The rebirth of God's boss

Chapter 633 Peach Blossom is the World's Daughter

Chapter 633 Peach Blossom is the World's Daughter
After confirming that the lake of fire could descend, Chu Shinian first led the team down the lake of fire.Not long after, they each came out with a net bag of fire spirit stone and fire spar.Chu Shinian also picked up a handful of Fire Crystals.It is an upgraded version of Fire Crystal.

"Now I'm rich. With this kind of fire crystal, a piece of fire spirit stone is worth 300 yuan. There is also no price in the market. It seems that I will send more troops to patrol this lake of fire in the future, so as not to save anyone My baby was touched away."

"It doesn't matter if you touch it once in a while, just don't get stolen for a long time, or on a large scale." In Taohua's view, if you lose some occasionally, the loss is not big, and a drop in the bucket is nothing?
"Let's increase the reward for catching a thief. It's cheaper to return a thief anywhere, and I'd rather rot in my own pot." Chu Shinian said.

Taohua nodded.Then she dug out a jade box and put all the Huo Yanjing in it.Huoyanjing was born for a short time, the largest one was only the size of a thumb belly, and the smallest one was as big as a fingernail.

"I didn't take the one that was too small." Chu Shinian smiled and watched Taohua play with the Huoyanjing.

"Yeah, it's too small to raise, and I'll take it away when I grow up." The lake of fire is full of fire energy, whether it is fire attribute earth energy or fire attribute aura, it is easy to give birth to fire gems and spirit stones. "By the way, the next time you come over, you will call our family's shaped treasure detector. His hand is lucky, so it would be a bad idea not to keep it."

Hahaha, Chu Shinian laughed sullenly, he naturally knew who the humanoid treasure hunter was.

"Yeah, next time I regularly harvest the spirit stones of the lake of fire, I will definitely call him. This time it's a temporary decision, and it's too late to call him over."

"That's fine. I'll go down and have a look." Taohua thought for a while, rolled up her sleeves, and brought a net bag to go down to the lake.

In fact, monks who can go down to the lake for a long time to practice fire attribute skills, although other monks can also go down to the lake, but they can't stay under the lake for a long time, and the consumption is extremely high.It is easy to be dangerous.But Chu Shinian wasn't worried about Peach Blossom at all.

Taohua's cultivation has never been inferior to his.

As soon as he entered the lake of fire, anger swept over him.The protective cover of the Taiyin Stone Tower puffed up, expanding into an oval bubble, enveloping the peach blossom.

Chu Shinian followed behind. He was a fiery red bubble mask.

The current lake of fire is not too deep, and although its area is not small, it is only a few feet deep from the surface of the lake to the bottom of the lake.For their monks, almost one breath can fall into the bottom of the lake.Taohua hadn't taken a few steps, and then kicked ahead.A flame crystal the size of a human head appeared in front of her.

Chu Shinian: "..."

Tao Hua had just put the Huo Yanjing, which was as big as a human head, into her net pocket, and after walking a few steps, she found seven or eight Huo Yanjings the size of an adult's fist.

Chu Shinian was already numb: "..." His wife is the real daughter of the world, right?What kind of humanoid treasure detector is used for this luck?

After walking a few more steps, a golden-red Huoyang stone, the size of a goose egg, appeared on her way forward.

Well, it's only a little longer, and the net bag is full.

When her net bag was full, Tao Hua simply turned around and pulled the net bag from Chu Shinian's waist over, and then let him hold her own.

Chu Shinian followed with his net bag in his arms, not knowing whether to laugh or cry, but after walking for a long time, he saw many fire crystals growing out of a small hollow.Although it's just a fire spar, there are so many people.

A net bag only pulled a small half of the flint in the net bag.

When the young couple returned to the shore, the guards and secret guards of the Chu family on the shore all exclaimed in unison.

The point is that their gains are too eye-catching.

Such a dazzling fire spar, fire crystal, fire sun stone!The red one is bright and beautiful.

In the end, they fished for two hours, and they brought up about [-] fire-attribute spirit stones, as well as fire crystals, fire crystals, and fire sun stones worth two million spirit stones.

The spirit stones in the lake of fire are all single-attribute fire spirit stones, and their fineness can be classified as first-class.Even if it is a low-grade spirit stone, it can be exchanged for an ordinary spirit stone at a price of one to eight.That is, one piece can be exchanged for eight pieces of ordinary spirit stones.

Then 40 fire spirit stones are equivalent to [-] low-grade spirit stones.

Now in the main line, the official Chu Zifei who is in charge of the household tax department.After taking refuge in Chu Shinian, this guy relied on his extraordinary financial ability to take charge of the family's pocketbook, the Household Tax Department.

After harvesting so many cuties, such high-purity fire stones and a large number of fire-attribute gems, Chu Zifei obviously didn't want to spend money.

Chu Xinjia looked at his obsessed way of stroking around, and was speechless.

"Don't save, you still have to spend what you need."

"I see, don't worry about it." Chu Zifei angrily drove Chu Xinjia away. "Are these products from our fire lake?"

"Of course, this is what Chu Shinian brought people down to fish it himself. This is the first harvest after the completion of the construction of the lake of fire. I brought it all for you." Chu Xinjia said.

"I suggest setting up a hidden guard over there to supervise the garrison. What do you think? I think the monk army alone is enough to keep watch. These spirit stones and gems are too tempting. I'm afraid that someone will take the risk." Chu Zifei said Said with a serious face.

"An additional battalion of monks has been sent, and now there are three battalions over there. Plus fifty hidden guards."

After hearing Chu Xinjia's words, Chu Zifei felt relieved.He will pay more attention to the lake of fire in the future.That's his pocketbook. "Isn't this a living vein of spirit stone? And it's also a rich mine?"

Chu Zifei's words completely made Chu Xinjia laugh.

"Look at what you said, if that place is not important, can the Patriarch send Chu Shinian out to kill him?"

Chu Zifei had to admit that his patriarch was above his foresight, with strange long-term precision.

Whether it is Chu Shinian or various treasures.

But then again, Chu Xi is so powerful that he even tried to kill all the elders of the family, and even reorganized the direct line into the current disintegrated appearance.

As for?
Chu Zifei complained helplessly in his heart.

Well, it's useless to say anything now, let's work hard.

But he didn't know that Chu Yuxuan led Chu Da to watch and knocked on the door of his family's house in Miyang.

And his wife let them in for the sake of his relatives.

In the evening Chu Zifei planned to live in the house next to the government office, but his old wife sent someone to ask him to go home for dinner.He also went back.When he returned, he saw Chu Yuxuan and Chu Da again in shock.

Several people took their seats in the study again, and Chu Zifei asked, "Why did you come to Miryang?"

"Third Uncle, we are your real juniors after all. Why does Third Uncle sound like he doesn't want to see us?" Chu Yuxuan suddenly took on a questioning tone.

(End of this chapter)

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