Chapter 642
"What, is it that our Xiantao Village has been confirmed to be converted into a city? Who reported this? Who, who, which bastard gave me the name." Chu Dashan immediately exploded when he heard the news.

Chu Dachuan, who sent him a happy letter, looked at him with such unreasonable eyes on his face.

"It's not you, brother?"

"I haven't taken care of Ziyang yet, how can I have the time to sign up for you?" Chu Dachuan said speechlessly, "It can't be your little Shiluo, right?"

"He has already gone back to White Crab Island to hunt crabs." Chu Dashan said speechlessly.

"Who is that? Who else in your family would dare to pass you to sign up?" Chu Dachuan asked.

"Me." Mrs. Chu Qi came.

Chu Dashan suddenly lost his temper. "What about you, why don't you discuss it with me?"

"What's there to discuss? My little Yao said that she gave us a chance to buy a house without paying any money. How can I discourage her enthusiasm? After all, Xiaoyao is also for you." Chu Qi Said.Well, it’s actually Xiaoyao.

Cough cough cough Chu Dashan said speechlessly, "That's so ugly. I just got married and built a city for my natal family for nothing. I'm not worried that our daughter will be made unreasonable by others."

"What are you afraid of? If they have the ability, they will let their daughter pick up a city for Bai." Chu Qi said confidently.

"Then why don't we get out the spirit stones to cultivate ourselves, and let's save face for our daughter." Chu Dashan said.

"What do you know? This time, the main line helped to build the city. If there is no our family, people outside will say that our daughter has fallen out of favor. If there is, they will say that our daughter loves vanity, and marrying Chu Shinian is to fall in love with him." His power is not for those who look at him.

If we cultivate spiritual stones by ourselves, then we will say that we have swollen faces to pretend to be fat, and why do we want to be a noble father-in-law even though our pockets are cleaner than our faces. "

Ah poof.

The Chu Dashan brothers sprayed together.

They all looked at Chu Qishi speechlessly.

"Look at everything, that's the way it is. Whether we participate in this matter or not, whether we accept Taohua's kindness or not, we have to be paid attention to by others outside. Isn't it just jealousy in the final analysis. They don't have it, but our family does.

Is a son-in-law like Chu Shinian so good?
Now that we have it, we have to bite the bullet and carry it.

That's fine, let them do it if they should, and let them do it as they please.Anyway, our peach blossoms have a big heart, no matter how they are said, they are not afraid. "

The brothers Chu Dashan and Chu Dachuan looked at each other after hearing this.

"Really want to fix it?" Chu Dashan asked with a frown.

"Xiu." Chu Qishi and Chu Dachuan said in unison.

Chu Dashan looked at his elder brother puzzled.

"In recent years, our branch of the clan has grown rapidly, especially the large number of children. In a few years, those children who are still young children will grow into big girls and young men. Although we go to Taoyang and Ziyang Many clansmen have been transferred. However, both Xintang Village and Xiantao Village have more than 1 households. On average, each village has at least more than [-] people.

Especially in Xintangzhuang, 5 people can't beat it.

As for Xiantaozhuang, don't blame me for being wordy, it's actually not that suitable for ordinary people to live in.

There are spiritual fruit fields everywhere, and the Xiantao Village in the spiritual medicine field. I suggest that in the future, less mortals will be accepted, and a certain number of monks will be stationed there. "

"Brother, what do you mean?"

"What I mean is that when you were in Taozhuang, you rebuilt Xintangzhuang into Xintang Town by the way. Reorganize the dilapidated houses in Xintang and rebuild some high-rise buildings. Increase the population volume of the entire Xintangzhuang by a few points. Doubling is possible.

As for Xiantaozhuang, I suggest you build it into a city like other cultivation families. "

"That's right, why didn't I think of that." Chu Dashan's eyes lit up.

In Longshan, he even saw those very special families built by the hidden sects and hidden families in some small worlds and small secret realms, or the models of the sect's cultivation city.

I also heard that some people from the hidden family and the hidden sect said that Longshanfang City was built in imitation of their Xiuzhenfang City?

It is in the same line, and all kinds of facilities are very complete.

Many of them are even more advanced than their own Fangshi city.

"Brother, it's better for you to think. OK, let's reply them like this."

After Taohua received her father's proposal, she was also very surprised.

Miryang didn't even plan to do it in one step, her father really planned to do it like this.In that case, the original reconstruction plan of Xiantaozhuang would have to be redesigned.Well, in order to satisfy my father's curiosity, she changed it for him.

So Taohua redraws the blueprint of the city all afternoon.Then ask someone to send a stack of drawings to his father to see if there is any room for improvement.

When Chu Dashan and his wife saw the new picture, they immediately laughed from ear to ear.This new city is so beautiful.

That's it.

So the Chu family began to recruit craftsmen again.

You are recruiting craftsmen for twelve months and ten months a year, can you still be idle?

Both the cities near the Chu family and the countries near the Chu family began to complain about this broken family, just like crazy, thinking about repairing things every day.

The problem is that the treatment given by them is too good. Even though the personal life is restricted, many craftsmen flee with their families and leave their original masters and go to the Chu family.This made everyone hate Chu's teeth, and the poaching devil Chu's is really wicked and smoldering.I wish you all the best for your repairs and landslides! !
In the middle of the night, a green snake quietly crawled into the desolate Xifengshan ancestral hall of the Chu family.

A black bird like a crow whizzed to the colonnade where the green snake came.

"Where did the demon come from?"

The green snake twisted its body, and with a flash of blue light, it directly transformed into a young man in green clothes.The little boy has a very gentle face, and his eyes are narrow and majestic.

"She Shiqing in Biyou Valley has met a fellow Taoist."

"There are fewer and fewer polite juniors like you." Blackbird directly turned into a middle-aged woman.

"It turned out to be the senior, the junior was rude."

"Don't be gentle, what are you doing here?" Black Bird asked.

"The elders of my family heard that something happened to the arrangement of the saintess here, so we just broke out, and I came here." Green Snake said with a worried face.

The middle-aged woman sighed helplessly.

"Oh, don't mention it, none of us thought that the Three Realms would merge again, nor did we think that there would be various problems in the re-integrated new world. Things have happened to the arrangement of the empress everywhere. It's even more serious here, alas .”

The green snake said in astonishment. "How come? Didn't the reintegration of the Three Realms be more powerful for us?"

(End of this chapter)

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