The rebirth of God's boss

Chapter 660 Chu Xiao5 Becomes a Array Genius

Chapter 660 Chu Xiaowu Became a Formation Genius

After sending Yuan Feihu away in a hurry, Chu Dashan ran to his wife again.

This kind of important matter must be discussed with the wife. "Go to the Great Northwest Wilderness and find her dead girl for me, and then bring her back to me."

When Chu Qi heard it, "Okay, I'll leave tomorrow."

Then I knew that the new city was repaired, and there was no news of Chu Qi's family.Chu Dashan was so angry that he became irritable all day long.What the hell, both of them are worrying.What's the use of just replying to me, what about people, what about people?
In the end, he simply called the little girl back.

"I'm going to the Great Northwest Wilderness to see what's going on there, and they'll disappear as soon as I go."

"Father, go if you like." Tao Hua expressed her support and encouragement.

"But I don't feel relieved to leave your fourth brother alone in the family. Your third brother also needs to be in charge of Longshan and Yanbodaofang City. He needs to be busy." In Longshanfang City, they have three big shops, Ten rental caves.There is also Longshan's annual dividends.But on Yanbo Island, their family owns a small side street with more than 100 shops, large and small.

They are all new shops, whether they are leased or self-operated, what they operate, who will operate them, who will supply the goods, who will be responsible for the transportation, etc. There are so many things that the busy Chu Sanlang is about to collapse.

On Shiro's side, he still has things to do at his own refining workshop and the main line.

Also very busy.If he supervises the family affairs again, he will be blown up.

"So you help out at home, okay?"

"What about Xiao Wu?" Tao Hua was puzzled, isn't Xiao Wu a human being?

Chu Dashan's face twitched. "I don't know where he worshiped a formation master as his master. That old man finally accepted the Chu family's employment and joined the Chu family. He took the fifth child away. I don't know where he went."

Damn, this group of bear kids all flew away when their wings grew hard, and they didn't pay any attention to his heartache as a father.

"My fifth elder brother actually has the talent of being an array mage? Why didn't he find out before?" Tao Hua was shocked.Growing up together since childhood, I really didn't realize the talent of Xiao Wu as a magician.

"What's so strange about this? I heard that Xiao Wu probably didn't have much talent for array mages. Later, he searched for antiquities in Longshanfang City, and I don't know where he bought a small green array plate that was only half the size of the belly of a thumb. .The little formation plate was recognized by his blood dripping for some reason, and merged into his body. From then on, your fifth brother has become a formation genius."

"Ah, Dad, are you really talking about my fifth brother, not some legendary story?" Tao Hua was so surprised that she almost couldn't close her mouth from ear to ear.

"Really, why did you lie to you?" Chu Dashan said angrily.

"That's all right, Dad, you can go. I'll come back and sit in town."

Chu Dashan left satisfied, and the day after he left, Chu Shinian came back.

"It's just over a month before the end of the year festival. They're all gone now, are they planning to come back?" Chu Shinian looked at his daughter-in-law tied up with a headache, and helped our father-in-law handle various family affairs .

Taohua writes and quickly writes instructions and replies on various documents.It only takes a few minutes to deal with a book.It's all over in no time.

"Your reviewing speed is really fast enough, and you will help me deal with it later." Chu Shinian said.

"Don't dare. Can a father be the same as a man?" Tao Hua said frankly.

Chu Shinian was depressed, "So my family status is so low?"

Taohua smiled and said, "When you have a daughter, you can order her to do it."

When Chu Shinian heard this, he immediately laughed, his spirits brightened.

"That's right." Followed him for a while, "By the way, all the monsters on the White Crab Island have withdrawn, but we have more battles with the monsters and monsters on the sea road. They are elusive and haunt us. It caused a lot of trouble. And some battleships were damaged.”

"It will happen sooner or later. How is the family doing with the mass harvesting of people from the Northern Dark Continent that I told you about?" Taohua asked.

"Six coastal cities a year, with a population of 300 million. I don't think that's too small." The corners of Chu Shinian's mouth twitched.

"Less, at least 1000 million a year. If you say that sea monsters can give birth, I agree. But humans can also give birth. Sea beasts have more cubs than humans, but their intelligence is low, and sea monsters often fight and do not cultivate after they transform themselves.

We humans can use tools to kill sea monsters.Besides, 20 years of the human race is a generation.And they are all intelligent humans.If the stalemate continues, it's really hard to say who will win. "Peach Blossom said calmly.

"It's just why are you so focused on Beiming Continent?" Chu Shinian was puzzled.

"Because the people who look at Beiming Continent are all demon monks from the upper realm. If we don't recruit people, they will sacrifice the living. Or sacrifice to refine demon soldiers or sacrifice to improve cultivation. Instead of letting them take the population It is better to waste it on those aspects that are not there, as we use it to fight against the Yaozu.

The Ocean Monster Clan is the most powerful branch of the Monster Clan.

With a small population, they can't resist their monster sea tactics at all. "

Chu Shinian himself recalled the information he had obtained from Beiming Continent.Then he said slowly, "So that's the case, I said why there are always family exterminations, fierce battles, and bloody battles in several countries.

The mortals over there are aggressive and good at fighting. The resources are poor, and the souls of many mortals are very tenacious.

And the more people kill, the easier it is to become a vicious spirit after death.It's really suitable for magic. "

"The mainland over there has always been used as a Gu pot to stock mortals." Tao Hua added.

"Actually, the land there is poor in resources, and the folk customs are naturally extremely tough. Even if you can't treat the land there as a Gu basin, it is also a natural place for raising Gu." Chu Shinian said.

"You can recruit a group of homeless children over there, and integrate into the family as the seeds of the hidden guards." Taohua said.

"This is really a good idea. We grew up in our family, and we will be our family from now on." Chu Shinian said.

Peach nodded.

"If the seeds are good, when they merge with the family blood in the future, the blood talent of the new generation will become stronger."

Chu Shinian immediately smiled and said, "That's fine."

As long as the child is under ten years old, if there is a family willing to take him in after being lonely and helpless, he will generally not betray the family again.It doesn't matter if a few leave occasionally, most of them stay, and the family has not cultivated them in vain.

As a result, certain upper realm forces that had been staring at Beiming Continent almost blew their lungs.

On the basis of constantly recruiting young geniuses and recruiting young and strong and special talents, the Chu family has not even let children go.But anyone who is under ten years old and has fair talent is required.

There is food to eat, clothes to wear, and a family that can shelter oneself again.What I paid was nothing more than being loyal to the family and studying hard.Who wouldn't?

(End of this chapter)

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