The rebirth of God's boss

Chapter 641 List Announcement

Chapter 641 List Announcement
From Zhuang Zihan's point of view, Ling Yanshu is quite talented, but being talented doesn't necessarily mean you can achieve something.

It is never uncommon for people who are underappreciated for their talents to end up depressed.

And Ling Yanshu doesn't seem to be lacking in luck. Those who can rise up when the spiritual energy recovers are not lacking in luck. This guy probably lacks a person who can guide the way.

"In our generation, there was a very powerful big brother. As soon as he finished training, he was entrusted by the head of the family to send him out. I don't know where he was sent. I don't know if there are any powerful leaders on your side. people.

I also know if you have met him.Well, if you dislike it, I will be your guide.

If you don't understand anything, you can ask me more. "

Ling Yanshu's heart suddenly felt sour, and his eyes turned red.

"In our generation, there are also some very powerful people, but at first I didn't get along very well. When I realized that I needed to make more friends, they all had their own best friends, and there was no need to make other peers."

Zhuang Zihan immediately understood.

The dark guard trainers of the same generation at the same time gathered good-looking guys together in the first few years when they first entered the dark guard. Other guys who don't look particularly good, they will not gather into their own small group among.

Just like their big brother who took the lead, only a dozen or so of them really accepted.

"Being a dark guard, you should know that many times, the colleagues in the dark guard are not good enough. Many times, a colleague who is slow can kill a large group of people. Besides, you didn't get close to others from the beginning. They probably thought that you were against them. The small group has no intention.

Besides, there are quite a few lone walkers among the hidden guards.Beside us, there is a famous loner.It was Chu Moyan.You have heard of his name.They all research various elixirs, but he has always researched by himself, at most exchanging some of his research materials with other doctors and pharmacists.

Although he has also taught many alchemists.

But he is relatively withdrawn and lonely, and everyone knows it. "

Ling Yanshu nodded.

"Actually, it's not only him, but Li Xinyan, who was summoned by the Patriarch from the outside, is terrifyingly powerful, but she is not a gregarious person. She has always been on the edge of the family's core. She has always been responsible only to the Patriarch.

She didn't care about Chu Shinian. "

Ling Yanshu nodded again.

"Not at all to us. Usually we have to listen to Chu Shinian, and we will directly respond to the call of the Patriarch when it is urgent."

"It seems to me that the Patriarch doesn't care about any common affairs?"

"She cares? Where does she have the time. Her mind is all day planning what more heritage should be added to the family." Zhuang Zihan looked like he knew the details. "The recovery of spiritual energy has just begun. It's only been less than ten years, but look at how many monks there are on the mainland. I'm afraid there are hundreds of millions of monks. Many hermit families and sects have already The lifting of the mountain closure appeared?

And each of them has a complete inheritance and a profound heritage.As soon as they unblocked the mountain and appeared in front of people, they could stir up wind and rain in the super ruins in the center of the mainland.

And those emerging families who, like us, started to rise with various opportunities after the recovery of spiritual energy, do you see who is the opponent of those hidden forces?

Killed by them, used as cannon fodder by them, cleared by them at every turn.

It also happened from time to time that the only few masters in the altar realm who were in the family or the power were killed casually.

But those families and sect forces never dared to pierce our Chu family's chassis. "

The corners of Ling Yanshu's mouth couldn't help twitching after hearing these words.

It is also true that our Chu family will not send the main force to the Central Super Ruins.The Patriarch should also know that we will only be abused when we go there.

Zhuang Zihan gave Ling Yanshu a blank look, obviously knowing what the other party was thinking.

"No matter what, our Chu family has surpassed many emerging forces of the same kind, and has become a dominant force in the mainland, don't you think?"

"Actually, more of our power is at sea." Ling Yanshu laughed.

"What are you laughing at?" Zhuang Zihan rolled his eyes speechlessly. "Don't think that our sea power belongs to the boss, so there is no sense of crisis. In fact, our big crisis is coming soon."

After hearing this, Ling Yanshu immediately became serious.

"You know about the revival of the monster clan, right? According to the news we have received, the monster clan on the sea and some monster clans on land have begun to break the seal and appear."

"Really?" Ling Yanshu asked in shock.

"Of course it's true. You didn't realize that the battle on White Crab Island has become more brutal recently. There are more crab monsters of various sizes. It must be that the younger generation of the White Crab Clan broke the seal."

"Have we guessed that they came out not long ago? The attacks of the sea beasts are becoming more and more cunning and scheming."

"Didn't it just be a guess at that time, and I haven't received the exact news that the descendants have seen the Yaozu."

"In other words, White Crab Island is about to usher in a decisive battle?" Ling Yanshu asked.

"I don't know yet." Zhuang Zihan said with some uncertainty.


In Miryang, Chu Shinian and his wife were studying the city building applications of various branches of the Chu Clan while eating a fruit platter.

"This branch is interesting. They said that the location of their town is good. It is in the middle of several big cities. There are two crossing roads passing through the town. Let me see the location of their town. Yes, it is indeed A plain area between several cities.

OK, that's a really good reason.I agree, if they can pay for it themselves, I agree with them to rebuild it into a city. "

Taohua put aside an application for city reconstruction.

Chu Shinian smiled speechlessly.

If the main line does not provide money and manpower, the town will definitely not provide it by itself.

"This won't work. The location is not a good location, and the resources are not good. If the owner has to build the city for him, the owner can't do it either." Taohua threw a certain document directly into the rejection basket on the side.

Then she threw in several more.

Chu Shinian's throw was faster, and most of them were rejected.

In the end, there were only seven or eight volumes left.

"The list can be announced. The masters of the three plans for rebuilding the city have finished it. Can you see if you can? Let them repair the other books at their own expense, or wait for the second batch."

At Chu Shinian's words, Tao Hua immediately nodded. "That's it."

As soon as the list was announced, the entire Chu family's jurisdiction was immediately stirred up.

(End of this chapter)

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