The rebirth of God's boss

Chapter 634 Chapter Yu's Chu Clan Xiaoming Lord Chu Chengqian

Chapter 634 Zhang Yu's Xiaoming Lord Chu Chengqian

Chu Zifei raised his eyes to look at Chu Yuxuan in surprise, only to realize that the person in front of him was quite different from before.At this time, Chu Yuxuan's face looked bitter and mean.There was a lot of resentment and angry black light in his eyes, and he was much thinner. The most surprising thing was that his hair had turned gray a lot.

At this time, he was at least ten years older than Chu Yuxuan when he first settled down in Miryang.

At that time, Chu Yuxuan still tidied up with the style and exquisiteness of a family member.At this time, he was more like a helpless old man.

He looked older than his third uncle.

"Yuxuan, do you know who you're talking to?" Chu Zifei's face darkened, and he looked at him with deep eyes. The pressure suddenly came to Chu Yuxuan and Chu Da's faces.

Chu Da has cultivation and protection, so it doesn't have much influence.It's just that the eyes are slightly condensed.

But Chu Yuxuan leaned back in panic, almost falling off his wheelchair.

"Third Uncle, I'm a cripple with no cultivation, why do you treat me so badly? Are you going to die earlier than me?" Chu Yuxuan showed panic, and then said in a tone full of hatred.When he said this, his face became grim.

"Are you so angry because Chu Xi and Chu Da abandoned you?" Chu Zifei's eyes were penetrating.

Chu Yuxuan and Chu Da's faces changed after hearing his words.

"Is it because your family, Chu Junqi, also abandoned you?" Chu Zifei continued to ask.

"Third Uncle!" Chu Yuxuan lost his voice.

"As expected, it's hard to feel betrayed, isn't it?" Chu Zifei said quietly. "If you knew how, why did you do it in the first place? You hate that your own daughter is superior to you, and you have always been hostile to Chuxi. Just when you ignored Chuxi's sudden death, Chuxi chose to abandon you.

Your daughter Chu Da, whom you have always entrusted with great love, chose to abandon you as a waste when she was unable to achieve her own ambitions and control the Chu clan. Now your son Chu Junqi has even abandoned you.

You are such a failure. "

"Third Uncle, can you stop talking?" Chu Yuxuan's face was so gloomy that he was about to get out of water.

Even Chu Da's complexion changed a few times.

"Then Chu Da, what did you do with your abandoned father? How do you want to plot against me?"

Hearing this, Chu Da sighed silently, "In fact, I have not abandoned my father. I have hired someone to take care of my father's life now. He has no worries about food and clothing. Of course, I can't guarantee him a good life like my sister. A better life.

I came here this time just to ask you to help me make peace, make peace.

I want to reconcile with my sister. "

"Your sister won't reconcile with you. Besides, you didn't let her go when you wanted to kill her. As long as she hasn't become a fool, she will never reconcile with you. Although I don't know that Chu Xi is jealous Where are you, but as long as you and Chu Yuxuan don't die for a day, she probably won't show up." Chu Zifei had already vaguely guessed Chu Xi's fear after these days in the main vein.

Chu Da's complexion changed drastically again, turning livid.

There was a terrible cold light in his eyes.

"Why is she afraid of me? What can I do to make her afraid?"

"Simply saying that you are in collusion with the people from the upper realm, Chu Xi will be extremely defensive." Just at this moment, click, a jade tablet on Chu Da's waist shattered into pieces and fell directly to the ground.

"Look, you have only been in the house for a long time, and you stretched out your hand on me. I will definitely not let you come to the door again in the future." Chu Zifei showed a sarcastic smile that was half a smile.

"This is not possible, this is the upper bound..."

"Ecstasy jade token? I've seen this kind of thing. The enchanted jade token from the Illusory Moon Sect. This kind of thing has made many achievements in the super ruins in the central mainland. It has killed many hidden sects so far. big monk.

Do you think that with my current status in the Chu Clan, I can't afford any means of defense. "

Chu Da's face turned even darker.

"Hurry up, or I'll call the hidden guards over. Although I can't kill you, it's still possible to beat you all into cripples and abolish your cultivation."

After hearing this, Chu Da immediately got up and pushed her own father away.

It's rude not even to say goodbye.

Chu Zifei squeezed, and he was a little relieved that he exchanged for a small black iron plate from a certain ancient battleship.When he was called back, he didn't have any precautions at all. Fortunately, he had a little more precautions in exchange for this small card.

Chu Da and the others were able to enter their home several times, and they could still see their wife.If there is nothing tricky about it, he wouldn't believe it.Someone in this house must have been bribed by them. It seems that he has to clean up the house.Then my relatives were moved to a safe place.

The most important thing is to clean up your family, especially the servants.

As soon as Chu Da and others entered Miryang, Tao Hua received the news.

But Taohua doesn't want to talk to Chuda at all, she's just a pawn.Just keep them outside first.But if she jumps too much, then she really can only cut off her legs.

Fortunately, Chu Da also sensed the danger of Miryang. After dealing with Chu Zifei without success, she took her father and left Miryang City without staying.

After returning to Zhang Yu, Chu Chengqian immediately came over and asked her how things were going.

Naturally it failed.

In fact, Chu Chengqian didn't expect her to succeed. He was not good at dealing with anyone, but he wanted to deal with Chu Zifei.That is a well-known figure in the Chu family's direct line.

During the time he was in Zhang Yu, he was not idle, and he wooed and appeased all the outstanding people who chose to follow him and support him.He also learned to sell miserably without a teacher!

Humble, hardworking, diligent, and good at listening to advice.

This is the vivid image of the Ming Lord! !

Those who chose to assist them were all very satisfied after contacting him.

The more satisfied everyone was with Chu Chengqian, the more dissatisfied they were with Chu Xi.The more he questioned his legitimacy.

Even though Chu Chengqian was not capable, he was obedient.Besides, there are talented people like them who can assist him.Therefore, many elders of Chu Chu did not hesitate to go bankrupt and used their wealth to help Chu Chengqian run a business, and it has gradually paid off.

In Zhang Yu, Chu Chengqian became more and more famous, and even Fan Zeng, the Chancellor of Zhang Yu's Mansion, noticed him.

Of course, Fan Zeng thought of him more because he was a member of the Chu family, the direct descendant of the Chu family who lost the battle with Chu Xi.

As long as something happens to Chu Xi, he will die.He has a high probability of returning to the Chu family to take over as the head of the family.

So Fan Zeng thought of him more because Chu Chengqian seemed like a good investment target.

(End of this chapter)

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