World of Shenting.

It's not that I look down on your Guo family, does your Guo family own a city? "

Guo Peng was stunned by what she said.

" if this place can really merge with the world of Shenting in the future, are you sure that your city can still be preserved instead of being completely destroyed by the fusion power of the fusion of the two worlds?"

"Every time we build a city, the formation laid at the bottom can connect to the earth's veins. If it can be easily destroyed, wouldn't it be in vain for us to spend so much spiritual material and build so many layers of protective formations?" Taohua said speechlessly.

Any of the cities she has built so far are not built in vain.

Of course, the most important thing is that if Xiaopang of her family can be promoted to the sixth level, then Lingshan and the cities attached to Lingshan will be protected even when the power of the world is mixed.

"Wow, you think so deeply and so far?" Guo Peng was shocked and shivered down his spine.

"People without long-term considerations must have near-term worries. The rise of our Chu family is not just relying on the recovery of the current spiritual energy." Taohua said.

After hearing this, Guo Peng nodded seriously.

It can be described as appalling for a small faction to develop from nothing to the current state of the Chu family.Because it is so difficult.

"Then do you know that your Chu family has been targeted?" Guo Peng asked.

"Being targeted a long time ago, you mean the ancestral hall in Xifeng Mountain, and the weird ancestral precepts?" Taohua asked.

"It turns out that you even know the ancestral precepts. It seems that you, the patriarch, are really doing well." Guo Peng nodded.

"Well, I know. Before I took office, I heard from the still living Grand Elder of the Chu Clan that the Chu Clan must sacrifice the Patriarch in order to complete its final rise. I don't know how to do the sacrifice.

It is said that this is the ancestral training left to each generation of elders. "

When Taohua said this, Guo Peng immediately brainstormed the whole process.

The Patriarch of the Chu Clan is so wise and close to demons, once she finds out that the Patriarch of the Chu Clan is just a future sacrificial offering.Then she must be ruthless and directly kill all the people in the direct line of the first elder who can influence her.

No wonder the direct lineage of the Chu family suffered heavy losses. It turns out that the roots are here.

Those elders of the Chu family actually let the Patriarch discover the entire hidden ancestral precepts! !

In fact, as early as this time in the previous life, Taohua knew this weird and mysterious ancestral precept reserved only for the great elders.So she asked the elder to cut off the inheritance directly.After the death of the previous Great Elder, no one else was allowed to succeed the first Great Elder.

And the insiders who knew this weird ancestral precept also hung up one after another, and it was Chu Shinian who took the initiative to do this for her.Ahem, although Chu Shinian was sent by her to suppress and supervise his own father, she also secretly helped her handle many secret matters that were not suitable for exposure.

"Someone predicted thousands of years ago that your family would gain great fortune and great fortune in this resurgence of spiritual energy. This great fortune is too enviable, so the other party made an agreement with your ancestors that your family will have great fortune in the future. The luck gathered by the whole family for thousands of years urges the son of luck in the future, and then sacrifices the son of luck and the future luck of your whole family to help others refine a treasure of luck.

If this treasure is mastered, even if your family loses the son of great fortune, great fortune, and luck in the future, you can still get the protection of that person, and move your family into the world of Shenting calmly and smoothly. "

"Isn't this a fool? The whole family has no luck, and the day when the whole family moves in is the day when the whole family dies, right?" Tao Hua asked in amazement, "My ancestors must not have died ahhhh I really believe in people who are fooled by others. Is there any other benefit in this?"

"You are so smart. Your ancestor didn't die, but was taken directly to the Great World of God's Court, and became the favorite of that one?"

"Male favourite? The kind that has no name or distinction, the kind that comes and goes when called?" Tao Hua said in astonishment.This is really amazing news.

Guo Peng nodded vigorously.

"I heard that the ancestor of your family has been very favored until now. It has been 1000 years, and the favor has never ceased."

"The luck of the Chu family can still be obtained, how can the grace be cut off? If it is gone, it will not be gone? Maybe the old ancestor of our family is the key medium to extract the luck." Tao Hua thoughtfully Said with a smile.

"Ah, you know this, how much do you know about our upper realm?" Guo Peng was extremely astonished.

"What's so strange about this, it's like you all like to collect a lot of information from our side before the lower world, and then study us carefully. We also study and figure out you."

Guo Peng couldn't help sighing after hearing this, "It seems that I really underestimated you people from the lower world."

"Essentially, we are of the same origin. If you think that you have lived in the Great World of God's Court for a long time, and you regard us as ordinary people who need to conquer the natives, then you will be exhausted sooner or later." Tao Hua said very straightforwardly.

The big and small forces in the lower realm of the Shenting in the previous life caught them off guard earlier, and then they suffered losses in their hands one after another, and they all became disgraced.

The later the stage, the more able the local monks who grew up were able to toss.

Guo Peng's back broke out in cold sweat after hearing these words.

Don't look at the understatement of the masked little Patriarch, but in Guo Peng's eyes, it is quite terrifying.

Not to mention anything else, he is very clear about the attitude of the upper realm towards the lower realm.

Those arrogant guys thought they could easily suppress these lower realm natives.I also feel that the last time the world merged to the later stage, it was because some merciless upper realm forces disrupted the situation that the indigenous monks in the lower realm had the ability to rebound.

At the beginning, even if the monks from the lower realm made some moths, they didn't notice it. They thought that as long as they suppressed and culled the leader, they would immediately level the monks from the lower realm.

He hehe...

(End of this chapter)

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