Chapter 635
But from Fan Zeng's point of view, Chu Chengqian's road ahead is also very bumpy, because he is actually a spare tire. As long as the head of the Chu family is still in power for a day, he can only live outside.

For such a person, investment also has a certain degree of risk, so Fan Zeng doesn't treat him much. He often has small benefits, but never gives them big benefits.

"You must have succeeded in scheming Chu Zi this time, let him be on guard, and it will not be easy to think of scheming him." Chu Chengqian looked worried.

"I didn't expect him to have something that could protect the enchantment card. Master told me that the enchantment card is quite useful for monks in the lower realm." Chu Da was also worried.

Chu Da's master, Fu Luyi, is also a well-known monk in the upper world, but in Chu Chengqian's view, she treats Chu Da more like using her as a spearman.

"Recently, I have gained some more property, and I have continued to recruit some of my clansmen. In Zhangyu Mansion, almost every city has my shop. It is also because of this that I feel that the Chu family is becoming more and more powerful. They It doesn't count that he has already taken all of Myitkyi Prefecture into his pocket, and he also took Jiangyang.

Can your master get any help from the upper realm to make us develop faster? "

Chu Da shook her head, "It's difficult. My master has been looking for something recently, but after checking and checking, there is no news at all."

"Tell me what it is..."

Chu Da told him something... Chu Chengqian thought for a while, and asked, "Is it possible to lead them to the Chu family?"

"You mean to kill with a knife? I have planned many times, but the people in charge of the investigation are very experienced. They saw through my setup several times, and once I didn't finish it in time, I was warned by my master." Chu Da said with a calm face.

The teacher said that she felt that she had calculated well, but she always lacked some luck, and she failed every time.

"Why don't we try again together?" Chu Chengqian gritted his teeth and asked.

"Which one are you talking about?" Chu Da regained her spirits immediately.

"I think the predictable treasure they are looking for may be in the Chu family." Chu Chengqian said.

"Any clues?" Chu Da asked.

"Yes, for example, in Longshanfang City, as soon as the aura of the mainland recovers, Longshanfang City will appear. This is almost as if predicted in advance. There are also the transformation of many islands on the sea, and the transformation of the lake of fire. Isn't this almost the same as predicting in advance?

Otherwise, the main vein can build these places so well? "

After hearing this, Chu Da said speechlessly, "I have already said it. I suggested it a long time ago, when the master asked me to help find things. And my master also sent people to investigate. Six years before the recovery, surveys have been started. If there is any spiritual recovery, Longshanfang City will open. If the spiritual energy does not recover, a mainland-level trade and smuggling center will be built there.

As for the other islands, in this life, the elders of the direct family are in the way, and Chu Xi can do whatever she wants. Naturally, she has the leisure and time to get those islands out. "

Chu Chengqian was dumbfounded when he heard this.

"Could it be that what you told me is true, that you really lived a new life. Our world is really re-merging the three worlds?"

"Really, and as far as I know, I'm not the only one who was reborn. I think that the big princess of the Yishan County King is probably also a reborn person. The biggest mistake I made in this life may be He was too anxious to deal with Chuxi, so that he fell into her schemes, and even helped her clear up the elders of the direct line.

If the elders of the direct line or, how could she develop so fast?
Those elders who are particularly slow-moving, and the first great elder who is particularly afraid of her, have already stopped her actions. "

Seeing Chu Da's sad, regretful, and remorseful expression, Chu Chengqian's heart didn't fluctuate at all.

A failure is a failure, and remorse is useless.

But he still said with surprise on his face, "What about your master, what is her attitude towards our family?"

"She hopes that we can seize control of the family. It doesn't matter who is the head of the family. Anyway, I have failed once, and this time I can only ask you, little uncle." Chu Da said deliberately showing weakness.

After all, in Zhang Yu, Chu Chengqian was better at putting on a show than she was, and was more able to win people over than her.

"Does she want the entire Chu family?" Chu Chengqian said without any surprise.


"It's a little difficult."

"As long as Chu Xi is dead, what's the problem? Little uncle, if you go up to the top, no matter if it's Chu Shinian or the person in charge of any other branch, why don't you all bow down in front of you?" Chu Da said.

"The question is how did Chu Xi die?" Chu Chengqian asked speechlessly.

"I got a total of three enchanting cards this time. Except for Chu Zifei, I also attacked other people in the direct line. As long as they find Chuxi's trace, we can kill her." Chu Da said coldly .

"It seems that you also know that it should be impossible to plot against Chu Zifei."

"But his wife can indeed." Chu Da said.

Chu Chengqian smiled slightly, very satisfied.


When Chu Shinian went out, Taohua packed up and planned to go home first, mainly because she planned to go back and get some green wood grass and stew for home.Anyway, my family has already mass-produced Qingmu Caozhi. There are only two people in her family. How much can I eat?
As a result, before she could go out, she heard that Chu Zifei's wife had come and said she wanted to see her.

What do you want to see her for?

In her previous life, she hated receiving these female relatives.

But anyway, she is very free now, so come here as soon as you come.

Chu Zifei's wife, Huang Yin, was born in an official family. The Huang family produced many celebrities and was very influential in the Song Dynasty.Chu Zifei's most outstanding official career was with the help of his teacher and father-in-law.They have only one son and one daughter, and the children are married, and the son is now working in other places in the Chu family with his own little family.

When Chu Zifei was busy, Huang Yin stayed at home reading books, painting and so on.

Huang Yin also felt that she ran to the backyard of Chengling's mansion on her own initiative today because of her heartbeat. In fact, she usually stays at home alone to entertain herself.

"The Commander's Madam Ann."

The Chu Huang family salutes, and the peach blossoms return the salute.

"Madam Ann."

"I haven't seen you for a few days since the day of the commander's wife's wedding, and I'm also idle at home. I came to visit my wife. Please forgive me for the trouble."

"You're welcome, ma'am."

"By the way, I haven't seen the Patriarch for a while. I don't know where the Patriarch has gone? Does the Commander's wife know?"

Huang's words made Taohua stunned for a moment.Cai said, "I have never paid attention to these things, I don't know."

(End of this chapter)

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