Chapter 636
"Ah? Even you, the wife of the leader, don't know? I'm too surprised." Mrs. Huang said in amazement.

"I've only been married for a few days, so it's strange to know?" Tao Hua said.

"I thought you were very favored, and the leader would definitely not shy away from you." Mrs. Huang said again.

"I don't know if I'm favored or not." Taohua smiled innocently and cutely.

Mrs. Huang: "..."

Because the two of them really had nothing to talk about, after Mrs. Huang made sure that Taohua didn't know where the Patriarch was, she left in dismay.

As soon as she left, Taohua waved her hand, and a dark guard in black immediately appeared beside her. "There's something wrong with Mrs. Huang. What she said doesn't sound like what someone with experience like her would say. It's probably controlled by something, or taken away. Get someone to check it out."

The dark guard nodded slightly, and then disappeared again.

After Mrs. Huang left, Taohua simply went back to Xiantaozhuang.This made the female relatives who heard that Chu Zifei's wife had visited the commander's wife and wanted to visit Taohua one after another rushed to nothing.

As soon as Taohua returned to Xiantaozhuang, she heard Zhuangzi's uproar.

Taohua hurriedly followed the sound to find it.

"There, there..."

I saw a group of young men standing on wooden boats of various sizes with spear guns in their hands.When you see a big fish, you shoot it directly.When the big fish were pierced into their bodies at first, they may not all have died, and some jumped out of the water with spear guns, or directly slapped the boat with their tails.

There are also those who are constantly tossing in the water, and finally turn over to reveal their white belly.

"What's going on, why are you all gathered by this lake?" Taohua saw a familiar little sister, walked to Shen's house and asked.

Her little sister is still unmarried, with a girlish hair combed.Hearing the voice, he turned around and saw Taohua, and was immediately pleasantly surprised, "Oh, Taohua, why are you back? You haven't been married for a few days, have you? How many times have you been back?"

"It's so close, so what if I come back a few times? I heard that you plan to marry in Ziyang City, which is closer than Miyang to our Xiantao. You will come back more diligently than me in the future."

Tao Hua's words made the little sister burst out laughing.

She was happy but a little flustered and said, "My mother said that once you get married, you should stop acting like a girl at home, you have to think more about your husband's family, so if you don't have your husband's family's consent, you can't come back easily. Not even close."

"Thinking too much, we are all married from the Chu family, which husband's family dares to treat us badly? Even if both parties are surnamed Chu, if their family dares to treat us badly, they will still beat him up. Back It's just a natal family, as long as you openly tell you a man's life, how dare he say he won't let you go back?"

"Then does he have any thoughts in his mind?"

"This, it all depends on the man's heart. If you have no idea, you will never have any idea. If you have an idea, even if you don't go back, he will mind in various ways. Why should you wrong yourself?" Taohua said.

The little lady thought for a while, then nodded. "Indeed."

"Be confident, our little lady of the Chu family, who are you afraid of marrying on your own land?" Tao Hua laughed. "By the way, why do everyone come here to fish? And they only pick big ones?"

The fish at Taohuakanjiazha are all large herrings that are more than one meter long to more than four meters long.

The big fish that were stuck fled in panic.

"Don't mention it, there were a few children playing nearby yesterday. They were eaten by a big fish flying ashore in the lake."

"Huh?" Taohua was shocked.

"Really, two children died in Zhuangzi, one was three years old and the other was four years old."

"That's really too much. Why don't you use a net?" Taohua looked at everyone fishing in confusion.

"Because no matter what kind of net it is, it can't be pulled. The big herring in the lake is heavy because of its weight, and its strength. A few are fine, but ordinary people can't pull it if there are too many."

"How to deal with those big fish that have been stabbed to death?" Taohua asked.

"They are all pulled ashore and stored in the monster carriage on the shore, waiting to be taken to Ziyang to sell."

When the little girl said this, Taohua had already seen her father, third brother and fourth brother.

Seeing her, Chu Dashan immediately gave up the work to the third and fourth sons. He ran to his daughter and asked with concern, "How are you doing over there these two days? If you are not going well, come home quickly."

"Father, I'm fine. There's nothing wrong with me. By the way, dad, the area of ​​the two lakes in our village has grown a lot. Even big fish are hard to catch. I saw you encircling and suppressing several lakes. Only once or two were caught."

"Oh, don't mention it, the fish are too big to be chased away. We are divided into several pairs of men and horses to chase and intercept and it is difficult to hunt a few. These big fish are really thieves." Chu Dashan was caught by his own fish in the past two days Very headache.

"Let's find the fishing team to fish. By the way, sell them all the big fish in the lake, so it's easy." Taohua said.

"Since our family's fishing fleet entered the waters near White Crab Island, the income has increased greatly, but both our own small lake and the big herring in Bibo Lake have begun to flood. The family's large-scale fishing The team has also gone to the outer sea, alas. I just want to find someone to help us clear the lake, but I can't find anyone." Chu Dashan said irritably.

"It's all right, isn't it just a lack of people? I'll find it for you."

In the end, Taohua, her father and her brothers had just finished lunch.The professional fishing team from Miryang came.

People are holding large magic weapon nets in their hands.

Tow fish is also trawled by hundreds of monks.It's not the same as the group of mortals from the Chu family who dragged the net before.

Hundreds of monks chanted and dragged the net together, and it didn't take long to pull up tens of thousands of catties of fish.

All kinds of big fish struggled hard in the huge fishing net, but they were pulled out of the water one by one by the net.

The water was churning violently, and many casual cultivators from the village who came to join in the fun also shouted enthusiastically.

As soon as the fishing net landed and the net bag was opened, many monks gathered around and started a quick search.

Seal the big fish into the big box, and seal several small fish into the small box together.

Suddenly a cyan shadow rushed out of the fishing net and flew into the sky.

Then, a golden-red copying net suddenly appeared in the sky, and the cyan shadow was copied into it all at once.

When everyone took a closer look, they saw a baby-faced young monk holding a net that had caught a little cyan milk beast in his hand.The little milk beast darted left and right in the net, but couldn't get out.


The baby-faced youth grabbed the little milk beast and flew towards Chu Dashan and Taohua. "Uncle Dashan, what do you think this is? Do you know it?"

"Clear water unicorn cub?" Before Chu Dashan recognized it, Tao Hua had already exclaimed.

(End of this chapter)

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