The rebirth of God's boss

Chapter 637 Little Kirin

Chapter 637 Little Kirin

Ahhh, the fierce green fur ball, which is about the size of a newborn kitten, was lifted up by the back of the neck to Chu Dashan and Chu Taohua.

Hearing Tao Hua's exclamation, the baby-faced youth almost lost his grip.

"What, what, is this little unicorn?"

"That's right, this is the cub of the Bishui Qilin. I thought the Bishui Qilin had scales, but it's Mao Mao?"

Little hairball huh?

The young man stroked the little furball's body and tail excitedly and curiously.In the end, the tail of the little unicorn is not a point but a small meat ball with bones, and the meat ball is covered with a ball of fluff.

Ahhh, don't pinch my tail.

The little furball screamed fiercely, and turned its head to bite the baby-faced youth.

The baby-faced youth hurriedly gave his little head back to Bala. "What are you doing, biting me?"

"If you like, you can keep it." Tao Hua calmed down after exclaiming.If it appears early, it will appear early, and if it appears, it will be raised.

"I keep it?" The baby-faced youth, that is, Chu Ziyan, pointed to his nose in astonishment.

"If you don't keep what you catch, who will take care of it?" Taohua asked speechlessly.

"But...but I haven't raised a unicorn?" Chu Ziyan said in panic.

"This is the first unicorn cub to appear. You can raise it casually. If you really can't raise it to death, you will stew it and eat it." Taohua said.

As soon as the little beast heard it, it shrank itself into a small ball in an extremely obedient manner.

Chu Ziyan was also dumbfounded.

"Can it still be stewed?"

"Kirin meat, have you ever eaten it?" Taohua asked.

Chu Ziyan shook his head quickly, he hadn't eaten.

Ahhhhh, Chu Ziyan looked at the little beast, and the little beast also looked at him with wet little eyes, it was pitiful.

"Then let's raise it first, and we'll talk about it after we die." Cough cough cough, Chu Ziyan coughed a few times, and said helplessly.

"If there is one, there must be two. This time, the big fish will be cleaned up, and the small beast will be taken away. Maybe another little unicorn will be born in this small lake. Deputy Commander Chu, let's find some people to watch over this lake. So that people don't get the unicorn cubs for nothing." Taohua glanced at the small lake, then at the little beast. "This little unicorn, you'd better ask the animal trainer to sign a contract for you, lest the little guy run away again.

The Bishui Qilin is also considered valuable among the major branches of the Qilin. If it is allowed to escape, it is better to cook it directly. "

Ahhhhhhhhh, the little beast yelled fiercely at Peach Blossom.

Taohua smiled: It's no use calling. "If you dare to run, you will be stewed."

Xiaomao Tuanzi looked at her shyly, not daring to scream anymore.

"Okay, I remember." Chu Ziyan thought for a while, since the Patriarch said to let him take care of it, then he will take care of it.Besides, this is a raised unicorn hahahaha. "Should I build a small lake for it?"

"No, just get a small water basin to raise it. The key is to feed it well. It should grow up from small fish and shrimps in the small lake. If you feed it more meat from monsters, it may be able to Grow faster." Tao Hua said.In her previous life, she had heard how these little unicorns were fed, the main thing was to eat well, and she often gave them some animal pills and nurturing pills to eat as snacks.

"The little water basin is too pitiful. I'll dig a small pond for it later." Chu Ziyan thought.

The little unicorn still can't tell the difference between a small water basin, a small pond and a small lake, otherwise he will probably die.

But now it's just being hugged by Chu Ziyan in a daze, and it's okay to call a few times, and it probably doesn't respond.

But everyone fished out a small unicorn, and the big news spread to several cities near Miryang within a few hours.Even Chu Sanlang, Chu Silang, and Chu Wulang heard the news, and they all did teleportation arrays to show the unicorn cubs back.

Where are the live unicorn cubs! ! !

"Why are there unicorn cubs in our small lake?" Saburo asked puzzled.

"Our house has a second-order spiritual vein underground, as well as the Sutu Spirit Formation. The spiritual energy is too strong. The small lake has absorbed a lot of spiritual energy, and it is strange that a unicorn cub was born. The key point is that everyone must know about Bibo Lake. The big herring in the lake, ahem, has some meager blue water unicorn blood. If there are enough unicorn cubs, it is not surprising that some unicorn cubs will be born." Everyone didn't believe Taohua's explanation.

Even Chu Ziyan didn't believe it.

So everyone looked at her suspiciously.

"Well, there is a large ruin under Bibo Lake, which should be the Bishui Qilin Palace. There should be at least one skeleton of a true blood unicorn or leftover blood essence in it. And the big herring in Bibo Lake really has the blood of the thin Bishui Qilin It should be that when the Bishui Qilin Palace was still open, the blood or bones of the Qilin fell into the bottom of Bibo Lake. Then the aquatic fish in the entire Bibo Lake were polluted, and a special fish species such as big herring was born. .”

"So the spiritual energy is faster, and the Bishui Qilin Palace should be born, so it affects the big herring in the entire Bibo Lake, which means that in the future, the Bishui Qilin cubs in Bibo Lake will continue to be born far away." Chu Si said I made my own guess.

"No, every time a unicorn cub is born, as long as it will not be taken away and has not signed a contract with humans. Bibo Lake will acquiesce that the only unicorn cub will rule the entire fish school in Bibo Lake. It is the uncrowned king. That is to rule the fish school , and treat the fish school as their own food." Taohua said.

"What, what? I still have this. Then I will go back and lead people to pull the net overnight to clean up the Bibo Lake. What if I can catch another little unicorn?" Chu Ziyan said.

"Then don't take it with you, otherwise, once the whole gadget conveys information that only unicorns understand, it will be strange for you to catch it." Taohua pointed to a certain little fur ball.

As soon as Chu Ziyan heard it, he immediately lowered his head and stared at the little fur ball, and it didn't take long for him to see the little fur ball explode. "That's right."

Ahhhh, the little furball yelped a few times.

Chu Ziyan rubbed it with his big hand, it felt really good.

"After the little unicorn is captured, how many days will it take for the next one to be born?" Chu Ziyan asked.

"I don't know about it, but you can pull the net once every two or three months. What if you catch it?" Taohua suggested.

Chu Dashan, Chu Ziyan and the others looked at each other, and immediately made a decision to come and pull the net every two months.

"How long will it take for the Clear Water Qilin Palace to open?" Chu Dashan asked again.

"It should take a long time. That relic needs a lot of spiritual energy infusion to open it. With this spiritual energy concentration, just wait." In the previous life, the Bishui Qilin Palace would not open until more than 20 years after the spiritual energy was revived.

According to the current time, it will take at least ten years.

"I didn't expect there to be a large relic next to our house." Chu Dashan said with great emotion.

(End of this chapter)

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